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  1. Like
    NAZGÛL got a reaction from FrankWouts in Oseberg by Vivian Galad - Amati - 1:50 - modified kit   
    Very nice project to follow Vivian! I like the aproach to darken the wodd before building it. It will give you great control. How does the wax work with ca and wood glue?
    Jack that is a very cool thing to do, hats off to you!
  2. Like
    NAZGÛL reacted to NMBROOK in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Just a small update.I have finally succeeded with creating the grating fastenings.I have managed to set the mill to be able to drill TWO 0.18mm holes in the one mm square available in the grating joints.The consistency is a testimony to the accuracy of Proxxons MF70.Unfortunately due to the sizes involved it is a slow process.Any more than two rows of holes,my eyes go into meltdown,even with the optivisors.As a little relief,I am installing the copper 'treenails' in the gun deck.I haven't taken any pics,I will do so when the process is complete.Trying to photograph the gratings at least,without copper fastenings is a waste of time with my limited camera,the holes are barely visible to the naked eye.So if no more pics for a month or two,I am still working away,just driving myself insane drilling and filling with copper wire, several thousand holes      
    Kind Regards
  3. Like
    NAZGÛL reacted to Karleop in Vasa by Karleop - FINISHED – Billing Boats – reviving a poorly built model   
    Now I finished the main course sail.  In this case I select to have it partially folded for a more interesting view.  At first, I didn t know how to do it because the material in BB for sails is a little stiff and even with water it is not very maneuverable but finally it seems OK.  I also change some of the rigging of BB plans to the more logical 1:10 model in Vasa museum.
    In behalf of the interested people I send some detailed pictures:

    Thanks everyone for the likes.
    Saludos, Karl
  4. Like
    NAZGÛL reacted to JanV in Wasa 1628 by JanV - Corel - scale 1:75 - Vasa   
    Continued with the preparations of the mast parts, all fits in dryfit now

    next step will be the additional blocks beneath the platforms
  5. Like
    NAZGÛL reacted to JanV in Wasa 1628 by JanV - Corel - scale 1:75 - Vasa   
    slowly further with the canons

    the mounting of the canons has to wait till Christmas Holiday period (2 weeks off then )
  6. Like
    NAZGÛL got a reaction from latorre in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    Painted the two putti holding vasan. I decided not to paint the red/white blue shield colour as I dont think it would work well and only look confusing.
    I just got hold of a copy of the great book by Björn Landström from 1980. The book is filled with beautyful illustrations of Vasa and from what I understand based on the knowledge people had about her back then. Many details on the BB is very close to Landströms pictures and that explains the differences from the original ship like the shield design, arc shape, stern gun ports, the 5 faces around the stern shutters and more.

  7. Like
    NAZGÛL got a reaction from latorre in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    HI, Im Matti from Sweden. Ive been inlove with the Vasa ship since young age. For a long time I wanted to make a replica, and now decided it was time.
    I decided to go with the BB kit. It will be out of box, but some changes like open gun ports and some details changed.
    Having not built wood boats before I know its a hard model to start with. But I need the passion for the subject to keep a big project going. I have done some scratching before so hopefully I can use thet knowledge when building this. 
    Ok, so here are some pics from start to where Im at in the build.






    I went to the Vasa museum a few weeks back and took a lot of reference. Right now Im trying to figure out how to plank this area:

  8. Like
    NAZGÛL reacted to NMBROOK in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Whilst I have been doing a little work on Mordaunt,I am holding back on pics for now.However I received another delivery of Pear(some is for Royal William).I had asked Dennis at Twigfolly.com,if he had a small chunk of Pear to carve the figurehead from and he said he would have a root about.The result is the massive Pear chunk for free with the rest of the order!!!!!
    Kind Regards

  9. Like
    NAZGÛL reacted to marktiedens in Wasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Corel - scale 1:75 (Vasa)   
    update -
    Deck & inner bulwarks planked & holes cut for the upper deck guns.Found a nice darker red paint to use on this build - not as "in your face"as the previous red I used. In looking at the pictures of the ship in the museum I noticed the stem side braces - can`t remember the proper name - seem to each be made from two pieces fastened together so I made mine that way. Didn`t like Corel`s design. I also didn`t like the design of the decorative surrounds for the upper gun ports so I went shopping for something maybe a little better. I found some decorative rings at a Michaels craft store which I thought looked a little better - they have a flowery design fairly similar to the real ones & they were the same size as the kit decorations so after a little filing & paint i think they will look ok. The kit was short 2 decorations anyway.





  10. Like
    NAZGÛL reacted to marktiedens in Wasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Corel - scale 1:75 (Vasa)   
    A small update - I decided to go ahead & build all 14 gun carriages.I didn`t like the generic kit carriages so I built some from scratch.The sides were built up from 1.5mm square strips.I simulated the reinforcements on the tops& fronts with black heavy paper.The pegs in the axles are made from .020 inch wire. The axle brackets were made from the same wire hammered flat & bent to shape.i have decided to use the kit cannon barrels.Each carriage will have 38 pieces when finished.In the last picture the kit carriage is on the left & mine on the right. Although they are a little taller than the kit ones would have been I am fairly happy how they turned out.



  11. Like
    NAZGÛL got a reaction from tarbrush in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Wow, the grating turned out just perfect mate. How many hours went into it?
    Nails, the ones on Vasas gratings are quite hard to even notice in real life. 

  12. Like
    NAZGÛL reacted to Jack Panzeca in Oseberg Viking Ship by Jack P - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1/25 Scale - 9th Century - (Modified)   
    Well, she is complete in plenty of time for the Admiral's birthday.  The Admiral is happy and as we all know when the Admiral is happy everyone is happy.    
    The build was 9 months of fun and learning.  Completion is very rewarding.
    I would like to thank everyone who helped with the build especially Von_Kossa.  His log is what inspired me to build the Oseberg in the first place and his research kept me on the right track.   Also, thanks to Vivian Galad (we are watching your Oseberg) and all those who followed the build, your encouragement was necessary and wonderful.
    I probably would not be involved in this hobby at all without the MSW community.  There was not much information out there the first time I tried years ago.  Now, whatever you need just ask.  Thanks for the help.

    Time to move forward.  I will now attempt to catch up with Grant and Mobbsie with our first shot at the dark side "Bomb Vessel Granado 1742".
  13. Like
    NAZGÛL reacted to Karleop in Vasa by Karleop - FINISHED – Billing Boats – reviving a poorly built model   
    Hi friends:
    It seems that I am approaching the final steps, now in the process of placing the sails on the masts.  As the first one I selected the fore sail or fore course.  One thing to mention is the great number of rigging it has:  18 lines for this sail only!!
    Here some pictures:

    Thanks for your likes and comments.
    Saludos, Karl
  14. Like
    NAZGÛL got a reaction from Blue Ensign in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    Cheers Max, we work the same way then.
    I have been working with the tops. It's funny how fast this step feels after doing slow work like the ratlines.
    What I've done is making holes for the  connections for the ropes/next level deadeyes holders.
    I also tried to make the skanskläder for the mainmast:




  15. Like
    NAZGÛL got a reaction from Salty Sea Dog in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    Thanks Mark! I haven't fully decided but I may wait for Vasa II. But I'm lousy at just waiting when building things. It kills the passion and I can only do one project at one time. It's the way I keep focus.  
  16. Like
    NAZGÛL got a reaction from NMBROOK in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Keith,there looks to be enough parts on some of them to get a good idea of the construction.
  17. Like
    NAZGÛL got a reaction from CaptainSteve in Weathering/Eroding copper hull   
    Thats a freaking nice paintjob!!! Man, you are a great model painter!
  18. Like
    NAZGÛL got a reaction from firdajan in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    Cheers Max, we work the same way then.
    I have been working with the tops. It's funny how fast this step feels after doing slow work like the ratlines.
    What I've done is making holes for the  connections for the ropes/next level deadeyes holders.
    I also tried to make the skanskläder for the mainmast:




  19. Like
    NAZGÛL got a reaction from hexnut in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    Cheers Max, we work the same way then.
    I have been working with the tops. It's funny how fast this step feels after doing slow work like the ratlines.
    What I've done is making holes for the  connections for the ropes/next level deadeyes holders.
    I also tried to make the skanskläder for the mainmast:




  20. Like
    NAZGÛL got a reaction from Vivian Galad in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    Cheers Max, we work the same way then.
    I have been working with the tops. It's funny how fast this step feels after doing slow work like the ratlines.
    What I've done is making holes for the  connections for the ropes/next level deadeyes holders.
    I also tried to make the skanskläder for the mainmast:




  21. Like
    NAZGÛL got a reaction from themadchemist in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Keith,there looks to be enough parts on some of them to get a good idea of the construction.
  22. Like
    NAZGÛL reacted to popeye the sailor in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    she looks very nice Matti....tops look sweet!
  23. Like
    NAZGÛL reacted to themadchemist in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Now that's some small drilling. Hopefully the mill and collet will help with bit breakage, I'd definitely feed it slowly as bit flex from too much down force is the only problem left, not sure how hard the pear is, but that price of the added drilling time will pay for itself if you break a bit at that price. ...and don't forget to cross your fingers
    On the Vasa grating pic, Matti, I'm assuming that grating in the pic is a new piece due to the wood color.... I saved it and expanded it until digitization and you can clearly see double diagonal nailing, barely. Was there enough of the original grating to get that detail on the rebuilt, or are there other gratings that survived and showed the double nailing?
    Nigel, good luck with this setup and at learning the nail rolling technique. I've considered trying it since reading its method, but haven't. Luckily now I can sit back and watch you work out all the bugs to the learning curve   
    One thing I wonder and can't remember, the rolling technique I think would flair both ends. Did he use a cup burr to dress the end before cutting another. I would think that would help, otherwise both ends would have heads. I used a cup burr of the bow shroud bracket  and rudder nailing to get them to slide into the hole better. Just a though...
    Seriously though, that is why your logs a jewel, for learning technique.....and great discussion... not just stealing ideas (but that too)
  24. Like
    NAZGÛL got a reaction from mtaylor in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Wow, the grating turned out just perfect mate. How many hours went into it?
    Nails, the ones on Vasas gratings are quite hard to even notice in real life. 

  25. Like
    NAZGÛL got a reaction from themadchemist in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Wow, the grating turned out just perfect mate. How many hours went into it?
    Nails, the ones on Vasas gratings are quite hard to even notice in real life. 

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