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  1. HMAS AUSTRALIA II D84 is finally in her New Home port alongside a RICH maritime Naval history at "seaworks maritime precinct" . Next project same scale HMAS Yarra (Grimsby sloop) coming along nicely.
  2. So met with Bill Harris of Temora Gunnery rate HMAS Australia 39-45 Yankee turret then a couple of days later met up with Bruce crowl of lakes entrance both 98 years old and sharply dressed strong and healthy telling war stories like it was yesterday, you could Smell the cordite in their stories, both very proud Veterans
  3. Sorry for the delay of some decent pictures, thanks shipman for saying like it is and not messing about, the Navy Phot department got in on the act and got some action going. Once again thanks to all on this wonderful forum and for the sage advice and tips.
  4. Thanks for the kind words. Yes she will be living at Seaworks for the time being on permanent display with the Original Ensign above her and some other bits and pieces. The plan was to be the Navy museum at HMAS Cerberus, however there was no solid guarantee that the Museum will not close in the near future due mainly to lack of funding. Regards Andy
  5. The "Aussie" nearly completed just some more deck detail and touch up work. She will be on permanent display at the seaworks maritime precinct museum in Williamstown Victoria from about mid March. Thanks 🙏 to all that were providing information during The build process. This forum/medium is a wealth of knowledge and sage advice. Regards Andy
  6. Looking for anymore reference to this crest on aft superstructure. I think 🤔 "for God king country" anyone assist with some better pictures? Thanks in advance
  7. A Bit of news about the future of this build the Aussie. So last week have had a good chat with the president of the HMAS Australia veterans association, there is the real chance of the model going on permanent display at the shrine of remembrance in Victoria. Watch this space fellow shipwrights.
  8. Bit more work on the bridge today. Admiral Crace decided to join in the banter. Got my miniature charts printed up. Not too bad a result. Painting these figures is something else in patience 😀
  9. XO what's that smell ? Was that you ? The discussion was overheard by the Flag deck
  10. I'm not a rivet counter never have been when it comes to detail just so long as it looks period perfectly correct haha cheers thanks will have me a captain Cook.
  11. Been looking through your build. Any chance you could throw me some close up Pictures of the Crane structure and Control/machine House for a scratch build I am midway through and run out of reference material for the Crane structure. Regards Andy
  12. Looking for any reference to the Mid-ships Cranes around the time late 42. I have some pictures of the Gantry structure but not much on the Machine/Control box This crane was used for the Aircraft recovery and ships boats. I have exhausted my search and my drawings and blueprints are good but early in service.
  13. I have since put things right, and swapped A B Turret around as the twin Oerlikon Tub should have been on B Mount just beneath the Bridge "Master at arms " take that man below decks and clap him in irons
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