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    Chemnitz, Sachsen, Germany

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  1. There is one thing, I'm quite curious about: There are so many people who build a cross-section of the Echo - why is noone building a full model of her? oO Greenwich has a full set of plans of her including an image of her stern decorations! Is it that she's just in a weird spot sizewise - too big for a small build but too small for a proper big multi-year project?
  2. Soooo, progress! Woohoo The deck is done, so are the hatches and gangways. I had to realize that I have no tool, to remove the big hatches to replace the framing. I've also installed the stem and stern post. The thing that I'm pretty proud of is the jig where the hull can stand in. It's simple but it works - and will probably need a rework later on The next steps are the windows for the cabin and the planking of the hull can begin.
  3. Wow, your build is impressive! Look how small she is O.O The only thing my inner Monk has to criticize is the colour of the flags. The Brandenburgian flag that dates back to before the time of the personal union with Prussia is a red eagle on white ground and not a black eagle on yellow ground which looks more like Austria. But I understand that each build has some artistic freedom to it. On the other hand having such colourful flags is quite fitting for a colourful ship like the Golden Yacht.
  4. It's been a while, but I've made a bit of progress today. I've almost completed planking the deck. There are only two itsy-bitsy planks right next to the kabin left to do. These will be done next time. I also think I will redo the framing for the hatches in front of the cabin. I think I'll use walnut for a nicer contrast. The deck fittings will be left until the hull is planked and done, just before installing the rigging. I hope, my next building session does not lie half a year in the future as the last one oO
  5. One thought that carried over from my own build, which may be told too late at this point: I guess, the rear-most guns were dummies. It was not uncommon for objects of the baroque era to look like.. more, essentially. Windows painted on a building's walls for symmetry, for example. This is also true for ships in general and royal yachts, specifically. Take the english Royal Yacht Mary II (built three to four years after the Golden Yacht) as an example. In this painting by Willem van der Velde you can see that she seems to have a broadside of 8 or 9 guns - but only three have a shadow (the three forward of the ratlines, although she's said to have four per side). That's because such yachts weren't really built for war, but for representation. Your model shows it pretty clearly, the rear-most guns have almost no room for recoil. They'd crush the cabin, if they were fired. If I were to build the Golden Yacht again, I'd omit these two guns and install a pair of dummies instead - maybe even the first pair, too.
  6. Hey Aussie, I've used the very same plans to build my own Golden Yacht. If you want to take a look at it, here is a link to the log: Although my log's title states that I've built it in 1/100th scale, it's very much not I'm not quite sure about the exact scale, but I guess, it's somewhere in the 1/150th - 1/200th range. What I want to say is that it's possible, but I'll never build anything in that small a scale again xD
  7. Hey some good progress has been made again. Mast, bowsprit, gaff and gaff sail boom are done. When I made the gaff sail boom, I made a small oopsie and had a little heart attack: I broke the "fork" that goes to the mast (Klaue in german), but I was able to repair it. The only hint that this happened is that the fork connects to the gaff sail boom in a slight angle. I'm fine with that, though. Here you can see the gaff, gaff sail boom and bowsprit painted and with all clamps, blocks and dead eyes attached I close my update with a picture of the current status of the hull. The mast is not yet glued in place.
  8. I just realized that I will need to tear out the main deck again. Its planks are 1mm thick and as you can see, the windowsills of the passenger's cabin sit visibly less than one 1mm above the main deck. Fortunately, I have another template already printed out.
  9. The first planking is done. The next planking will be the main deck and then the passengers cabin.
  10. The Proxxon is smaller, indeed, but not by THAT much. The B&D's measurements are 19,6 x 45,4 x 14,4 cm; 1,2 Kilogramm, compared to ‎ 19,3 x 33 x 11,2 cm; 0,9 Kilogramm (both according to amazon). Yes, it's a thrid shorter shorter overall, but it's only 300 gramm lighter. Now for something completely different: Another bit of progress was made today
  11. Proxxon would have been nice, but the Black&Decker did only cost less than a third (rather a quarter) as much as the Proxxon-equivalent. I was limited by the budget of the person, who wanted to give me this present after all.
  12. This one: It's relatively small, handy and has a small dustbin to the rear. The only downside is its noise, but you can counter it with even basic ear protection.
  13. Good progress was made. I've sanded the hull and used a new tool that I got for christmas. It's a small band sander. The left side of the hull was sanded by hand with a grater, the right side was sanded with the band sander and only small adjustments were made with the grater and sanding paper. The left side took me 2,5 hours to finish, the right side only 45 minutes! I know, which method I will use from now on.
  14. Fillers are all done. Wow, now that I see this picture on a large screen, I am amazed about how sharply focused those clamps in the background are and how blurry the hull is as if my camera wants to say "Yeah, don't look to closely. It looks weird." I also testfitted the decks. I need to rework the cutouts for the bullwarks on the sides of the decks. For now it's a pretty tight fit, but I like the general look of it.
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