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Everything posted by ECK

  1. Well, back after a week of visiting my mother on the occasion of her 91st birthday. Am building the mast lower sections first then upper. Previously I would build each entire mast but as these require painting and bindings I decided to do a bit more assembly line manner. I used tape instead of the black cardboard as I always mess the cardboard up and the tape sticks better. As the tape will be painted, color not an issue. I also added nail head as there are markings for bolts but the plan does not specify. I think it dresses the top up .
  2. Thanks, but Chris' design makes things a lot easier as things fit together nicely for the most part.
  3. Forgot about the anchors, the last. page of the manual . Now on to the plans.
  4. Ship's boats complete, anchors and gear stowed and temporary placement on the deck. Will finish the anchors tomorrow and then will be off for a weeks break from work and will start the masts following.
  5. Thanks, nothing like sand paper, filler and paint to correct errors on these things
  6. I think the ship's boats are in some ways harder than a lot of the other parts of the project due to their small size
  7. Finished painting today. As I expect Pellow had a lot of prize money he could a little bling to his ships boats. I'll finish up with rudders, oarlocks, boat books, oars and anchors over the next few days
  8. More progress today. Mots of the work done. Tomorrow will be painting day, then file out the our holes and then the boat equipment.
  9. Finished planking the buggers. There are 5 ships boats provided, duplicate 24 ft boats but I had to much battle damage on one of them to continue. Have 1 each 32,26,24 and 18 footers. Will take a lot of sanding, filler and paint to get them into shape.
  10. Looks good. I had to fiddle quite a bit as well as taking measurements from the plans in that area not easy given the curve of the hull. I used a piece of wood the correct width as a spacer.
  11. Except for the rails, the hull is done. I used left over gun ports to bring out the sternchasers' appearance. Also remembered to put in the main stun'sail booms by the Being a masochist, I think I will do the ship's boats next IMG_7334.heic IMG_7336.heic
  12. Continuing onward, finished the deck fittings for the stern of the ship. Can see nicely through the skylight. You may notice I removed the stern lanterns as I was always catching and bending them. Will put back at the end. Fitted the carronades You can see I wrapped the wheel with the steering tackle The Capstan lines up nicely and inserted into the lower deck one. Hopefully will finish by the end of the week. I will not install much of the railing as I usually bend it all out of shape when I am doing the rigging. Of course the anchors will also wait until the end. My debate is masts or the ships boats which are always a bugger to do.
  13. Had the same issue as Glen with the stern cleats, likely did not push edges down enough when gluing the deck. Used this to elongate. Then glue and filler Then paint Did the faux wood Final placement Unfortunately the glare makes the stern look a bit off but not in real life.
  14. I just had the same issue yesterday with the stern cleats, followed your lead
  15. Thanks, that's what happens when the nest empty's out, have to do something while binging on various streaming services.
  16. Thanks. Agree with your post on being dogged in doing things. Hard to say good enough.
  17. It took a few days but all the deadeyes and chains in. Used the string method from the mast to get the angles correct. Deadeyes in Chains on starboard side pre touch up Po Post paint touch up with iron black Next will be taking care of the deck pieces to complete the hull. Will leave anchors to the end and will also add the stunsail booms.
  18. Today fitted the knees and eye-bolts then painted it up. You can see from underneath I bent the eye-bolts so they ill not pop out under the strain of the rigging.
  19. Thanks all. I am definitely a few months behind Kevin when it comes to masting, especially as those ship boats take some time and I tend to do them before the masts. Iphone 12 has a great camera.
  20. Completed the fenders, steps and lanterns. Also fitted the channels which went in pretty easily given the pre drilled pin holes and the marks on the channels. Edges have a nice reveal.
  21. Looks good. Had to use some filler as well but after painting will look perfect
  22. Stern area almost done, "glass" panes drove me nuts, kept flying off in all sorts of directions but fortunately did not lose any. Also put in depth markers.
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