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Richard Dunn

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Everything posted by Richard Dunn

  1. I saw one I think, and he was doing a Wahine one ,I know because he asked me for a side render of my digital cad model I did for a film that never happened, to use as a base to work over.
  2. Thanks Lubber line, Yes I knew Murray for a few years and a lot of his material he passed on to me for my models, he did see the first attempt before he got sick thankfully.
  3. It kind of makes you realise how much research has gone into this when you start pulling out stuff 30 years old! this was 1984-5 where they were buried in blackberry and dirt.
  4. Yep, it was I who found the masts buried in front of southwards in the 80's and suggested they be erected, the aft mast is the one in Frank Kits park and the foremast is the one at Eastbourne, its just a shame they didn't paint the right colour, I might email the councils about that.
  5. About half done, the windows with paper on are done, it just needs to be cut away and prepainted styrene windows glued over
  6. Some more progress on area around bridge and stairwells. Aft mast base made as well. The joins between superstructure sides and decks are ok to be gappy, we have 4mm x .5mm deck bars fitted around everything to neaten it up, but will add those pre painted after it's all painted as it will make masking much easier. Excuse dirty finger marks, not all has been sanded with 400 grit ready for airbrush priming. A comparison photo to see the real nest to model.
  7. This is it here for those interested. https://www.franklinhobbies.co.nz/products/border-1-32-avro-lancaster-b-mk-i-iii-with-full-interior https://www.facebook.com/emodelsltd/posts/4628258900614772 http://www.wingnutwings.com/ww/productdetail?productid=3193&cat=5
  8. I made a rather large decision today and purchased the long awaited Border 1/32 Avro Lancaster model that was being done by Wingnut Wings. Some have said this is the most complex kit ever made and after my research it could well be, anyway I have it on order for when our shipments in Australia arrive,
  9. Hey Tony I got those plans from Greenwich now, absolutely works of art the plans from 1800's in colour to.
  10. Hi Guys, I want to start making rope for this, can someone point me to a good rope walk. most of it is 2 1/2 sisal but the odd bigger in lengths of up to 4.88m for the moorings lines which are specified at 94 fathoms I wonder when Chucks Syren rope walk store will be up again, and if it can do the sizes I need. Also how is mooring rope circumference determined by lloyds, its by tonnage or something else? Could someone explain to me how the springs would be stowed at sea, aside from what's on the winch. I will include the mooring deck plan here as I own that plan it was left to me by designer. She was 8,948 gross registered tonnage
  11. Dressmaking Pins it is, thanks Kuparu!, I heard back from Archer and the technique they use to manufacture means they can't go that thick so at 1.4mm they would look flat, not round headed. now to work out how to paint whatever metal they are so it does not chip off, might need to scuff and etch prime.
  12. Yeah I did but the problem is the quantity I need, nobody has it and the manufacturers don't reply. I was getting my nut and bolt sets from them.
  13. This might work, I have done some research and the standard size seems to be .6mm shank with a 1.4-1.5mm head in 250 packets, so about $270 Measured off a closeup picture with known shaft size.
  14. One idea I have is to machine a 1.5mm brass rod with a dome ground inverted into the end and mount it in a jig allowing styrene rod to slide into the end of the rod which is heated, then a jig to slice of 1mm sections. it's a shame suppliers just don't seem to want to provide a good old fashioned thing called service. Finding it harder and harder to even get a reply from companies.
  15. Sadly no, but thanks, they are just too big, 1.8mm is way bigger than I need and 2 mm is out of the question. 1.2mm and 1.4 mm are what I need. .6mm over size is the thickness of the plating so cant say its within my accuracy tolerance, I am very fussy about scale... If Archer don't get back to me I am facing having to make them.. or should I say cast them .............
  16. Yes Lou, I actually tried to find some round head brass pins of the right size but I had no luck. If anyone does know here are the sizes and quantities. The other problem of course is the head dia is the important size and not the one they give, normally they give the shaft of brads and don't even say what the head dia is. 1.4mm head dia x 3750 1.2mm head dia x 3750 I still have not heard from that other mob, not great service at all, glad I checked before paying for them online.
  17. The plating is .5mm 3ply and you can't pounce Ply also I want resin rivets with shanks as they have to actually be glued in to hold the promenade screen in place. The reason for ply over styrene plating has already been discussed in a previous page somewhere.
  18. Thanks Jim! Hey has anyone had any dealings with Plusmodel in Czech republic, I have asked about product availability for thousands of resin rivets, hundreds of Euro worth and not heard a thing in over a week. https://www.plusmodel.cz/en/kontakt We are here for you is the moto........HA
  19. Some updates to the upper structure being plated. The bridge is going to a nightmare due to the complex curves and shapes. The front panels here are oversize so ignore windows not lining up. The underneath has complex framing and vent trunks to build. The bridge roof can't be installed for a while as I have to fitout the wheelhouse first, another big problem as the roof helps hold the form. Next the fan rooms being done, plating on roof ready for weld seams and the upstand is clearly seen, it is quite strong luckily. And finally the plating in the aft mooring decks and around stern door. The slots for Bulwark stays and stiffeners can be seen as well as the slots to locate the stair wall near forward end. Stern door, the square holes above door is for the stern door hinges. I am happy I pre primed though as the blow back painting into internal corners would be horrible and give a grainy finish.
  20. Thankyou, it's nice to get feedback on such a large project, some days you feel overwhelmed...
  21. I want to share this set of shots, copyright does apply to these. They show the vessel in typical condition with accurate colour. I have sized these down a lot from much higher res images.
  22. More plating, Port side getting close to completion. Today as the sun was going down through the door in the background the light hit the hull and wow the effect is there alright. Tomorrow night I will try to photograph it. its been hard work to plate like this but well worth it!. The arrow below delineates the extent of the double riveted seam forward, from that point forward it's a single row. The holes down low are the Fuel Oil Scuppers.
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