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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. Second battery of cannons completed. These are the 64 cannons that will go on the two lower decks.
  2. I am planning to do something here on MSW as I make my way through the build. There were times during my Victory build that I completed an important task and posted about it only to have my friends suggest that it would have been better if I had done something a little different. With that in mind from time to time before I attack an important task I am going to put up post titled: WHAT WOULD YOU RECOMMEND? When you see a post from me with that lead in understand I am asking for your advise and recommendations. Feel free to reply if you like. I, of course, will not ask this before every task I start. This will just be before fairly important things that could effect later steps in the build. Hopefully with your recommendations and advice I can decide before I approach a task what I want to do and won’t have future regrets.
  3. First battery of cannons complete. These will be on the lower decks with only the end of the barrel visible if I display with hatch open. As a result I did not bash the trunnions. I did move the wheels more forward and back. I painted the trunnions red and set the cannon with the trunnions positioned in front of the trunnion support. I then painted a little black stripe along the top of the support. Unless you look real close you cannot tell the red trunnions are not part of the red carriage. Also the black bit of paint looks like a plate to hold the trunnion in place. Of course no one is ever going to see this once under a deck.
  4. As I continue to read through builds like Henry’s, Marc’s, and several others I get so much inspiration for the little bashing details of this SR build. Before and during my HMS Victory build there was plenty of comments about the amount of time the build would take if I wanted to do a nice job. And in fact it did take a year and a half. The build time was the result of doing a lot OOB, a lot of bashing with MSW member recommendations, using Longridge’s book for rigging, using Daniel’s etched parts, etc. All of these things had a bearing on how long the build took. Some added time and some reduced overall build time. With everything I learned and reading everyone’s builds I plan to attempt many of the new things skills in my SR build. I fully expect this to add a great deal of build time, most likely longer than my Victory. Each little bash I think about, like making my own chains and eyebolts, causes me excitement to adventure and learn. This is going to be fun.
  5. Popeye2sea i can not wait to follow that build when you start it. That would be great to see. As I mentioned I have built it twice. Once like you many years ago and another time about 3 years ago. Right when I got back into modeling after retiring. That build is here on MSW but looking back at it now I see how elementary my skills were and how I think I have improved over time with the help from you guys. If you have a photo of you on board in uniform I would love to see it! Post one here. Oh well, back to painting cannons!
  6. Henry that is incredible! What an amazing experience. Have you built a model of the Constitution? Surly you have. I need to check the index. How great of an information source that would be. I can picture it. You working on your model and trying to figure out how something should be. Then thinking, I will just check the real thing tomorrow when I am on board. You have got to attach a photo of you on board in your 1812 marine uniform.
  7. Henry I am steadily reading through your build now picking up a lot of great ideas and techniques. I was pleasantly surprised to read the part about you working as a character on the USS Constitution! That is pretty cool. I know that was a number of years ago when you wrote that comment. Are you still doing that in the summer? I have really enjoyed visiting the ship when I am in Boston. Have done it several times over the years. Who knows, our paths may have crossed on the ship one day in the past. I built the Revell 1/96 Constitution years ago. Some of its crew deserted and became crew on my Heller Victory 😊.
  8. I have entered a phase of my build where there won’t be much progress to report on a daily basis so my post will be fewer for just a bit here. I don’t see a point in posting just to post. Of course the friendly exchange of conversation is nice even if not pertaining to model ship building. I am solid into building the hundred and some odd cannons. My building table looks like an old factory assembly line with many partially completed cannon carriages lined up to move forward for the wheel attachment. Barrels are also being assembled and painted in another “factory”. Soon the painted carriages and barrels will be joined together and prepared for loading on the SR. My intention is to separate out the cannons that will ultimately be seen. They will be in need of trunnions modifications.
  9. Henry did carving a new semicircle for the trunnions cause the barrel to drop about 1/16” or so?
  10. Looking at this picture in the instructions I see there are only 24-28 cannons that will be in full view once the model is complete.
  11. Ok as far as placement of parts. I set the wheels to where the edge of the wheels are flush with the front and back edge of the carriage. It is also interesting that if I set the trunnions right in front of the trunnion support the barrel is in a satisfactory position. Since the front of the barrel sets on the little thingy in the front (another nautical term) the trunnions on the model pieces serve no real purpose except cosmetic. So now for the cannons that will be visible I will just need to come up with a convincing trunnion movement. I could simply cut them off, save them, and once I glue the cannon to the carriage put a tiny bit of glue in the raised semicircle and drop in a trunnion. Might be easier than trying to drill all these barrels.
  12. I agree Ian. To make sure I see what you are seeing, the one on the left is the bashed cannon? If I zoom in on the bashed cannon I can see a small pinkish spot where I guess you he trunnion used to be. Daniel did not move it a lot. Just enough to get the (no nautical terms here) band around the end of the cannon to set on the block thingy on the back of the carriage? 😊
  13. Ian I did PM Daniel. He sent me this a link to his SR build on a German site. I told Daniel my German translation skills were lacking. However it did contain this one photo of his cannons.
  14. Along with tinkering with the cannons I did finish painting the hull today. Still have to decide if I want to add the out of scale wale bolts.
  15. Thanks Marc. That makes painting easier! This is kind of interesting. I turned the primed carriage base piece over and there are some fine molded lines that would for sure place the wheels close together. I just just stacked the parts together for one of the guns to see what I think. Not exactly sure where I should place the wheels exactly. When I laid the corresponding barrel next to it you can see where the trunnions would have me place it. But if I move the barrel forward half, or more, is forward of the carriage which gravity would make it difficult to keep it raised. I wonder if the trunnions are only slightly wrong for center if gravity?
  16. One thing I am curious about. The Heller instructions and some of the build photos I have seen have the entire carriage, including the wheels, red. Would that be correct? Would the wheels have actually painted red? I can’t imagine that being the case.
  17. Well different from the Victory cannons, there does not appear to be a preset place on the bottom of the carriage to put the wheels. It seems as if I/we can place the wheels where they look the most appropriate. I am going to move them closer to the ends of the carriage.
  18. Ian I started last king at the carriage parts and barrels for the cannons. I clearly see what you mean by the trunnions being to for forward in the barrels! When I compared where the barrel would set in the carriage with the trunnions as is to an extra Victory cannon I have, it looks like the trunnions are almost 1/8” to for forward. The barrel on the Victory cannon is even with the end of the carriage. The SR barrel as is would continue on out past the back of the carriage and look really awkward as you said. You said you may not move the trunnions on the hidden guns but I am curious (and will find out soon) if the barrels will extend out of the hatch if I don’t. Of course I could maybe figure out an easier way to cut off the trunnions on the hidden cannons and just slide the barrel forward in the carriage using some other hidden support.
  19. Veszett I would love to, and not just for the single malt! Of course now guys I have to lean more toward the bourbons rather than scotch, which I like very much as well, or I would be forced to move out of Kentucky! 😀
  20. There is a newer bourbon distillery here in Louisville (Rabbit Hole) that distills one of it’s four bourbons in a sherry cask. It is has a really nice, smooth flavor. Look for it at your favorite liquor store. A little pricy but worth it.
  21. Now your talking Marc! I have a bit of Glenmorangie Single Malt I picked up in Scotland. I sip it as well. Both it, and it a nice bourbon, helps get all the holes lined up. And if you throw in the fumes from some Testor glue. Now you got something. 😀
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