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About pwog

  • Birthday March 9

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  • Location
    South Portland, Maine

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  1. Hello BMT. unfortunately, I have not touched it since the above photo. We got a couple of kittens and I had to put it away. I’m planning on starting up again in the Fall/Winter. Good luck with your build. paul
  2. Hi Gary, Congrats on the William Underwood!!! As per usual, your work is incredible! Looking forward to your build of the Pelican
  3. Kudos on your build and your very informative log! She looks beautiful. I’d be afraid to put her in the water😂 Nicely done!
  4. This is from: https://maineanencyclopedia.com/bath-historic-register/ SEGUIN (tugboat) [Bath Marine Museum] Named for Seguin Island in the Kennebec River, the tugboat was launched in Bath in 1884. For most of her career the tug operated out of Bath, and was used in her early days to tow four and five masted sailing vessels, as well as barges, from the sea to various parts of the Kennebec River. During the latter stages of her working life the Seguinoperated out of Belfast on Penobscot Bay from 1950 to 1969 until she was retired. She also towed cargoes as far south as Norfolk, Virginia, as well as tending to oil tankers and destroyers. The Seguin is the oldest steam operated tug in Maine and possibly in the country. She was considered to be a very reliable craft. She suffered through only one serious mishap, a collision with a submerged pier of the Richmond, Maine bridge. The tug had a four foot hole opened in her side. Divers patched, raised, repaired, and recommissioned the little steamer. Her 400 horsepower engine was built by the Portland Company in 1909. For many years the Seguin trademark was a large three-footed, white wooden rooster perched on her pilot house. In the 1920s the rooster was mysteriously stolen. No trace was ever found. The the tug had been the only one on the Kennebec River for many years. The Seguin has had four different owners during her colorful career. It is 88 feet long and 19 feet 8 inched at the beam. Her relatively shallow 12 foot draft was ideally suited for working on the river. Now at the Bath Marine Museum on the Kennebec River, it is a major part of its substantial collection.* [Bath Marine Museum photo]
  5. She is looking so great! I’m out for a short trip cruising coastal Maine. When we went by Seguin Island I thought of you and this build. 👏🏻
  6. Looking great! Nice progress. Also nice bass! I don’t know that I’d risk with those lurking about. 🤨
  7. Gary, I‘be been away from modeling and forum for a bit (life happening), but I’m so excited that you’re working on another project. Great lead in! I’m onboard.
  8. Bravo Gary! You’ve done it again. I look forward to your builds so much. So amazing. Your attention to detail makes everything look so real. Thanks for sharing with us.
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