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chris watton

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Everything posted by chris watton

  1. Cheers! The 'Laser room' is only a third of the space in the converted garage, but I feel I may outgrow the place in a couple of years.. I know that I will need to replace the smaller 40w laser with another larger 80w if things continue to go well.
  2. Just had my second and third 8k 3d printer arrive. I need this many as kits have a lot of multiple parts, like cannon barrels. This is my main 'production area' now, along with laser material storage. (and completed Indy laser cut parts). I will need to get a third extractor for the smaller laser machine at some point, though, as both of my current ones are attached to the large laser. Right now, the laser is cutting more Sphinx 0.6mm pear, as I was running short.
  3. I will do more figures in the future, but I now have to concentrate fully on Indy and organising orders for final materials. Only a couple of months ago, I just had a Nelson and Cochrane. Now, I have another captain, a lieutenant, 8 seamen, 2 marines and a cook, each with a choice of 5 scales. A rat climber is definitely one I shall do in future, though.
  4. It was me that suggested Jim planks in that way, as this is exactly how I planked Victory, which would need two planks per run due to the size (hull planking being well over a metre). I didn't mind doing that way, as I could get a perfect fit and start the planking at the bow and then the more complex curves of the stern, and then trim any excess where they meet. As the planking lines would disappear once the hull was prepped for painting, it didn't matter if the planks were staggered or not. On an unpainted, varnished only hull then clearly, the planks would be staggered - but a waste of time and effort for a hull that is half covered in copper and the other half completely painted. However, as with most things, this is subjective, being a wooden model kit, the builder can plank in however manner they feel best suits them, but in this case, it is moot as the planking strips in the kit will be full length, not half.
  5. Perhaps in the future, for now, I have already done a lot more than I initially intended. Plus, no matter what I do, what pose the figures, someone will always want one that I do not have.
  6. I can confirm that ALL planking in the Indy kit will be 900mm long. I sent Jim 500mm long planking strips, as at the time, I wasn't sure what length I would use. As the whole of the outer hull is painted, it really doesn't matter where the planks are joined, especially for the coppered area. But as mentioned, each kit has 900mm lengths.
  7. OK, all printing for figures all done. Cannon crew, Pellew, Hornblower and newest figures are all offered in 5 scales, 1:96th, 1:72nd. 1: 64th, 1:48th and 1:32nd. Today I finally received my nice Ranger sail sets, so as soon as I have the boxes, plans and manual, that will be available to buy (11th kit) Also in my package was some pear blocks, which means pearwood block and deadeye sets are finally available again for the Sphinx, Alert, Duchess and Speedy kits. I was hoping to have my nice premium Alert sail sets, but alas, they're still being made.. Right, back to Indy....
  8. The first batch is strictly 50. It cannot be more due to space. Each Indy kit will have around 50 separate laser cut sheets (with 37 of those sheets being pear from 0.6-6mm thickness), so I haven't room right now for 100 kits worth. Plus when the plans and manuals, and boxes arrive, God knows how much space they'll take. (Thinking of an A3 sized manual, rather and A4).
  9. Welcome, I absolutely love your Commerce de Marseille and Prince, stunning work!
  10. I do like the cook! The carver did a cool job on that. I figured it would be cool to have him by the stove, very unobtrusive.
  11. OK, the 64th and 48th cook, marines and sailors are on line, soon to be followed by 72nd, 96th and a few at 32nd MODEL FIGURES – VANGUARD MODELS
  12. OK, had my final set of files sent to me today for the remaining figures I commissioned my carver to do. These are the very first off. Again, there is a cook (will be sold as an individual figure), Marine officer and private (sold together) and also sold together, 2 sailors. The hands will allow the insertion of rope if required (although at 96th scale, I am not sure how that would work). I plan to do all in 96, 72nd, 64th (of course..), 48th and 32nd scale.
  13. After Indy, I do plan to develop a 'diorama mini kit' or two in 32nd, utilising my new figures. Figure that will be a nice little break after such a kit as Indy...
  14. OK, just had these renders of the almost complete second, and final, set of figures. The is a Royal Marine officer and private, a ships cook, and 2 able seamen. I should have these ready within the next two weeks
  15. Almost forgot about this one until today, when I finally got word my Ranger premium sail sets are on their way to me. This particular hull shape is one of the easiest to plank. Today I did this box art, I just have the manual to put together now, so this should be for sale in the next 3-4 weeks. This is the last of the historical fishing vessels of the British Isles for quite some time. For the next couple of years, all developments will have cannon...
  16. Just a tiny update. I have added another two sets of table and chairs: Cabin furniture – VANGUARD MODELS Also, all Brodie Stoves have been redone in the tougher Navy Grey resin and on the 8k resolution printer.
  17. I now have 1:32nd scale figure for Pellew, Nelson and Hornblower. (Pictured with a 48th Pellew to show the scale) In the future, I may do a diorama kit of a 24 or 32 pounder, cannon crew and officers in 32nd scale. ETA - Now have the Cochrane figure in 32nd
  18. For the Amati Victory, I actually did three different templates for the stern name, as every painting/drawing seems to show a different size. But it pays not to put too much stock in art, as many paintings/drawings were done years, even decades after the ships/actions depicted, some even showing later/very early 18th/19th Century vessels with fittings and colours in vogue at the time of the painting, rather than the period in which the vessels are depicted. Indy had a (very active) 20-odd year career, and at some points, she would have had her name on the stern, so the name in included in the kit.
  19. And to what I am working on now - Indy. I have just completed all profile drawings, so now I can arrange them on plans and add part numbers. Also I can now start mast and rig plans (always need hull and deck profile drawings complete before this, as they are used in rigging drawings..) This is my interpretation of Indefatigable, Circa 1796/97
  20. Also have a little set of cabin furniture available: Cabin furniture – VANGUARD MODELS Over the next 2 to three weeks, I should also be able to offer a ships cook, two sailors in poses and a Royal Marine officer and private - and that's it!
  21. OK, I had my cannon crew print files arrive yesterday, and on Friday, I just so happened to receive my brand new 8k 3d printer (my other two are 4k resolution). These are the first files I printed. The most pics show the 64th scale crew with an Indy 24 pounder gun. There are also shots of the 48th versions. These will be on my website soon. Oh, also, I asked for bases for each as I prefer to attach the majority of the supports to these, rather than the figures themselves, as much as possible.
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