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Rik Thistle

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Everything posted by Rik Thistle

  1. Hello all, What a great website. Been reading it for a few weeks - so much to absorb 🙂 I'm halfway through building my first ship (Artesani Latina Dallas 1815 Cutter), and about to commence the masts and rigging...gulp! I actually started the Dallas about 25 yrs ago but a job change etc got in the way so the mostly completed hull + box of parts was tucked away in a safe corner of my attic for a rainy day. With the current quarantine/shielding situation the rainy day has arrived, and I restarted working on the Dallas a few weeks ago and found I really enjoyed it. So much so that I ordered Vanguard Models Fifie for my next project, and it arrived this morning. My background is design engineering and business development. Anyway, I thought I said 'hello', and congratulate the admin and members on one of the best hobbyist sites I've ever seen. All the best, Richard
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