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Everything posted by TimC

  1. Thank you for the kind words! I would love to help in any way that I can, feel free to shoot me a PM or leave a comment on here---Ill always respond
  2. I am actually not sure how to create a gallery, but I would love to learn how! I have the Venetian Polacca and a Royal Caroline on deck. I may start with the Polacca since it will be a smaller build--I figure a nice segway into another large ship
  3. Thank you for following BE. Your build log was present at nearly every step....probably the most helpful reference I could have asked for
  4. Thank you Starlight! I am looking forward to seeing you complete your build as well. So far it is coming along very nicely!
  5. Completed my first wooden ship!! It is by no means perfect but I’m proud of every piece of it. I’ve learned a ton and I am a full convert to wooden vs plastic. I still have to make a base and a case at some point but that will be after we move to our new home next week. thank you to all that have left tips and words of encouragement…it has helped immensely until the next ship….. Tim
  6. Thank you for all of the likes and comments! excellent advice. I have already caught myself a few times and remade a knot here and there. It’s so easy to get excited and rush
  7. Hi all after another decent amount of time and a small sprinkle of covid at the beginning of the year, a lot of progress has been made again. I have completed all of the yard assemblies and have attached a few of them so far. I am not sure that all lines will run exactly as they should but so far it looks nice to my eye! I can see the finish line approaching. Can’t wait to see the final product sitting on my bench top happy Tuesday!
  8. Hi all its been another 2 months since I posted, but I’ve gotten a lot done! All shrouds and rat lines are completed as well as a good portion of the standing rigging. All of the backstays are unglued at the moment so that I can get behind them if needed. I am really enjoying this portion of the build so far happy new year to all. Here’s to a better 2022
  9. First post in a long time (again) but I’ve made more forward progress ! I have been able to complete the lower shrouds and ratlines as well as the Catharpins, platforms with railings, the additional masts for the lifeboat, and the forward portion of the crowsfeet. I was able to take some learning experiences from these processes to know what to do/not do for my next ship. There were some areas with the Catharpins that I just did not leave enough room to work around but the effect works just the same. I hope everyone has a happy Halloween! 🎃 Tim
  10. thanks for the congratulations and ship encouragement! I appreciate the looks. @Blue Ensignshe is very supportive of the modeling and I am very thankful for that she’s a keeper
  11. Hi all It has been quite some time since my last post. Been quite busy with other projects as well as getting engaged and planning a wedding. During this time I have still been slowly working and have made a bit of progress. I have completed some of the standing rigging including a few of the stays and the shrouds. I worked tonight on the jeer types and I’m quite satisfied with the crossing rope look. Overall I think it’s starting to come together nicely! Just wanted to share my progress have a great night Tim
  12. Thanks BE. I did go back and reference your build after your first comment and I must admit that I like the thicker method you show better, but I’ll take this as a learning experience and try the more authentic method on the next build Best Tim
  13. Good morning BE This how I interpreted the instructions based on the images on the plans. Admittedly I removed more wood than I likely should have. Is this not how this area should be? Tim
  14. Finally have some progress to show after a decent lack of posting. The masts have taken more time to create than I had planned, plus life and work were getting in the way. anyway, I have completed the lower masts for the most part and have the upper portions to the proper(ish) dimensions. I have learned quite a bit along the way that I will carry to other builds such as properly sharpening chisels and how to plan out consistent cuts that have the same depth on 4 sides. I messed up quite a few times on this. Overall I think the results are pretty good to my eye. Please point out any areas missed or which can be improved! best Tim
  15. I was going to comment this same thing. This is what I do as welll. I got tired of making all Of those small knots on the eye hooks
  16. Thank you for the kind words B.E. 🙂 and thank you @Dfell for the like really appreciate you guys stopping in for a look Tim
  17. More forward progress is being made slowly i did more work on the bow of the ship with completing the netting as well as the main stay collar (?) and the boomkins. For whatever reason I have been looking forward to completing these portions of the ship...I’m decently happy with the outcome. I have also gotten most of the lower portion of the foremast completed including portions of the foretop. Still need to add the railing in. I decided to add the battens to the top and I love the look. These were fiddy to get to the right shape and fit but the outcome was worth the hassle. overall, moving along slowly! Happy Sunday Tim
  18. Thanks for the advice! I have seen many people start with square stock, and I tried to go that same route. Unfortunately I can’t seem to find any ramin square stock that I can get shipped for a practical price. I see tons of birch and poplar but I’m almost anaphylacticly allergic to the pollen of those trees so that wood makes me a little too anxious to use. I can find pine pretty easily but I’m concerned it won’t stain to the same color as the ramin I have used on the bowsprite. If I fiddle too much more I may just make the swap and see what happens 🤷🏻‍♂️
  19. Very small update tonight. I decided to redo my bowsprite gammoning with my own self made rope and I decided to switch from black to dark brown. I like how you can see the details of the rope more clearly compared to the kit supplied .75mm black. I had previously set the black on there but after playing with my rope rocket, I decided to remove it. I have also begun making the masts. I feel like this is going to take a while. I am learning how to use the Proxxon lathe as well as using wood chisels to get the proper squared sections and tapers which is proving to be more challenging than I was expecting. more Ramin dowels are on the way, so for now this is the first and only attempt. any and all advice is always welcome! Thanks Tim
  20. Wonderful job so far. I’ve referenced your work frequently! What did you use for your netting? I’m struggling to find anything that meets scale and looks decent Tim
  21. Thanks for the advice Chuck. I’ll give it a few more spins next time Tim
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