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Mike Collier

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Mike Collier

  1. Got some more work done on my round stern. I got the floor done and working on planking the deck. I also cut out the low cabin sides and roof.
  2. Got the deck supports in today and installed the floor supports in. Won’t be able to work on the boat tomorrow I’ll be at the Oxford Md. model boat show until 4pm. If in the area stop by and say hi.
  3. Thanks for the positive words guys. I think I got the building part done, now on to the finishing.
  4. Jay, how do you like Wye River models skipjack? I’ve built a few of their models and like them.
  5. I got some more work done on my round stern. I installed the keel, I plank the round stern and started to plank the bottom.
  6. Got some more work done on my canoe. I think it’s coming along nicely but not my best work.
  7. I always learn from each of my builds, I learned from this never to use ammonia again! Jacques how did you use the spacer block?
  8. I messed up on my canoe, the instructions said to soak the ribs in 50/50 solution of water and ammonia. I let them soak for 3 hours and then I started to glue them in, the ca glue turned white and dried hard. I’ll have to removed clean them and reglue , I should’ve rinse them off before I glued them in. I’ll never use ammonia again.
  9. Sanded the hull today, removed from building board and added the pieces to the peaks ends.
  10. Didn’t work to much today, watching football. I did work on the round stern adding the top and supports.In the back ground of the picture is my pot pie skiff, a killer hale and long tail drake that I carved.
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