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Everything posted by Matrim

  1. At a guess they are showing the angle of the frame. As the ship approaches the stern/bow you will get a more enhanced angle to the edge of the ships shape. This can be not shown and sanded or it can be shown to allow the builder to avoid some of the sanding involved.
  2. Hello, The plans exist to do it as plank-on-bulkhead and in the previous version of MSW I remember one person was doing/did this using the plans. Beyond that I am uncertain. Joss.
  3. Thanks for the heads up - did not realize about the frigate book which I have also just ordered.
  4. ? Sorry I don't understand the question - isn't THIS your log. Unless you mean you can only find it by looking at posting history. On the forum if you look for 'Online projects' then 'H.M.S Triton, 28 Gun frigate' then it will be in either of the two lower forums. Or to use a URL http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/37-hms-triton-28-gun-frigate-complete-model/ Once you have the keel up we can grant access to the full plan set...
  5. Great idea! Though I think you need his little brother 'splinter' who is crouching down slightly for those areas where standing rigourously to attention would not count. You have also dressed him appropriately for 'modern'man. Due to bad nutrition the average height was a lot lower back then (Napoleon was actually average size ). If you did a historical 'woody' then going for around 5'7'' would probably be about right.
  6. The 'Heads' they are situated right on the bow left and right of where the bowsprit enters the hull proper. Usually just little round seats with holes opening to the sea. It was a battle for crew 'new' to the sea to prevent them finding a dark place and doing the business there - one oft he frequent mentions on 'uncleanliness' in the logs often refers to people doing this in the hold as they were not used to being quite so exposed outside. The officers wardroom also had a more private toilet and it was an indicator of status as to whether you were allowed to use it.
  7. Looks very nice. I have also added you to the full grpup so you should be able to access all the other plans now.
  8. That mismatch is tiny though and can be cleaned up with a chisel (with care) or a file perhaps. It is still much better than most people will get with a scroll saw. Impressive..
  9. This is a very interesting project. I also like the treenails on the right in the earlier update. They look very good.
  10. New toys - look how beautifully accurate that frame piece is....
  11. Good work, you also have a talent for interesting photographic angles which makes some of the photos very interesting
  12. Wow that was fast. I still remember the good old days of Chach86 who would take 6 months to lay one plank down...
  13. Looks nice, I also like the wood choice (grain shows nicely in the photos)
  14. Just found the following on a Spanish site. Apparently the painting is from the Navy Museum in Madrid. Shows the Spanish action from the other side (you can just see the Mercedes exploding in the distance). The page itself is interesting (translated as I dont speak Spanish) - especially the 'Analysis' and it looks like the British haven't been forgiven this yet - either that or the reasons for things such as this, General Bellgrano, the french fleet in 1940 are not truly understood. For those that are interested the page link it http://www.todoavante.es/index.php?title=1804_El_ataque_a_las_fragatas_de_Jos%C3%A9_Joaqu%C3%ADn_Bustamante_y_Guerra,_el_cinco_de_octubre
  15. I always felt it started feeling like a ship at this point as opposed to 'lots of work to do'
  16. Nice shot locker. Always good to see the variations that people decide to add
  17. And that the Hotspur only just missed out on the action with Hornblower on-board. Perhaps they discussed plans beforehand...
  18. Thanks Roman. That image may prove useful when I start checking the sterns as to the accuracy of some of the Treasure ship action paintings.
  19. I like the sanding sticks which seem to have done a nice job for you on an unpleasant build task- though would have to think before using them on a full build in case I lost some of the curve of the hull. Then again thinking about it maybe they wouldn't. Hmmm needs to think more
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