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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. So now I got another question lol. How to start another log for my next one lol if MSW will let me stay lol 😆
  2. See I quoted instead of posting lol
  3. Yes starting to get the hang of it,
  4. For myself just finished the Santa Maria , a kit, waiting for the new one to arrive 😀 soon I hope going though withdrawal lol But I am sure for me it's going to be " One ship at a time " lol
  5. Welcome, you will find everything you need here at MSW, people are more Than willing to help, great info and pictures to lol. So Hi.
  6. After being a member for about 15 months now, I still have no clue how to use the right page or who to ask. When I join I see on the home page a banner that says " don't post stand alone questions they will be deleted,so didn't ask any for fear of being booted lol . As for intimidating, after looking at the fantastic build logs, wanted to hide my model under a rock lol, but it for me to enjoy lol , Neanderthals like me just have learn as I go. . Thanks for putting up with me.
  7. Started untangle the lines ,what a time but I think I got it. It will do. Added the flags to it looks ok. This is the end results of me jumping into modeling. I LOVE IT. sorry for shouting but it's my first lol. Had so much fun doing this I will be doing more got two on order. Many thanks for all allowing me to copy their ideals, My skills need so much improvement I know but will come their is just to much to learn all in one build I know . I am sure thankful for these pictures and pages it help me along the way. Still don't know how to use a computer but it will do. So I guess I say so long till the next build. Some parting shot of where my ship lays now Good bye all Thanks 😊 ☺️
  8. I think this is were the ship will be at it last stop before I move it lol
  9. I think this is were my ship will settle in till the other two are done. This came today.
  10. Hi, well the 3 hole violin block thing will do , I got this done except the tieing of the rigging lines all are run but not tied. I found the end of my rope had to make a few adjustments but this is what's left wow
  11. I really am having fun on my first build, I thought rigging would be done soon but it is tuff, any way lovin it I even ordered LANina and the Pinta from Amati so I can have all three by the same maker. They will be here soon their coming over the ocean now lol. Well that's all I must be doing something right I am going to run out of rope lol,Rigging at the end of my rope lol. Well that's all I got today. Thanks everyone.
  12. This is how it looks now, got to do the three hole violin blocks, which I have broken both one with the drill and one with the pin, Trying to make the holes bigger then realized, use a smaller rope lol, got them fixed now will put it together hopefully.
  13. Rat lines done , not making the little ladder for the top to climb in they can slip in under lol
  14. Now I started rigging,wow is there ever a lot of ropes and knots lol I have to look at others builds to figure where they all go but making good progress I think, following the plan like I have seen here before.
  15. I would like to just thank everyone here at MSW for put up with my typoes and odd questions lol, My ship is coming along nicely and with a bit of luck will finish soon. To many people that I have to thank. Emmet and Lapinas I practically lived on those two build they are so good. Then I found Katsumoto log he helped with rat lines I did good for my first time also that's were I got the sail ideal from. Thanks so much . Then there is MLMossop build that I got the ideal for the life boat, and so on anon thanks everyone Very much. The people here have help me pull this off, can't thank you enough 🙏 THANKS lol
  16. The dowel and the eye hook is how I made the center dot , daped it in a color I mixed up from yellow and black the dab on a paper towel then on to the sail small sail is great larger one is off a bit but you won't see it blow in tw wind lol . Well that's my sails can't wait to put them on. But, rat lines ,standing rigging left to do. .
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