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Everything posted by cristikc

  1. Hi, i can say just that you are a real Artist, and me an amateur Congratulations Cristi
  2. Juan, excelent ship I like all your work, and i take many ideas from you I know this wood, and it looks good I like the way you make the colours, and the ageing Al the best, Cristi
  3. Hi and Happy Birthday Love yor Cross section. In the future i will start a new cross section, and i will look to this Cristi
  4. Excelent ship, and like very much also the pictures, and details. What type of wood you used for the second plank? All the best. Cristi
  5. With my new "home made lathe" i continue with the main mast and the yards The new lathe The yard Detail A try for the for belaying-pin, because the plastic ones that came with the Occre kit, i don't like
  6. I had to make the masts for Santisima Trinidad, and the wood is very cracky, so i hade to use an wood lathe. I started to buil one, and this is what i have done The start some details Almoast ready
  7. Hi Dragzz, i have the same type. Just set the "zero" every time you start to measure, else you can have unpredictable result. The same problem is when you don't have battery. The only diference from the clasical one, is that you can read quicker, but the precision is done by the calliper manufacture
  8. Hi paulduggan21 Thank's for the nice words. The jewish bittum you can buy from paint shop (as i found some times ago) or you can make by your self The first time i made by myself, and i will try to find exactly how, to write to you The one i made by myself What i bought this year
  9. Nice solution, i will tray it very soon. Thank's
  10. The Cross section is ready, and will be presented in Gallery of COMPLETED Kit-Built Ship Models Here are some pictures of the finished cross section From now i have to go back to the hole ship and the other cross section some details
  11. Just an "excelent museum". All are very nice. Congratulations
  12. Thank you Yvesvidal, Now is to late to start a new Build log, because i can say i am ready with the cross section an go back to the ship. Continue with the Ratlines The lower ratlines are ready Detail of topmast
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