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Everything posted by RossR

  1. I started with HMS Beagle by Occre. Occre has a series of about 130 short youtube videos on how to build the kit. Currently I am working on the rigging. I have enjoyed building the model. I made a few mistakes along the way, but I learn a lot and I will hopefully be finishing the Beagle and starting my next model in January. Best advice I can give is watch the videos (probably useful for any first tall ship build even if you aren't building the Beagle) and really go over the instructions. As I got further along in the build I started watching the videos with the instructions for that stage of the build. This was especially helpful on the rigging. Also, for a first build, remember you are supposed to enjoy building it. It won't be a museum quality model so don't stress over any small mistakes. I have a couple of lines that go to the wrong pin to be tied off, and one big mistake on the main mast that I couldn't correct. Oh well. I will learn from it and do better next time, but my model still looks good.
  2. Thanks. I appreciate the insight and I like the idea of going through the hole. It has occurred to me as I am struggling to wrap the line around the belay pin in a very tight space that nobody will see it after the hank is attached. My pins are already glued in, so I will suffer through on this model but use this tip on my next one.
  3. I am working on the rigging of my HMS Beagle from Occre. It is my first model ship. The rigging instructions show some belay pins having two different lines attached to them. Is this correct? I am a little worried about whether there is enough pin on the bottom of the pin rail for the extra material.
  4. The Diana I am building is the Spanish Frigate Diana that was built in 1792 not the British ship. Thanks for the tip though. I would love to find more information about the ship I am building if anyone has any suggestions.
  5. Thanks for the thoughts on finishes. I think I will look into Shellac for my next build.
  6. I am currently finishing my first model, HMS Beagle from Occre. I had some problems with the polyurethane that I used to finish it. I opened a new can of Minwax quick dying polyurethane in March and had really good results. By summer the poly from the same can wouldn't dry. I expected slower drying due to higher humidity, but no matter how long I waited is stayed tacky. I would appreciate any insights into why this happened. Also, I will be starting my next model in a couple months and I am wondering if I should be using a lacquer or shellac instead. I will be brushing it on, not spraying and would love to hear any thoughts on whether I should stick with poly or switch to something else. Thanks
  7. I am currently building my first model, HMS Beagle from Occre. Going pretty well. I have made a few mistakes including one big one on the main mast, but have learned a lot. I started about 10 months ago and am currently about half way through the rigging. I hope to be done after Christmas. I will be starting the Frigate Diana next and I am planning on creating a build log as I go.
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