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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. Thanks Marc. You have gained another admirer of your work. I showed the photo of your beakhead bulkhead to my wife and asked her opinion of possible added ornamentation I might do to mine, showing her several things I could cast a mold of on the plastic pieces. She immediately said she liked the additional rail you added between the top and bottom rail land the seven ornaments you included under the middle rail. Now I am studying your photograph to see how you did it.
  2. Stop the presses Marc! I am dry fitting the parts Marc and as usual I check your’s and Henry’s builds for comparison. I immediately noticed that in a photo from your build you have the beakhead bulkhead mounted inside the hull halves. Henry has his mounted to the face of the hull halves which is exactly how mine fits. Is yours this way because you increased the width of the hull. No way mine will squeeze inside the hull.
  3. Thanks again Marc. My general plan was to work on painting and detailing the 6 pieces that make up the upper part (beakhead bulkhead, upper bulwarks, and stern plate before gluing them onto the hull. Do I understand you correctly that you recommend painting and detailing the beakhead bulkhead and gluing it in place first, as the instructions say, before doing anything with the upper bulwarks? I am anxious to get back to the “ship yard” to tinker with the gold leaf in the figure head.
  4. No Marc I have not. It does have a textured surface. Will the t-shirt idea smooth it out? Will try it. On another note, I think I asked this before but can’t find it in my blog. I am starting to work with the upper bulwarks. Do you recommend gluing the two halves together and finishing the seam (putty and sanding) before painting and working on the ornamentation?
  5. OK after several days of working on the bolts in the wales I have them finished and all the paint touch up done as well. I think I am pleased!
  6. Got the bolts in the wales on port and starboard sides, and a coat of surface primer. I took the hull off the base I made until I am completely done with the hull including touch up painting. Did not want to risk messing up my mahogany base. Marc what pattern did you use for the top wale that connects with the upper bulwarks? I noticed there are some molded holes (half way through) about 1/2” apart along the wale.
  7. Marc a lot of people are getting wet in Time Square!😬
  8. My same thoughts Marc about Time Square when I watched it on TV. I will be spending the weekend safely in as well.
  9. Happy New Year my friend. Will you be hanging out in Times Square? If so, I will pick you out in the crowd on TV. 😀 Glad you do not live in Buffalo? Wow that is a lot of snow!
  10. Thanks so much Marc. This is all so helpful. Time is the biggest commodity I have to work with, and that is something I need to convince my self of. Honestly Marc I often remind myself there is no hurry, and when I do it is like taking a deep relaxing breath. In retrospect I think when I was building my HMS Victory I sometimes caught myself feeling I needed to get something accomplished so I could post an update here on MSW. In reading your’s and Henry’s builds I see where you sometimes would go a month or more between posts. I guess my thoughts may have been if I go very long without a post other MSW members might think I gave up on the build and no longer follow. Thereby me losing my great sources of advice.
  11. Marc I have pages 16 and 17 of your blog hermetically sealed in my brain. That is the section of your blog where you get deep into the carving, molding, and attaching the dolphins and whatever the nautical name is for the pieces above and below the gun hatches. I am fascinated by this and very much want to try to replicate it. It appears to me the most intense part of this task will be the actual carving of the pieces out of styrene. Attaching the carving to a block, making the mold, casting the piece, and then finalizing it for attaching it to the ship all starts with a good carving. Again another task/project for the future of my build. I already have my products for molding and casting. Curious if you remember the thickness of the styrene you used and any other advice you could share. It appears to me that once I get the bolts in the wales and any other refinements on the hull, I am going to be setting the hull on a shelf out of the way and concentrating a lot of time making beautiful upper wales. Which I am really looking forward to.
  12. Henry and Marc I hope you guys consider it a compliment when I tell you that your builds of the SR are now my primary go to references. I love both of your builds and garner so much information and great new ideas from both. In the end (years from now) the overall physical shape of my SR will more resemble your’s Henry since I am obviously not doing the complete hull modifications that you did Marc. But I am taking so many great ideas from both as you can witness as I move along. I got the idea to fill the area between the knees with a solid piece and then to garnish it with molded ornaments from Henry. Now I am wanting to use that mold process to make the ornamentation that will go above and below the gun hatches as Marc did. And of course Marc your mind numbing wale bolts and anchor protection area (forget what it is called). Henry your rigging pieces are impressive and make me anxious to experiment with making them, like the brass tube thimbles I asked you about yesterday. I often teased with Ian that I was going to add his name to my HMS Victory name plate as a co-builder! I will for sure include the both of you as co-builders of my SR! 😊
  13. Thanks Henry. I am glad to have all this advance knowledge of techniques to practice and master way in advance of needing it. While building my Victory I pretty much learned on the fly as I came to an idea or task.
  14. Starboard side wale bolts almost complete. Still need top wale. Of course still need painting. Then around to the port side.
  15. Henry this is just a curiosity about your building process. When you are making something new like this thimble do you make them as you need them or just make a bunch at one time? I know you make your eyebolts and other similar hardware in bunches, as I do. But these thimbles appear to be time consuming and delicate. I guess there is really know way in advance to know how many you will need for your rigging.
  16. Henry every time I read through a portion of your blog I stumble on a new thing or idea that impresses me! Kind of like a kid looking through a toy store catalog 😊. Back in 2018 you have a post showing how you made thimbles using a slice of a tiny brass tube. That is fascinating and I really like it. What made you decide to go that route over a wood thimble? It also appears you left it brass instead of blackening it. Something I also like. What was your thought there. Really like the idea of using them for the stirrups. Bill
  17. Kevin that is a nice pickup of your new Olympus. Should really make your micro photography come alive.
  18. Thanks guys. How cold are you today? Here in Louisville we are starting the morning at -5 degrees! Not going anywhere today, except maybe to the shipyard for a while 😀.
  19. Pssst! 🤫 Don’t tell my wife I snuck into the ship yard when I was supposed to be doing other Christmas prep chores. I installed my new appropriate anchor rope, trimmed all the bolts on the lower wale even, gave that wale a coat of paint, and started adding the bolts to the second wale. I accidentally cut a few bolts on the lower wale flush with the wale so had to replace them. Now to quickly get back to what I was supposed to be doing!
  20. Like most everyone else my time in the “boat yard” over the next several days will be quite limited. So much to do and get done for Christmas! Hope to find a little time here and there but we will see. All you guys have a Merry Christmas and safe New Year. Will get back after them bolts in 2023! 😊
  21. This is the process I am using to get them cut uniformly. I cut a piece of .01 mm evergreen and drilled a hole in it. I then place the hole over the “bolt” and press my clipper up to the evergreen and clip off the bolt. This gives me a uniform .01 mm bolt. I also tried a .02 mm piece of Evergreen as the shield getting a .02mm bolt. You mentioned 1/64” which is .015 mm. Was not sure if I should go up to .02 mm or down to .01 mm bolt.
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