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Spooky spoon

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Everything posted by Spooky spoon

  1. This was originally supposed to be a quick side project in between ships, but ended up taking much much longer than anticipated because of an abundance of mould lines, pin marks, flash, and other such things. Still, I think it turned out reasonably well in the end, considering the kit's age and my limited experience with armour modelling.
  2. pretty much finished now, all that’s left is some touch ups where I damaged the paint job with the ca glue used for the rigging. Once that’s done and the name plate is painted, I’ll try and take some better pictures. It’s a challenge getting the rigging to show up on camera.
  3. This part is a bit messy, but I’m extremely pleased with how it turned out. It was very difficult to achieve the slight change in the angle of the line while maintaining proper tension.
  4. I took a fairly long break from it, mostly due to nervousness about rigging, but I’ve purchased some thread and have recently got back to work on it
  5. now the propellers are on, I just have to repair part of the aft mast, then rigging can begin, as I have borrowed some rigging thread from a friend I've also included a photo of a 1/350 s-100 schnellboot that I was working on. I'm doing an ocean diorama for it right now, and will create a gallery for it once it's done
  6. I've continued the rigging, and finished the final assembly of the masts
  7. It’s really starting to come together . The last thing I have to do is decide whether or not to do rigging.
  8. Some more progress with the railings, unfortunately I’ve ended up spilling a lot of glue on the deck. It’s not too visible, especially from far away, but I definitely need to refine my process
  9. Welcome from another fellow Ontarian! The Wasa is looking fantastic.
  10. Thank you very much. Are there any specific resources you would recommend? I've had a look around here but most of what I found deal more with what to do, instead of how to do it. I've also been looking to buy some books (I know Lee is very highly regarded but it seems to be out of print here). You're right about the start of rigging being a halfway point; I already feel like of learned so much even though I've just done the shrouds.
  11. beautiful work! Simply magnificent. I've been inspired to stop cutting corners with my current build and learn how to do rigging the proper way.
  12. The funnels and cranes have all been painted and attached, and they just need to be weathered. I’m not sure exactly how I’ll weather it yet, but I’ll probably just use some oil paints.
  13. More progress on the rear mast. Where do you usually store these masts so they don’t get damaged?
  14. I've finished everything but the rigging, and I must now decide what to do for sails. It seems that my options are 1. use the kit sails, 2. make my own out of silkspan or paper, and 3. don't use sails at all. I would like to have sails on my ship, but the kit sails are very underwhelming. I would like to try making my own, but this is my first wood kit, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to do a good job. Any advice would be appreciated.
  15. I've finished about half the funnels. I think they look pretty good.
  16. I have replaced on of the bent mast tips, and have started on the first funnel The funnel went very smoothly, although I did end up having to trim the lower railing.
  17. The set of generic brass masts from master models that I ordered have arrived, so I should be able to continue with the masts.
  18. I've been working on this kit for I while now, but I haven't gotten around to starting a log yet. This is my first wooden kit, and I'm pretty pleased with how it's looking so far. The one thing I'm still uncertain about is the sails, because the weaving is way too large.
  19. I've started adding more superstructure. some of it looks a little wobbly, but overall, I think it looks pretty nice.
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