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Jay 1

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Everything posted by Jay 1

  1. Joe, I'm going to give it a google today, thanks as I had no idea that there were devices for tramming mills (last time I used one was over 20 years aog). The device you posted looks sweet and it's small--perfect for hobby setups! Now I just need to find a small center finder for drilling dowels on their sides (found some but they look too big for a mini drill press). Jay
  2. Darren, your technique is awesome! Yep, totally understand what you described--simple and effective. Am going to bend some piano wire stock that I have and give it a try today. Joe, that's a great tool! It's been years since I worked on a mill; learned how to tram 'em using old school techniques--getting the column right was the hardest and most time consuming. Am looking at Sherline mills, once I take the plunge, that's the 1st tool I'm going to buy because tramming a mill is a bear. I think the mini will work for the x-axis on my Proxxon but it maybe too wide for the y-axis (will have to read the tool's specs to know for sure). Thanks fellas, appreciate your taking time to lend a hand--these are great suggestions! Jay
  3. Thanks Mark. One place where I get thrown off is when I adjust the head after checking the square--I'll tighten the head & it often gets thrown out when I do so. Hmm, methinks I have to be smarter than the tool so more fiddling is called for... May need to use some shims on the table as well--still getting used to working with such small tools.
  4. I recently purchased a Proxxon drill press along with a vise and x-y table. While I'm happy with the setup, I haven't yet figured out a good method for squaring the press to the work I'm drilling. I've tried using a small square to align the head and work with mixed results. However I think the trick may be to square the head with the fixed shaft that the head raises and lowers on instead of with the x-y table / vise. Was wondering how others square their mini drill presses? Thanks! Jay
  5. Thanks for your feedback, Russ. It'll be interesting to see if this was done elsewhere, so will study old photos, where possible, when I start those projects (am fortunate to have a good public and several university libraries nearby). Completely understand about not posting the entire photo re. unscrupulous people. The pics you've shared with your build are great--thank you! Jay
  6. That's an interesting observation, Russ--am curious if that deckhouse design was exclusive to Biloxi schooners or extends to schooners in general? I'm eventually going to be building a few schooners, so your observation is something I'm tucking away for when I start my research. That's also a very nice photo--looks like one fellow is wearing a bowler, so am guessing the picture is somewhere between late 1800s to late 'teens or early 20s? Jay
  7. Your re-work looks great, and I like the color contrasts you used with the stains. Mmm from what you've said, and also from what I've also experienced, replacing key basswood pieces on a build with harder wood is the way to go--adds a little to a kit's cost but perhaps saves on hassle and etc. with fighting with basswood.
  8. Just caught up with your log; the serving machine Michael built is really nice--his work is stunning! And looking forward to your wedding pics...for your bridal registry, maybe list all the building tools you'd like... J
  9. Russ, I'm enjoying seeing your work and reading your thought process as you move forward with the build. Love what you paraphrased from Underhill...I'm learning that it's spot on for this hobby! BTW, did you keep or chuck the hawse lips? Will look forward to seeing the scarph work you do when you install the final rail. Oi, are you in the trenches for the summer session?
  10. Russ, those lips look like a difficult call but you'll make the right choice that works for you! Jay
  11. Michael, I'm totally blown away by your work--you sir, are a master craftsman and then more! Jay
  12. Beautiful work, Russ, and your research and source material access is fantastic! Really am happy for you that you're getting some time in to work on your build--must feel good getting back into your shop. Jay
  13. Glad your time freed up a bit and you were able to get some build time in--she has lovely lines, Russ. Looking forward to watching the clutter!
  14. Just caught up on your build, Robbyn--she's lookin' great! Removing the BHs and sanding down the frames and a bit of the keel looks like it was a bit tricky--good thing sanding is a meditation for you... Yeah, these smaller boats are a challenge because of their size but they're also a lot of fun. Looking forward to seeing your progress on your build! Jay
  15. Another thought about the price-point differences is that the Mamoli kit price is also likely higher due to currency differences (and currency exchange fees) between the Euro and Dollar; also there are associated import costs as well (shipping expenses, customs, and so forth). So what I'm throwing out is that for the Mamoli kit, you're paying for those costs if you purchase the kit (that goes for any imported kit as well). While a firm will usually buy in bulk to increase their per-item margin and to help offset those per-item expenses, those costs are still associated with imports and are passed on to a consumer in an item's pricing. Oi, it's the accountant in me... Jay
  16. Your planking looks great, Robbyn--well done! Can relate also about basswood fuzz--running into the same problem. Stay safe--more weather is moving through Denver tonight & may be heading your direction.
  17. Looking forward to watching your new build, Robbyn--it's looking great! Hopefully the storms have moved through your area (we didn't get much today, but yesterday was another story). Jay
  18. Beautiful restoration work, Russ--she's a stunner! Since I'm a huge schooner fan (love their lines), methinks I'll do some research into the similarities and difference between Biloxi and New England schooners (am guessing hull geometries and sail rigs). Question: In one of your posts, you mentioned schooner races. Were these races similar to the Nova Scotia Fisherman's Races of the 20s and 30s--Gulf Coast working boats and crews?
  19. I just scrolled through your build and wow, Russ really nice work! When I'm ready to move onto more advanced stuff, I'm coming here for visual pointers! Also, I'm partial to the look and lines of schooners--they've always appealed to me, so there are few kits of these waitin' for me under my bed (storage area--with kits and etc. there, I can't see the hidin' dust bunnies ).
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