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Everything posted by Twokidsnosleep

  1. Metal eyelets and ropes around the foredeck railings and hand rope down the stairs to the lower deck ‘’ARRRrrr, there be safety here”
  2. Oh I just found your Pearl build. Will catch up on the videos over the weekend
  3. Fan-freaking-tastico! these look 10M times better
  4. Wow That is a big project. Very interesting. I wonder if they finished, so many things get started and then disappear off the internet Have lost many good modellers off my other forum site with Covid and life changes. Sad people just vanish
  5. Found an interesting research source today…the site of the team that made the scale version of the Black Pearl for filming https://www.jduncandesign.com/work/project-two-8wzh7 some good clear pics for me, especially details around the cat heads and anchors The amount of weathering and gunk on the bottom of the hull are also interesting super cool stuff made by very professional modellers with exceptional pedigrees……unlike me🤪
  6. You are very welcome, It totally helped me too As for MFH kits: Brough Superior, Black Shadow and maybe a Cobra car….all pipe dreams and there are so many others Maybe sell of the big stash and use the money for those?? 🤔
  7. Cannot go wrong with combination mechanical hold (nails) + glue This is looking great, will follow along
  8. The black shadow spoke pattern from the gorgeous MFH kit Shows the over under pattern well
  9. Superb work! It makes the spoked wheels so much better, nice job
  10. Happy little blackened screaming heads temporarily positioned on the starboard side I busted one and lost another to the floor Yes they will all be aligned perfectly when they are fixed to position…everything is a dry fit here
  11. I would appreciate some knot tying input here Am trying to tie off the anchor line that is quite thick. Internet searching finds an “anchor bend” my attempts at this knot..it still needs the seizing part at the top whaddya think?? Am I way off base here??? Help!!!!
  12. Wow Talk about heavy metal this is really building up now👍🏻
  13. There we go; these will look better evened out and painted, but will be very functional I thickened the beam across the two supports with a white styrene piece and it made things less flexy
  14. Ooo good question, yes the Dutchman would be a good next ship project I have a few other unfinished builds I want to get done, The Miss Budweiser Hydroplane is among those Have the Blue nose kit and would love to find the Gotheborg Swedish wooden kit but it is out of production
  15. Well this was a thing. Getting some more ‘deck furniture’ ready before the ropes of rigging are in the way adding brass pins so it fits tight to the deck and won’t pull up easily I broke a belaying pin with little effort🙄 I don’t trust this styrene is areas of stress so repaired it with brass…and will replace the rest of them the same way Then testing of weathering the flat black hull Some grey cement pigments. There will be some rust as well and salt wash lines This stuff can be wiped away with water so is easy to control degree of weathering
  16. I agree These polyester 'ropes of scale' are fantastic to work with and the results are very encouraging More work on the bow and you get another angle view of the gammon rope I have started to fit in the cathead block for the anchor support and the starboard forward side dasher is now glued in
  17. Thank you The polyester is lovely to deal with. It holds the knots fairly well and stays put as I wound it around. A bit of fun trying to thread it through the base part but it went ok Mind you , I have not used natural fiber rope before so cannot really give a full comparison
  18. Bowsprit and Lower foremast are cemented in. I did a metal rod in Bowsprit and pinned it to the foremast so things won't move The two mast locked together The anchor line is in and test fitting the railing up front Then I added the Gammon rope to the Bowsprit. A bit fiddly and not perfect but it will work
  19. oh cool, love to see some pics of her Trying not to be that guy that post pics of all his work to steal others thunder I made a Black Shadow into a Café Racer If you wanna see, you can read my build thread on my other non ship Forum home here: https://intscalemodeller.com/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=28658
  20. Surprisingly, there are not better figures at this scale I am assuming copyright infringement law is a big issue in stopping production of film based figures But your figures modified well….I agree they would be easier if just cast/printed in resin or styrene and not that ABS snot they used
  21. I am about to head into putting up masts and the rigging stages.... which is a bit intimidating This is a six minute 'summary of modifications so far' video
  22. Messing around with some vinyl Sparrow logos for a pirate flag…a good friend made these for me onto crate paper I have some fabric for sails that I will try and get these on or used as a template
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