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Everything posted by S.Coleman

  1. The planks terminating at the stern have to be bent almost 90 degrees between the transom counter and last bulkhead. This can be tricky
  2. What is the best scale kits for quality details, I'm into 1:64 scale myself and I believe the higher the scale the less detail? Is there a popular kit scale out there most of us like to model?
  3. Think I will have to get on to one of those, I'm always looking for a particular thread and it's never to be seen! I have my thread on spools but they are just left in a box, so thanks for the idea.
  4. I see the Portsmouth from Mamoli looks like a nice not too big or not too small kind of build. I have been wanting that kit for a while. It is 1:64, I'm into all my 1:64th stuff at the moment although my paddle steamer I'm in the middle of at the moment is 1:80th. There's a lot of great kits out there for the interests of everyone so don't worry, you'll make you mind up.
  5. Have a look on the box, it should give you the witdth, length and height of the model, measure the height of the hull from keel to deck then subtract that off the height on the box, just remember to allow for the base of the mast below deck level.
  6. Easy, helpful, I've bookmarked this site thanks
  7. Actually a really great idea. Now I have to build one too!
  8. Great story! 10 out of 10 for making do with limited resources. I wonder how fast she was going with all that drag.
  9. On the topic of rope staining, I'm looking for a glue that does not stain the threads when it dries, any ideas?
  10. This is what I'm in the middle of now. I came to the same problems as you with the boiler room and engine room not alining up. I had thought about extending the structure but instead I had done just as you had. Planking the hull I had just enough strips but way to close for comfort. Thanks, reading this has given me a heads up for possible problems later in the build, keep up the great work!
  11. What a master piece! Great attention to detail. Love the planking good job
  12. Thanks guys for your posts. It was kind of troubling me for a little bit.
  13. I once herd that rope coils lying on the deck of a ship had to be coiled in a certain way. Is this true and if so which way and why?
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