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Posts posted by AnobiumPunctatum

  1. No pictures this weekend. Yesterday I tried to cut the rabbet but I am not really happy with the result. There are two main problems. The keel has over the whole length a curve wgich is quite difficult to cut precise. The second problem is the prepared rising wood with the notches for the frames. At this smaller parts the timber will bunk.


    So I decided to build another backbone for my small cutter and try the rabbet again. I am thinking of only cutting the loer half of the rabbet at the midshipframes. During fairng the completed hull I am thinking of doing the upper half of the rabbet. Has anyone did a rabbet this way?

    I hope that the changes I made in my design will help me to get a better result. If not, I will decide which of the finished keels looks better and use this for the rest of my build.

  2. My holidays are over so the progress is much slower than before.


    I did the keelson before building the frames. So it is in my opinion much easier to adjust it with the fore and after deadwood.

    post-380-0-24991300-1411580811_thumb.jpg post-380-0-83549400-1411580817_thumb.jpg


    Before glueing the keelson on the backbone It take a long time. All frames have to be installed first. ;)


    Today I worked on my first frame. It took quite long to find my way to build the frame. The result is not perfect, but I think doing the next frames will be much easier and faster. If it's interesting for someone I will do a step by step description from building one of the next frames.


  3. Christian - Thank you for popping in to have a look at my Constitution.  I remember admiring your beautiful work on HMS Fly earlier last year... Is that project still active?  Perhaps on hold for now?




    Thanks very much. I've stopped the project for the moment. I had to admit, that the project is to big and difficult for the moment. IPOF is the kind of ship modelling I like to do but I need to much trys for every part. So I decided to do a much smaller ship (Naval cutter Alert) first and learn the necessary steps. Then I will go back to my HMS Fly project..


    I have the Constitution also in my kit stack and if I decide to give her a try, your log is very very good reference for me.

  4. After the drawing works it was time to make sawdust.


    First part is the keel, which is a little bit tricky. The keel has a light curvature and the joints are perpendicular to the base line.

    I cut some small stripes with my cirular saw, make the joints and glue the parts together. Next I added the parts for the stem.

    The picture shows the step on the building board. I use Tamiya Tape to avoid that the keel glues on the paper during the build.



    The next pictures show the complete assembled backbone for the small vessel,



    the stem with with the changed layout of the parts,



    the keel and the rising wood,



    and the stern post with the after deadwood.

    post-380-0-11589700-1411580663_thumb.jpg post-380-0-49038300-1411580730_thumb.jpg


    The next steps are cutting the rabbet, the keelson and the building board. Then I can start with the frames.



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