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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. Ok Ian needs some help with your’s and Longridge‘a direction. This may be a case of me not understanding what is being explained. In both of the directions (your’s and Longridge), “when the topsail yard is lowered down to the lower cap , these double blocks should be level with the cap.” Are you talking about the same cap? The lower cap is the only cap below the topsail yard? In Plan #7 the double blocks are already below the cap with the yard in the raised position. I can’t understand how if I lower the topsail yard the double blocks would move up? It would make since if the instructions said the double blocks would be level with the mast top if the yard was lowered, not the mast cap.
  2. Ian I think Longridge references them at the top of page 242. Yard Tackle Pendants. Is that what you are talking about? They would have a similar purpose as the pendants hanging from the main mast stay over the boats and the other ones attached at the different levels of the mast?
  3. Yardarm tackles? 😳 What you talking about? 😀
  4. Thanks again so very much Ian my friend. You so easily turn Greek into English 😊 Now if you have nothing more exciting to do with your time, which I am sure you do since hockey is going strong right now, you could go ahead and start your much more clear explanation of rigging the top gallant yard! Might as well get a head start. If you know me, you know I am most likely going to be asking you a question 😁 Thanks again my friend, you are pulling me through this maze one step at a time. So very much appreciated. I have no doubt any current or future builders of the Victory who read through my blog will also find your guidance extremely helpful. Bill
  5. Ian I just grabbed up my plans you referenced and reviewed them as I read through your text. Excellent job of explaining the rigging. You should actually teach a virtual course for modelers building the Victory. And now I am going to admit something I never noticed before. Don’t tell anyone but until now I never noticed that there is a Plan 9. As I read through the book I just flipped past it thinking it was just a small version of Plan 8. I am going to have to come up with an idea of how to get the thimbles attached to the upper double block around the backstay. There is already a deadeye attached to the end at the channel.
  6. Thanks Ian for confirming what I thought I understood. I also still drawing a blank on the Lifts. The paragraph right above the area I have highlighted.
  7. Ian help my eyes are crossing 🤪. I am studying the main topsail yard. Understand it follows the same process as the fore topsail yard. Page 246 of Longridge explains the lifts and the the for the fore topsail yard. After highlighting certain areas and rereading I think I understand how to do the tye. Only question I think I have there is getting the tye to the kevel. It looks as if the tye reeves through the block attached to the end of the channel then back up to the double block right below the truck and then directly to the kevel? My main question is the paragraph about Lifts right above Tye on that page. Not getting that at all. Did you do the topsail yard lifts.
  8. Gentlemen the main yard jeers, sling, and tackle pendants complete! I was able to rerig the jeers to the bit on the upper deck by running two new correct diameter threads down through the grate (had to drill the hole for each slightly bigger). Then I discovered with a bright headlamp and extra long special tweezers I was able to do it from the stair going down aft of the main mast. Wow! What a tedious job that was. Wish I had a couple little tiny sailors to do that for me. The rope colors for the sling and jeers is a bit different. Unfortunately those are the tan shades of my two required threads. I expect on the actual Victory there was a variation in the natural ropes with time, weather, and wear.
  9. Ok. Looking at Ian’s old comment and Longridge’s Plate 46 I think I have this all wrong, or wrong below deck anyway. Back long ago when I as was still a pup learning what to do I did not follow the instructions correctly. I clearly see now I should just have 3 lines coming up from the upper deck on each side of the main mast (jeer, topsail sheet and clue garnet. Each was to belay to the cross piece at the bitts after reeving through the sheave. I did not do it that way. As you notice on my picture above I reeved each of the lines through the bitt and then back up through the grate instead of belaying to the cross piece. So I have 6 lines on each side instead of 3. 😠 I can fix the forward topsail sheet but will have to give real thought to how to fix the jeer and clue garnet.
  10. Ok I scrolled through and finally found it. Comment #461 from Ian. Looks like the jeers go through the grate aft of the mast. I can fix this. Tune in. 😊
  11. Ok, a little problem. I looked back through my build for the discussion about this but can’t find it. I have a number of lines coming up through the grate in the Quarter deck that I tied off to the bitts on the upper deck. I know two of those are the main yard jeers to be rigged in reverse. The problem I have is when I did it I did not use appropriate diameter thread. All of the threads are to small in diameter. I need to try to replace them but I can’t figure out which ones would be the jeers. On the Upper deck as you know there are two sets of bittts. One forward of the mast and one aft. I can get to the one forward but not the one aft.
  12. I plan to furl all of he sails so I will need to study how that will look.
  13. Bills must think alike! 😀 I like that old adage!
  14. Ok guys be honest here. I am reading through Longridge’s book on the running rigging of the yards. Did you, or do you, add every line he gives directions for? On pages 239-245 he gives directions for 16 different lines for just the fore yard. I can see several are very important, but all of them?
  15. Ian I considered that but Longridge on page 213 says there Must be a rib at each end. Not sure why. If you check the reference it is the third sentence from bottom of page.
  16. I think my seed beads I used for the “trucks” and the evergreen I used for the “ribs” is a little thicker than recommended. To get the length I need to go around the main mast at the topsail yard took 5 ribs and four trucks. Longridge did not specify the number of each for this position.
  17. Fashioned my first try at a parral. I think it is good enough to use!
  18. OK Ian I think I made the block corrections you recommended. Bigger size of the topsail sheet block, and lift block, and moved the buntline blocks to the front of the yard. Fingers crossed it looks OK and a good guide and reference for the other yards. Curious, since I moved the buntline blocks to the front of the yard I assume the buntlines will go behind the stun’sail to the blocks?
  19. Thanks Ian. I believe I can easily rotate the buntline blocks forward. I will inventory the block sizes I have and follow your directions the best my inventory will permit.
  20. Ian you know you are making me crazy 🤪 reference these block sizes 😀. I wondered about the blocks being on the front of the yard when you said it before. If they are on the front of the yard wont they interfere with the hanging of the sail?
  21. ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY TODAY! One year ago today I started my Heller Victory. What a fun, educational, addicting, frustrating, relaxing, nerve racking, and a real pleasure it has been. Along the way I have met (digitally) many new friends from around the world. It has truly been an incredible experience. Thank you so much Modelshipworld.com for making this possible. I look forward to continuing this great experience as I move through the rest of this build and into the next. Thanks guys (all of you) for your help, encouragement, and compliments.
  22. In the picture the bottom yard has the wood blocks. Top has the printed blocks.
  23. Kevin I took some time to read back the last few pages of your blog so as to get caught up. Beautiful job in the photos you have posted. I like the color of your deck pieces. I think they are very similar to the way mine come out with the Vellajo kit.
  24. Kevin I finally took the opportunity to drop by your build to see how this jobs are going since last time I visited. My mishap with my foremast was not nearly as disheartening as I am sure your’s was. Great attitude and recovery. A while back I started a topic here on MSW about how often during a build do you have that “Oh No!” moment, and what was the worst. Mine have always been mast and bowsprit breaks. That is why I reinforce them where I can. Thought I might make it safely through my Victory with out breaking one but I was wrong.
  25. Step out of the ship yard to my alternate building area, recliner in front of TV, to tie a bunch of stirrups to be used with the yard foot ropes. Tied a loop around a small diameter brass rod and applied a touch of white glue to keep the loop. Will tie around the yard with a fall of about 3/8”. Later I will thread the foot rope through the stirrups as shown in Longridge’s Plan 7.
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