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Ferrus Manus

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Everything posted by Ferrus Manus

  1. I have now come up with a set of measurements for the ship. Length stern post x stem post x keel: 36 inches Width master frame: 14.4 inches (l/b of 3) Width tail frame: 10.5 inches
  2. A second scale drawing of the ship's stem, stern, and keel, but with more clarified relationships and a theoretical sketch of the ship's lines. Edit: I erroneously labelled the wing transom as "f.p." (fashion piece)
  3. Take heart and fear not: The Senora Fielden lives! This is not a dead build log- She was just asleep. When the Nef build is over, i shall begin the full-scale drawings, as well as some design revisions.
  4. @Louie da fly what do you recommend i do for the sail/running rigging? I plan on combining rigging elements of both Viking ships and ships of the Late Middle Ages.
  5. Let's embark on the journey of standing rigging! I got all the shrouds and the forestay done today. And that was my theory. On every Nef image i saw, the forestay was simply wrapped around the stempost and that didn't look right. So, i had a theory: What if there was simply a block and tackle system that was omitted in the interest of simplicity, and the bottom of the stay went through a hole and wa siezed or tied there, and the tackle for the stay was wrapped around the stempost. So, that is what i did: i made the best of both worlds, combining logic and observation.
  6. This is the Storming of Corruna, 1445. Notice the ladders, and how they are constructed exactly how i made mine. The ladder is not glued to the sterncastle yet, and won't be until the rigging is done- too much risk of breaking it off. I also will leave the forecastle ladder off until then.
  7. Maybe they were just naturally stable and seaworthy vessels, which could be why we haven't discovered a wreck yet.
  8. Mondays and Fridays only?? Unacceptable!! My Men's Shed is in my bedroom. 😂 Your Couta looks marvelous, Steven, and i think we need many more traditional or locale-specific builds on this forum.
  9. While that is a sound assumption, line would not be strong enough to provide a significant bolstering of the structural integrity. The castle would have carried a maximum load of about 300lbs (the weight of two men) and as such would not need to be as bulky as the castles of, let's say, a carrack. This also brings us to the issue of the fact that the castles would not need to be tensioned, which is what line would do, but rather held up with wood beams, forming four triangles (the strongest geometric shape) out of wood.
  10. Ships like the Soleil Royal were used to convey royal sovereignty, as the mightiest ships of their time. They were meant to inspire awe and/or terror in those who looked upon them. I doubt a little Nef would invoke nearly the same type of emotions, especially in the era of castles and cathedrals with 400-foot tall spires.
  11. I did what looked realistic and didn't mess up the proportions of the ship. The tall planks come up to a man's waist. These were also not warships, and VERY pre-osha, so waist-high battlements seem right. Now all i have to do is make and install the ladders. A few oars that came in the original kit will be sacrificed to make this happen.
  12. The castles are done, minus the ladders and any potential other stuff i decide to put there. At this point, basically everything above the actual top of the hull itself is made out of card.
  13. Okay Steven, i have a theory on that. These were the most simple and ordinary merchantmen of the High Middle Ages. I genuinely believe that, regarding the ornate Gothic castles, either the artists/coin minters took considerable amounts of artistic license, or it was a running joke. As for the castles, i will be alternating 1x1 cm and 1x2 cm strips of cardboard running vertically as the walls of the castles, making it look a little bit like actual castle parapets. These will be painted off-white cream and a sort of cream/sea green, in alternation.
  14. Alright, second castle is done. The planking of the castles, with some intelligence and planning, were surprisingly easy, and both only took one attempt.
  15. You're a sick man, Steven! The Dark Side has called to me patiently and persistently, so much so that i decided to start my own huge, major scratch project (out of timber!!)
  16. i just finished a major part of the ship. This is the sterncastle platform (my very first scratchbuilt deck), the receiving block for the halyard, and the capstan, which has yet to be glued to the deck. Not pictured are the transversal beams for the forecastle.
  17. Thank you. I know about the pumps on carracks and later ships, i just don't have a solid date on when they first appeared. I am aware of the pumps you put on your Winchelsea Nef, i just don't have a solid date for the introduction of pumps.
  18. One more question: have they ever recovered bilge pumps from a cog? If so, what did they look like?
  19. Ok Steven, like you probably assumed, this is a small testbed. This is the point at which i begin to develop the techniques that will be used on the Senora Fielden.
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