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About Moltinmark

  • Birthday 02/22/1959

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  1. If you have a couple of scraps of the thread you can try a fabric shop
  2. And if I'm going to understand this thread of conversation should I be removing the name sea witch off my current build as nothing is known about that ship other than a couple of paintings as I understand from my research.
  3. Thank you Bob for a further explanation of building ships to standards in relation to our quoted conversation. It's been really interesting and I think it should be a regular thread for newbies . Are there other standards where you just build from a kit and must use just the kit ? Also I'm curious and would like to ask how often is it that a historical ship's new information is found ( when nearly nothing was previously known) in that a new historical model can be built ? Plans are found or a wreck is found well-preserved and maybe laser scanned
  4. I just got the POB kit also. I will pull up a chair and follow your build. I have a ship to finish soon and will join you building this kit. I am looking to as they say kit bash mine into a great lakes Schooner if I can find one from the early 1800's since I live in Michigan.
  5. Installing a storm door for a friend and had to shim the frame so I used wooden yardsticks and had to trim them down and realize that they would be good for making Masts
  6. Thanks Gunther it's always good to have a second pair of eyes. Yeah I'm a little nervous about getting in there being so close the end of the build and Wrecking something and having to redo it
  7. Very nice. I didn't care for the tool bins either. I like the cannon ball racks and barrels nice touch
  8. Read thru above posts and you'll see that its a gray area
  9. For me the hull planking was the most difficult. I would do a plank at a time each side. then work on something else to let the glue set up. Its just the nature of the beast and required me to take my time. I think I spent a week on just planking.
  10. Sails are on. Just have to finish some deck details and the running rigging. She's coming alive!!
  11. I would wait. Work on the deck furniture. Let it rest for a while til you get your wood
  12. I have a chart at work that converts drill sizes. You can also stick the 8mm rod in the drill holder to size. My guess would be just under 3/8 inch. My chart which I'm not in front of presently converts mm to decimal. 8mm= .315 " = 5/16 (looked up a rapid conv chart)
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