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Everything posted by jct

  1. THX much for the update...the blocks look good
  2. Thanks Sam, na you haven't missed it, I'm hemming and haaing over what to do...currently leaning towards a scratch build from some plans. The current project that's consuming my time is cleaning and reorganizing the shop, thought it might be time when I could only get 3 foot in the door!!😋 No fear once I decide I'll start a log for sure J
  3. I have one...used it on one build and its been in the bottom of the toolbox since...main problem is that it only works well with one gauge of pin...anything else is to loose of to tight to set collectedly
  4. Hey Sam the rats look good...and resurrecting old RVs can be fun, I've done a couple over the years...just be prepared for more ugly before you get to the good parts J
  5. Hi Steve, Very interesting how long do you usually let it run with a load of blocks?? Do you have any pics of the finished blocks you can share? J
  6. Great tip...I l'll have to check it out
  7. Sharp eye Denis...the horse rigging got hosed up during the boom repair...didn't notice till I posted the pick, she'll get repaired thx for following along
  8. Well here we are...at the end of another build, this one full of its own challenges...many self imposed😛, pics of the completed build follow, thanks for all the likes and the support throughout J Dramatic bow shot dramatic stern shot bow detail midships detail shots the stern...boom repair Some rigging shots Well that's all thanks again for the continued support, not sure whats up next but whatever it is I'll be sure to start a log THX J
  9. Thank you both...ya closing in on the finish a couple more touch ups and that should be it...baring any further unforeseen boom incidents...
  10. Thanks for the likes...first up a pic of the finished ratlines I promised... I'm happy with the way they turned out...if I were to do it again I would reduce the spacing a bit...set to 1/4 in and i think 3/16 may have been better. next up is the reworked flag, printed one and set the waves before gluing the sides together and finally raised after that I finished the bow tackle by securing the anchors, just tied them off to the catheads and lashed them to the rail, each will be finished with a deck coil...speaking of which here is a pic of my coil jig, same process many others have discussed on the site. and one of the finished coil ready to install, stuck to a piece of tape to keep it from walking away It was at this point that disaster struck...I was reaching to set the camera down and my sleeve caught the the boom... she snapped right at the point where the cleats were mounted...I think drilling to mount them seriously weakened it, so a repair is in order. After strengthening the ends with CA I drilled holes in the center of each section into which a pin is inserted effectively holding the two halves together, its a technique I've used successfully before, so all should be well... That's it for now... J
  11. Thank you gentlemen for the kind comments...the technique or the ratlines worked really well, super happy with the way the turned out...I'll post some pics of the finished rats latter..., been fussing with the anchor lashing today Thanks again J
  12. Thanks for the likes Another update...I decided to do a little more then just tie off the ships boats, so some rudimentary tackle was made and used to hang the boats... once those were complete I was studying the ratlines and was really unhappy with them, they were all uneven, and I could not keep the shrouds straight and the hitches were really out of scale...so I stripped them to start over. That's when I remembered Hubert Sicard had an alternate technique on his Wooden Ship Modeling for Dummies site...he called them Express ratlines. The process starts with a fixture made of sheet plastic with notches cut-in and spacers applied, the jig goes in behind the shrouds and then the rats are locked into the notches and glued down...all is trimmed when the glue sets This process worked really well...Thanks Hubert, you are missed...I'll include pics of the finished ratlines in my next post, thanks for looking in J
  13. Thank everyone for the likes and kind comments, a small update... First my attempt at inducing waves into the flag failed miserably... as you can see it just straightened out...made of nylon, I think, so the white glue didn't penetrate the fibers...soooo I thought I'd try to heat set it...unfortunately there are no photos of the resulting failure and no flag left to photo anyway...the flare up and resulting flames were quite lovely though🙄 not a technique I could recommend, I will make the replacement from paper T made the fore splash shield out of card stock and got it mounted and painted out the anchors are hung from their chains...still not sure how I'll mount them, may just lash them to the cat-heads ships boats are prepped to hang and the mandatory fun known as ratting has begun thanks for looking in, appreciate it j
  14. Thanks very much...I am humbled by your kind words, thank you again.
  15. Thx Denis...she is getting there...hope to post another update this evening
  16. Thanks for the likes...a few small things completed...first the pics I promised yesterday battens or rat-boards were added and painted out started making coils... they will be added before the ratlines are installed, just makes reaching the pins easier. And began adding wave to the flag, drooped over a paint brush handle and diluted white glue added to stiffen the curve, I'll reverse the direction and add more tomorrow That's it for this point and shoot, going to the bottom of my camera bag or the trash, better pics in the future...promise. That's all for now, thanks for looking in J
  17. Shrouds are all complete...not perfect in any way shape or form, but done and the running rigging is routed and tied off, only the rats and small details remain...pics later J
  18. Nice tip...thx much
  19. Got a bit more rigging done today...stays and braces and lifts, oh my!! pics follow: That's all for now...thanks for the likes and for hanging in there...plan to finish the shrouds tomorrow and start the ratting THX J
  20. Not much to add today...bad day at the table, spent more time braking stuff then adding line, danger of working in small scale, hope to make progress tomorrow
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