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About homer

  • Birthday May 7

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    San Diego, CA
  • Interests
    Woodworking, Golf, Ship building

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  1. I’m so sorry to hear this. He and Donna were always very kind and helpful.
  2. Hi Scott, your build is looking very nice indeed. I just started my AL Endeavour which came in the same box you have. So, it too is about 30 years old or so. The wood seems to be in fair shape. I keep going up and back if I should do a build log. I want to contribute but most of the members are so much better than me, I don't know if they would get anything out of it (accept a good laugh!). It's been so long for me that I would have to go back and review how to add a build log. Oh, I ordered the AOTS Marquarts Endeavour book and also the book written in depth by Ray Parkin. It will be at least another week before I get the first one and probably closer to three weeks on the Parkin book. I think it's being shipped to me from near your area. Anyway, again - very nice job. It's looking great. When I finish mine I will give it to one of my sons that I haven't yet made a ship for. It will be months and months before I get to where you're at today. Thank you for doing such a nice job Scott. Ron
  3. Thank you all for the methods used to cut planks! I was lucky enough to find a Byrnes saw locally that was bought a year earlier and it just wasn't that applicable to the type of work he was using it for. I saw the ad on Craig's list and for nearly half off the new price, I drove 2.5 hours to check it out. Fantastic shape so I did buy it. I called Jim Byrnes and spoke to his wonderful wife (very, very nice!) and she confirmed the sale to the guy I bought it from. I also ordered the sliding table, more blades and replacement screws, etc. It's been basically sitting here waiting for me to learn how to use it. Yesterday i cut a 1/32 plank that I was happy with the first half of it (about 20 inches in all). The second 10 inches got thinner. Looks like I need more practice! I bought some bass wood pre milled 1/4 and a bit thicker I think I can use to cut Garboard planks. I'm currently working on that planking course from NRG that recently became available. I've built five or six ships and they look okay but never did the planking the correct way. I want my planks to look like Chuck's and many of yours. I have built a couple ships that I haven't done a build log (I'm so bad). Actually just been very busy. I admire how you all do such wonderful logs. I recently finished Chucks 18th Century Long Boat and had fun working on it. I am doing better as I learn to plank. Both from the NRG course and watching some of Chuck's videos. In the near future I plan on buying some Boxwood and Alaskan Cedar for planking. Neither readily available. When I'm ready I'll first check with Chuck / Syren. Anyway, great posts and thank you. Ron
  4. Hi Jii, the Endeavour will be my next build. I currently have the AL and the Corel kit. And actually have the Occre kit on order (unbelievable price) unless I got scammed! Anyway, the Corel kit doesn't appear to have any bow filler in the box (usually put your own balsa there). The AL kit like yours has the bow filler. The front, like yours is convex. However, the back is flat and I have attache a pic for your reference. Unfortunately, AL is no longer in business. You'll have to find a way without altering scale to fix what you have or add some of your own balsa and shape it to the contours. Ron
  5. Hi Scott, your built is looking good! I actually just finished a ship that didn't have a build log. I'm now getting ready to start on my HMS Endeavour I purchased years ago. It's a Corel 1:60 kit and has been sitting there with others waiting to be built. However, as I unboxed it and began looking at MSW build logs I see that the Corel design is not very realistic. I like the OCCRE kit but it's costly. I found your exact kit on eBay for a very reasonable price and just bought it. It will probably be a week or so before I receive it. Hope you don't mind if I reference your log (since you will be well ahead of me) during my build. Ya know, the wood in the Corel kit, especially the bulkheads look very nice. Hopefully the wood in the AL kit won't be too bad! I've noted that their keels are sometimes warped. Anyway, I'm pretty excited about building this ship. I'm a fan of Captain Cook and have some authentic prints I purchased in Maui about 35 years ago! Anyway, just wanted to say Hi and I like what you've been doing to your build. Take care. Ron
  6. Thank you Joe. I build cases for all my completed ships. I really need to cover my Morgan though as it is just sitting on my work bench not yet finished and has been there for a couple years now. You make a great point. I should be covering the ships to protect them once I start the rigging. Thank you for your thoughts. Much appreciated! Ron
  7. Thank you so much. I appreciate your response. I did eventually find similar in the deep (2014 / 15) pages of this post. Thanks again! Ron
  8. I'm currently working on Artesania Latina's Bluenose II. I apologize if this was covered previously. If so, please direct me to the correct post. I have been running my rat line thru bees wax before attaching to shrouds. I have begun using a bit less of the wax and also running the cord thru my fingers. However, the black cord (in my opinion) just looks waxy and I have been noticing tiny wax particles that need to be cleaned from the ship's deck and other parts. I typically clean everything once the build has been completed. Should I NOT be waxing the ratlines? Should I be using a different type of wax? What do others use to have a more professional appearance?? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks. Ron
  9. More pics: I had to remake the two small boats. The one on the right I ended up tossing out. The white metal parts I used my Dremel with polishing wheel and I also used 000 Steel Wool. It made quite the mess. I painted and used clear lacquer so they hopefully don't discolor. I then ran the wires for the Bow Sprit. I could not neatly wrap the wires at the ends without my hands moving all over the place and hitting completed items. Sometimes I spend more time fixing things I break than building! So, I made metal "zip ties". I used a nail being held in a vise and wrapped it seven or eight times with the wire. Oh, I first rub wax on the nail then wrap it. Then, i use CA glue and immediately pop the zip ties off the nail before it all sets up. I used these to secure the the metal line on the Bow Sprit. I must not have taken close up pics of this but maybe you can see it by looking at other pics. I also made the anchor items and installed them.
  10. At the risk of being more of an idiot than I normally am ... I attach a pic of the deck structures with the grid tops, some open. Here's my mistake and hopefully you don't make the same one! I kept looking to see how others made the grid / bar structures at the top of the buildings. I have made similar and in fact, on my CW Morgan. However, these cut pieces were so light and with my shaking hands 🙂 I couldn't for the life of me lay and then glue them in any orderly way. I literally spent two full days messing with these until I came up with what is pictured there now. I wasn't happy with it. But, it was the best I could do under my current circumstances! Then, about three days later guess what I found... The roof bar structures in the supply tray that is given to you by AL. Erghhhhh... I was so angry. I'm not going to change them. At least not yet. It's my work. I put it together and it is what it is!
  11. Additional build pics: The deck pieces are not yet glued down. I found that the measurements in the AL directions where they should be placed were "all over the map"!
  12. I wanted to mention that I started this build on Feb 16, 2019. I'll add some additional pics of the build as it went along. I'll share, to the best of my recollection some of the areas I had difficulty.
  13. I have ModelExpo's Bluenose in dry dock. However, I really liked the way Artesania Latina's ship looked, so I purchased it and this will be what remains of my build log. I do realize Al's kit is far from accurate. Perhaps this is why I haven't found many detailed logs on the site. I've been remiss about going so long before creating a build log and I apologize for that. I haven't yet finished my Charles Morgan build. We were getting ready to move and between that and work getting very busy I wasn't able to dedicate much time to it. Then as I approached early retirement, I just couldn't get back into it. In all, almost two years past. Then I wanted to try and get back into building but because I got a bit rusty, didn't want to ruin the CW Morgan, which I put a lot of work into. So, thought I would order and build Chuck's 18th Century Longboat kit. I have finished it and build a small display case. I need to upload images of it into the completed logs. Not that I want to make any excuses, but during that two year sabbatical I had a small stroke and lost much of the sight in my right eye. This has created a depth of field issue for me, especially with building! Then I developed hand tremors. My ship building has never been on a professional level and I do it for the personal accomplishments. Certainly, I wish I could build like many of our members. You all are certainly a great inspiration. Anyway, back to the Bluenose II. I'll post a pic of the box since AL has had several ship kits and many are still out there from the 80's. Mine is one of there newer ones. I know there has been some conversation about this. To start with, the kit looked fairly good. It was only after I started that, like many others, the false keel was warped. Mine was severely warped! I did the best I could to straighten it.
  14. Hi Anna! excellent job on the models. Can't wait to see what you will build next. You'll find everyone on the site is very friendly and helpful.
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