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Ferrus Manus

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Everything posted by Ferrus Manus

  1. The outer half of the starboard side of the hull is mostly done, with the exceptions of the white anti fouling paint, channels, gunport lid hinges, and the weathering.
  2. The "Hellerism" here, is that the fall for the tackle is incorrectly wrapped around a block instead of properly belayed.
  3. The way the tackle is set up is incorrect and should not be rigged. 1052 should actually be an eyebolt near the end of the fore channel on either the bulwark itself or slightly inside. The tackle itself should fall to a eyebolt near the same place on the other side of the ship, and the fall for the tackle should be belayed on a pin (or cleat or rail) near or on the bulkhead directly fore or aft of the tackle itself. A5 and A6 might actually be the eyebolts in question. Or so i understand.
  4. We're a short way up the hull with the paintwork on the stbd side. Some of the running strakes will be banded, as in the box art, at one inch intervals. The base decorations for the stbd side may or may not be done tonight, probably not. Tomorrow is already an early morning. I will show you as much as i get done tonight.
  5. First things first, painting. I want to give you all (and especially Kirill) some insight into how i paint. The very first thing i did with both hull halves was to paint everything above the first wale a sort of beige color: This will serve as the base for the future paint that will go on the upper half of the ship. I am doing a good portion of this in line with the box art painting, however, i will likely change some things and keep others.
  6. Give 'em the old pirate treatment. Maybe if gibbeting was still around, IP theft wouldn't be an issue. 🤣
  7. There's quite the story behind this one. This is a model I have walked past for years at my local hobby shop, before this event took place. I have a great uncle who lives in Reno Nevada that i rarely get to see. Well, my dad and his girlfriend went to see him yesterday, and i got to talk to him on the phone. He said he wanted me to build a ship for him to display at his house, and this is the story thereof. I was able to go to the model shop a few hours ago and pick this up. Another comment: The stated scale of the ship (1/150) is laughably inaccurate. This replica of a ~100 foot ship builds to around 19 inches. A 1/150 model of said ship would build to about 9 inches. The math computes to a scale of about 1/64, and to back that up, this is actually the same mold as the 1/64 Revell mayflower. I am impressed by the size, which i consider purely a canvas for extra detail that's impossible to put onto a smaller scale ship. As for painting, I will likely base the majority of the paintwork, especially the upper paintwork, on the box art as well as my Golden Hinde. Ready? Here we go!
  8. ZHL are known pirates. There is NO forgiveness or support for known pirates, whether the kit itself is pirated or not. Buy from CAF, because ZHL probably stole it from them. The US patent office isn't doing its job.
  9. That's the same reason i decided to forego the parrels on my galleon; not enough space.
  10. I see what you did with the sail on the first one. This time, i would recommend putting some kind of glue on the sail before it's rigged, so you don't have to fix it in place with a wire. Even better, i would remake the sail using silkspan.
  11. I could probably find you something on how exactly parrels are rigged, if you wanted.
  12. Also, you could definitely do the parrel right if you wanted. There's certainly enough space there, and you could definitely find or make a belaying setup. If you want to do the parrel as it would have been, refer to the point at which i explained parrels and square sail tacking in this log.
  13. Moreover, if footropes did exist, they would probably have been tarred black lines.
  14. I'm pretty sure the footrope hadn't been invented by that point. Can someone else verify this?
  15. Perhaps those were the same type of ships that bore the Sea Peoples to the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean, and the rest is history.
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