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Everything posted by S.Coleman

  1. I have ordered the colonial brig Perserverance c 1807 from Modelers shipyard. Has anyone done a build log on this ship or can anyone tell me about constructing this kit? Any errors to look out for etc......
  2. I'm up to those triangles as well and they are the killer of the build. I noticed on the pattern that they all must go on one way. I bet you were devastated when you had to pull em all off again! I played around with the whole idea of lighting the boat but electricity and me don't mix and the admiral saw me working with wires and she didnt like idea of me trying to be an electrician so that idea was scraped. Your build has come along great. Keep up the good work
  3. A stealer is a plank that sits mainly by the stem post or sometimes at the bow, it's job is to allow for the widening of the planks as they run there cures towards the stern. A stealer will allow two planks to meet and turn into one wider plank., A half stealer will have just one plank joining up to it and turn it into a wider plank. I hope this helps in any way
  4. Black will go as the norm. It highlights out the sleek lines of the hull I reckon. But at the end of the day, it's your build, it's up to you!
  5. It is a very boring job at times but the patience pays off when it's done! Great work
  6. Looks good. I hop it works out for you! Watch out for steam burns
  7. Lots of attention to detail! Real nice work.
  8. It's coming along great! On the second deck, the posts with the fancy brass triangle decorations, do your posts sit 90 degree, or are they on a slight tilt inward? I can't seem to get mine sitting correct. Anyway your wheel house looks great, keep it up.
  9. Cheers guys, once again this site is tops for getting those questions answered. Thanks
  10. I see some of the ships featured here have scale planks, just a couple of questions I'm sure someone can fill me in. When scale planking do you construct the hull with double planks? Can you plank the first layer with strips that run the entire length from bow to stern, then scale plank the second layer? Never had a lot to do with scale planks before and I'm pondering with the idea for a future build.
  11. I had done this on the Amati ship ADVENTURE, the plans instructed me just to loop it around the mast and around the yard with the wire being twisted together at the back of the yard, your horizontal mast is called a Yard by the way you can twist it together I suppose but for a realistic look you could just lap them together and hold it with a drop of CA.
  12. Looks real nice! I must experiment on this as I have never done this on any previous builds. Thanks for the detailed pictures
  13. I'd have to say PVA and sawdust works every time. Try experimenting with a scrap piece with colored fillers if your not too sure.
  14. I had installed them on my 1:64th bounty, they are connected to the rudder and run into holes just under the transom counter. I never knew what they were for until now, thanks
  15. Read the first few lines and got hooked, Well done! Such great attention to detail. Enjoyed
  16. Welcome! I'm sure with your skills there's bound to be something out there to put you to the test. Check out what's going on in the build logs and in the completed section of MSW. Lots of modelers out there willing to help out. Good luck
  17. Great build. Something about this ship I have always wanted to have a go at it. Neat and tidy work, keep it up mate!
  18. I was actually looking at the kit yesterday in the shop by Mamoli. Tempted to buy it but thought no, I have to finish the kits I got now. But will get around to it. Look forward to following you on the build!
  19. Im a 1:64th man myself by the way:)
  20. Yes, I like to model the same scale for all my builds, with the exception of the king of the missisippi from AL 1:80th scale. The constructo looks pretty good but I think the wood is too darker shade for me.
  21. I like how AL have colour plans to help with identifying parts, but i think I will give AL a miss for a while. Not really my cup of tea. But everyone has their own opinions. I'm getting through one of there kits now, King of the missisippi, if i can only find my camera I will post pictures!
  22. Great work. Lots of attention to detail. Will continue to follow your build. I got a few nice ideas from this post thank you.
  23. Have to say I never quite get the finish I want with enamel, unless it's 3 or more coats. Mostly I have now got acrylic, just as Thom said " easy to clean up"
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