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About S.Coleman

  • Birthday 08/14/1987

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  • Location
    Perth Western Australia
  • Interests
    Anything to do with wood working. Hanging out with friends, Reading books. Big on model railroading!https://youtube.com/@scottcoleman9570?si=tHcHZaHKMr52TJW2.

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  1. Great work!. Looks a treat. I love the light and dark timbers on the final planking layer. I'm building g the Endeavour but it's a tad smaller at 1:60 scale. What strikes me most about this is the bow has to be shaped from balsa. Interesting approach. Loving your build. Keep up the neat work.
  2. Progress update. Have been working on the main and foremast ratlines and shrouds. Have got to do another crowsfeet set up on the main mast just like the foremast has. I'm happy found motivation again to continue.
  3. I do like the Mamoli kits. They can make up into a nice model. The bow planking will be a sight easier that the Endeavour's bluff bow! Good luck.
  4. Well here we go.! Finished off the shrouds on the main mast. And Finished off the shrouds on the foremast. Started on doing the rat lines on the upper foremast. Coming back to this after about 4 years is bringing back a lot of memories.
  5. Nice work. It's coming along great. I am building the excitement same kit as you are too. I did exactly the same with push pins for the second planking. The bluff bow is always a challenge. Nice job.
  6. Perfect start. Love this ship. I will eventually get one myself. Planking looks smooth and even. Nice job.
  7. Hello everyone!. Yes I'm still around. Sorry I went on a model railroad rampage. I caught the model railroad bug. Also started up a YouTube channel on it. Apart from that not much ship building. So..... today I dusted off the Endeavour and fixed a couple of broken pieces that had been damaged over the years. Also tracked down all my tools etc. Will be starting back up from where I left off. I looked through the instructions to find where I left off and will be back into it shortly!. Great to see some of you oldies still on here from way back!! Looking forward to chatting as we go along.
  8. I always use wood glue. Tightbond brand. It dries quick and is very strong. CA glue will just get crystallised after awhile and break apart. Use PVA 50:50 with water to glue the knots on my rigging too.
  9. Im pretty sure the deck is supposed to be on a slant. As the decks on the original ship's sort of followed the lines of the hull.
  10. Great start!! Looks like a beautiful kit!. Makes me want to get my old Endeavour out and contine with that!!!
  11. Love it already. Makes me think about the time I built the AL Mississippi padddlewheel. Great memories. Looks like you are off to a great start
  12. My very first attempt at the crowsfeet ended in disaster. So i ripped it down and started again. Im happy with this one so it can stay.
  13. Here we are still plodding along. This time the shourds have been started and ratlines being done on the foremast port side.
  14. Lining gunports can be very tedious. Looks like a brilliant job. Nice work. The paint job has come out superb.
  15. Im currently busy working on the rigging for the endeavour. So it shouldn't be too far off.
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