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Jay 1

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Everything posted by Jay 1

  1. Bob, looking forward to watching this one unfold--fingers are crossed that you find plans! Jay
  2. Glad everything went well, Eddie and welcome back! Randy's spot on: take care of you; Elsie won't mind waiting! Jay
  3. Ed, I'm looking forward to following along--spot on about this genre being neglected! Thanks for filling in some of that gap with project. Jay
  4. Thanks for the photo and info., Sarge--that's a nice piece of kit. I esp. like the extension piece--that's what originally caught my eye. This must be great for accurately determining waterlines and a host of other things. I think I'll be doing some shopping! Jay
  5. Beautiful start, Augie, but even more importantly, congratulations to you and your wife! Forty years is wonderful--my hat's off to you both! Jay
  6. Nice work, Tim--everything looks really great! Looking forward to the next phases. Thanks for the great shot of the Creole and Atlantic--ditto on Elia's question of when the race/shot occurred? Jay
  7. Richard, seeing how you taper the mast will be a build highlight--looking forward to learning what you come up with! Jay
  8. Very nice work, Sarge. I like your leveling setup--is that a modified digital caliper? If you don't mind, would you post a little more about it, please? Jay
  9. Janet, Norman's spot on with birch dowels. Even if you use conditioner or etc. with birch, it still is very hit or miss. I recently had some birch dowels that I conditioned and then stained--they came out blotchy and looked awful, so I painted over these. If your kit has birch dowels that you want to stain, you may want to use a different hardwood. Since you're in the UK, Cornwall Boats will be an excellent resource for replacement dowels. Jay
  10. Hi Richard, here's an entire thread about x-y tables & dremels. I didn't read through the posts but perhaps it'll be helpful: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1643-x-y-attachment-for-dremel/ I use an x-y w/ my Proxxon & it's OK for very light stuff, but want to do more robust milling so will likely upgrade to a regular mill in the coming year. Jay
  11. Here's a link to an assortment of methods for bending planks: http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Framing_and_Planking/Plank_Bending.pdf Jay
  12. Some how, I missed seeing your latest post Sam--thanks for the thanks! You had several very difficult calls to make with this project; given the challenges of many of the kit's dimension errors, you carefully weighed the pros and cons of those problems and came up with great solutions to this model's challenges. She's going to be a beauty when you're finished! Sails? Sails? You don't need no stinkin' sails! Jay
  13. Richard, I'm pulling up a chair for your build as well! I also have the Amati kit but won't be starting it for awhile--you're spot on that it's a lovely kit! Jay
  14. Y'all did a beautiful job on 'er! She's a fine looking boat, Bob--looking forward to seeing your next build. Jay
  15. This is great--she's coming together very well! Really looking forward to seeing how you shape the lifts and etc.--always have been curious half-hull models. Jay
  16. Cast Your Anchor in Ontario has the Phantom: http://www.castyouranchorhobby.com/item--Phantom--MS2027 You may also want to give eBay a go--there usually are a number of Phantoms listed. Jay
  17. Chuck, I also like the gray line. If there's enough demand and you decide to stock it, I'll purchase some for my next build when the line is available. Thanks, Jay
  18. Thanks Sam! Shoot, a lot of the fun with build logs, in addition to the build, is the banter and camaraderie--I like your sense of humor and fun, shipmate! And I still ain't talkin' about bloody sails (getting ready to hang some on my current build...I'm either a glutton for punishment or an idiot
  19. A couple of threads have also been recently started about cases: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/3011-how-to-do-maritime-suit-taylored-glass-cases-for-displaying-models/?hl=%2Bdisplay+%2Bcase#entry84481 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/2802-display-cases/?hl=%2Bdisplay+%2Bcase Jay
  20. Sam, thanks for the background regarding her lines. Yep, I had the story about her lines slightly skewed. I'm also not a big fan of the ship (have seen some nice builds of her though), but I am looking forward to your project! It does look like the former builder did some nice work, I'm really looking forward to seeing you take the boat to a new level and how you do it. What you wrote about 3-D were my thoughts as well. It'll be great if you can use it for the Bounty's stern and qtr badges! So many cast parts leave a lot to be desired, esp. when it comes to details like a ship's scrollwork and etc. Like you I'll stay out of the debate on its merits or faults when it comes to scratch building and etc; however, my guess is that this technology likely will be embraced eventually by some model companies--innovative firms like ME. There are so many compelling reasons why embracing it will be a good business move once its costs come down. Lol on being tough with me As former Marine and combat vet, I've got pretty thick skin along with, thankfully, good senses of humor and play. Jay
  21. Sarge, looks like you're off to a great start--am looking forward to seeing how you decide to display her! Jay
  22. The fun's begun! Great start, Sam; sounds like you have a solid POA for the refit. I'm not too up on the Bounty; if I understand correctly, there were two sets of Admiralty plans for the ship? Which does the AOS use? I thought I read in the forum (perhaps it was elsewhere) that many kits, like the Mamoli one, were more or less based on the first version Admiralty plans--does that sound right? A zillion questions...sort of want to get my bearings. I'm intrigued about the 3-D printing, so am hoping that works out for the refit. From what I've read about it, the technology is both fascinating and remarkable. I hear ya about Floquil, no idea why Testors dropped the line... Maybe they'll sell the rights (fingers crossed), as it was nice paint to work with and the colors they offered were excellent. I've been doing a lot with Tamiya's acrylics lately, mixed reviews, so I'm looking forward to hearing your reviews of the Admiralty stuff--btw, will you be hand or airbrushing with it or both? And I'm not sayin' jack about the s-things: my lips are sealed! Lol Jay
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