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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. Yeah Kevin, me an acetone have become close friends during this build. If I am understanding your recommendation Dave, you are saying step back a few feet and look at my ship as is. If I am not to bothered by how it looks leave it as is and use it the correct blocks from this point forward. That is tempting as well. Will lay in the sun on the beach this week and contemplate the time continuum and the blocks on my ship. When I get home next week who knows what I will have discovered about the universe.
  2. You aren’t a thorn Marc. It is a hobby I love without a goal of a completion date. Of course you guys are in my head now. As the wife is pulling a driving shift I am contemplating the best way to cleanly remove the already installed wood blocks on the yards. Unfortunately I applied a small drop of CA glue to the thread of each to hold in place. Also contemplating the easiest way to paint a bunch of the printed blocks I got from Kevin. Probably run a thin wire through a sleeve of them then put in my air brush little tent. There are a few places that I have already used the same wood blocks that I will most likely just leave as is since they are permanently affixed now (ex. Some of the stays at the channels and deck, and rigging at the bowsprit).
  3. The ones I used n the yards are wood blocks, not the ones I got from Kevin or the kit. When I get back to the ship yard I will pull out my supply and figure out what I should do. As it is, I already lost block uniformity. Several places on he ship I used either Heller’s or Kevin’ printed blocks and other places the wooden blocks I have. Need to settle on one or the other.
  4. Marc I am currently away from my model for a few days. I had a concern about the size of these wooden blocks because as you said they appear too heavy. What is deceiving is that they are the same length as the plastic blocks Heller supplied (part p), just under 3 mm, but their width and boxy look make them appear much bigger. I debated if I should use them or not on the yards. I have already used them in numerous places on the ship in other parts of the rigging and do have uniformity. What to do, what to do.
  5. Thanks for the tip Bill. Dave we are going to a beach community on the coast of South Carolina adjacent to Charleston.
  6. The ship yard has been dark for a few days while I was out of town. And it will be dark for a little longer as my family and I head to the beach for a week. 🏖🥃🍻🍷🏊🏿‍♂️🚣🏼‍♂️. In the little time I have had to tinker I have worked on rigging a couple yards with blocks and foot ropes before mounting to the mast. Looking for a good DIY plan for making my parrels. I have a number of photos, and it looks pretty straight forward, but still looking for a step by step plan someone has used. Going to miss my Victory while laying in the sun but the ship yard foreman says I have to take vacation. Happy modeling while I am away my friends!
  7. Starting to attach blocks to the yards for future running rigging. Started with bottom yard on the fore mast and working my way up. In the photo the yard is just temporarily pinned to the mast. Will take it back off to add the foot ropes and the the extensions to the yards (forget what they are called). I started using a supply of wood blocks I have instead of the Heller plastic blocks. They are slightly bigger at 3, 5, and 7 mm, but since I have a bunch I am not going to buy a supply of smaller ones. I think when I do my Soleli Royal in the future I will use the great supply of 3D printed blocks I have.
  8. Same here Alex. Have watched many of your videos. Great work.
  9. Bill Morrison I am primarily talking about the rigging comparison between the Heller and Caldercraft. I have completed my build of the actual ship so whatever period Heller depicted with their model is the one I am representing. My curiosity would be if the Caldercraft 1805 Victory depictions of the rigging only would be much different from the Heller Model rigging? What would your opinion be on that? Ian I still like your inside out method and will give that a good study. I have been meaning to ask you something but forget each time I comment with you. I see at the end of your Victory build you display it with out sails. I have my Constitution displayed without sails, my Cutty Sark with some sails furled and some not, and others in full sail. I am wondering your thought process in your decision to go without sails all together? I have decided if I do sails at all, I make my own, they will be furled so as to make all the detail I have put into it visible. On the other hand I could just save the time trying to make realistic looking furled sails by just leaving them off all together as you did.
  10. Having never seen, or obviously built, a Caldercraft HMS Victory I am curious about their model. I know it is a wood model versus the plastic Heller I am building. Looking at a number of Caldercraft Victory builds in the MSW index I see it is clearly a beautiful model. I am curious if the Caldercraft rigging instructions are accurate or if builders of that model need to refer to references like Longridges’s book as well to get the desired accuracy? The reason I ask is I often look at photos on this site of others builder’s model for clarity on how a line is to be done. When I see a photo that helps I check to see if it is of a Caldercraft or Heller. I wonder if it matters? If I see a photo showing a section of the rigging I find helpful but it is from a Caldercraft build should I feel pretty comfortable that it is accurate enough to use as reference?
  11. Added the Main Stay Tackle Pendant and the Main Stay Fire Tackle Pendant to officially complete the standing rigging! I used the old trick of coating the threads once hung with white glue and a light weight to get them to hang naturally once the glue dried.
  12. No need to apologize Grandpa. It is no big deal. In fact I have had that happen different times from different members. It is just more of a curiosity.
  13. Gentlemen. A little encouragement is needed. I thought the standing rigging was confusing until I got an understanding what I was doing. I have now spent a good number of hours the last couple days reading Longridge’s book and studying diagrams on the running rigging. I thought when I got to this step it would be pretty straight up what I was supposed to do. I knew from doing all the running rigging on the Revell USS Constitution that the rigging of the Victory would be time consuming and tedious. Unfortunately I have yet to get a grasp of the process and sequence. I know eventually that little mental light will go on and I will see it, but right now I am just scratching my head. Wow! This is head spinning.
  14. Yes Ian. It is crazy I was just reading about them and planned to add them over the weekend. Also realized I still need to add the boomkin stays which I had not done yet.
  15. OK my fiends, as Kevin said above, I am moving into stage 3 of my build. The running rigging. As with the standing rigging I plan to read through the section in Longridge’s book on running rigging before I get started. My initial impression is that I need to install the yards first before I can do any of the running rigging? Is that correct? Would seem to be correct since all the running rigging deals with the yards and sails. Or, is there some of the running rigging I should complete first before putting the yards on. I know I want to prepare all the blocks on each yard off the masts, and plan to do that.
  16. Mexspur welcome to my build. As I have said many times, I think MSW is very much a pay it forward kind of site! And I am grateful for that. No way I would have gotten this far without other experienced modelers, especially with the instructions that came with the kit. Likewise I hope to be able to pay forward what I have learned. Please feel free to ask any questions you have.
  17. Thank you guys for the nice compliments. Using wood and metal rods to strengthen the mast sections definitely helped with the crisp and taught. I only had to be careful with the top section of each mast so as to watch out for bowing. Having a 3 point anchor (Stay and two back stays) at each level, as you all know, makes for solid mast. Now I guess I will start adding blocks and foot ropes to the yards and making parrals as I get ready to start the running rigging.
  18. Gentlemen I need to do a double check, especially around the bow sprit, but I think the STANDING RIGGING IS COMPLETE! Woo Hoo! Of course as I mentioned before I will still need to do ratlines and final tie of lanyards. What an experience! Actually enjoyed it very much.
  19. I will give your Lady Nelson a look Dave. I have no doubt my anxiousness is my nature to want to check the completed box and see how she looks cleaned up rather than have all the steps “in progress”.
  20. This may or may not be a good idea, and I guess I will find out quickly, but I think once I finish the standing rigging, which will be after I do the mizzenmast, I am going to clean everything up and lock down all my lines in preparation for mounting the yards and all the running rigging. The risky part of this plan would be that I go ahead and do all the ratlines. I don’t know if I should lock down the shrouds before I am finished messing with them as I tie the ratlines. I am so anxious to get it cleaned up, do a little touch up painting and check the mental box STANDING RIGGING COMPLETE! Then start yards, running rigging, sails, etc. Just as I expect the actual ship would have been built. The anchors, lanterns, rails along the mast tops, and other actual parts still need to go on at some point. The lanterns and rails are probably to delicate to risk putting on before running rigging complete. I know adding the ratlines now may complicate the ease of doing the running rigging. What do you guys think?
  21. Stays, stays, and more stays. Every kind of stay I ever heard of and many I never heard of before rigging the Victory. Almost finished with stays!
  22. May 14, 2021 post: ”OK my MSW friends. I am going to need a kick to get me started on my Heller 1/100 HMS Victory. I know it is going to be a long and enjoyable process so I have to eventually get started. I got the kit a good while ago but have only removed the plastic wrapper and peeked inside.” This was my post 1 year ago today! Soon after this post (the middle of June 2021) I started my Victory journey. With all the help and advice from some great new friends here on MSW I have made steady progress and it appears I may complete, or be close to completing, the standing rigging by my one year anniversary of starting. I have learned so much from you my friends, and with that knowledge I have become almost obsessed with working on it. I told my wife she may need to get me professional counseling if I get more dedicated to it 😀
  23. Actually Kevin there is only one in this photo. The top left. You can tell the difference because your’s has a bit larger holes, which I like. Easier to rig without a needle threader. I have not tried the blocks yet but plan to in the running rigging. Now that I feel good about the paint colors I have no doubt they will be great too.
  24. Kevin is there a particular solder you would recommend for projects like this? I noticed on line that there are various types, 60/40, etc.
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