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chris watton

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Everything posted by chris watton

  1. Just the same as I do with all the more recent kits, a pear centre keel in 2mm pear with a 1mm outer face on either side, to which the planking butts up to.
  2. I would go with Jim's advice, I have noticed that some guns do look too large the carriage they're seated on, but this seems to have been the way.
  3. Adding more internal detail, as opposed to standard block-type model kits, add a hell of a lot of time and materials and going further, what Chuck is doing now, the fully framed model kit takes that even further in time and material count. I try to make my kits a kind of 'halfway house' between the two. But this does increase the material count a lot when compared to standard kits. However, I think it is worth it, as I love detail and having most parts scale thicknesses. But it does come at a cost in time, money and metal health! lol
  4. OK, all of Indefatigable artwork complete, and plans, manual and box label have been sent to the printers. This means that finally, the Indy development folder can now be put in my 'Completed Developments' folder, never thought I'd see the day! There will be no other versions of Indy, this is it. I have always wanted to develop this kit, ever since I did Agamemnon back in 1999, but I am so pleased I waited until I could develop this without the usual restraints that were always imposed on me. It is a mad kit, though, and very heavy with the large box being very full! To clarify, the Indy kit contains everything to complete the model with masts and rig. There are a few laser cut sheets dedicated to this; even, for the first time, the Parrel Ribs are laser cut, not photo etched, in 0.6mm pear wood. Even the fids and masthead battens are laser cut. I am disappointed I could not offer more laser engraved decks, but I simply could not keep buying more stock of very expensive custom size wood/veneer, only to find I cannot use most of it and throwing it in the skip. In other news, I have a set of Blue Ensign flag sets on their way (to complete the set), along with a historically accurate US flag as an option for Grecian. I have finished all I can for Grecian right now, and am waiting for the sample PE sheets before sending the kit to Jim (Jim will essentially have the complete kit, plans, laser cut parts, fittings, and with the USB stick with my construction pics in lieu of the manual). In the meantime, I am looking at giving Speedy a little love, and thinking about changing the keel parts to the same design as the latest kits. Will see how that pans out...
  5. I would be careful if using HMS Trincomalee as she looks today as a reference for Indy detail, Trincomalee is shown as she was in a much later period than Indy, being a very late build Leda Class.
  6. Just looked at some of my old Amati kit files, no photographs at all in the building manuals, these kits like Fly, Vanguard etc. have line drawings only, and that's including the hull assembly. Indy has a very detailed step by step hull assembly manual in A3 size with photos and text, and very detailed line drawings for masts, yards and rigging. All masts and yard parts are also to scale. It is the hull assembly that requires lots of photos, as the vast majority of the main build is the hull and all the detail therein. There really isn't much to the top hamper in comparison.
  7. There are 9 full size plan sheets dealing with masts and rig. Before I started developing my own kits, the models I developed before also never had photographs of the masting and rigging sequence in the manuals, or if they did , they were very basic, as the plan sheets deal with this. They have all of the separate masts and yard line drawings, along with all dimensions required. Photographs of this stage are always a little surplus to requirements. You cannot put the masts together using pictures, you need the line drawings and dimensions on the plan sheets for that.
  8. Manual was completed today (about an hour ago, actually, at the time of writing this), and box art will be complete tomorrow, at which point, all files are sent to printers, so I should have all manual, plans and box labels with me by the end of next week, with orders being shipped week commencing 27th Feb. All pre ordered kits have a personalised optional name plate included, with the purchasers name.
  9. Well done to Jim, a very long project, and he's done a fine job. Tomorrow I shall complete the build manual and box label art, and sent to printers as soon as complete. This has been a very long haul!
  10. As I am having 9-pounders on the main gun deck instead of carronades (which never look as cool), I have deviated from the real version, so chain pumps it is.
  11. Very Nice, Winnie? OK, for more sailor figures, if people want to send me pictures of what they want, including the contemporary dress and stance, I will see what I can do.
  12. I am thinking chain pumps for Aubrey's Surprise, I feel I have a little more leeway with this one...
  13. Look at this pic, looks like the original Surprise/L'Unite didn't have chain pumps also! Should I change this to chain pumps for the version I am doing? Also, I have done a set of 4 chain pump housings as a separate option. Each housing is around 22mm long and 9mm thick (1x5mm pear centre and 2x1.5mm outers).
  14. OK, designs for the Baltimore privateer Grecian have been completed, and here are some pics of the 'quick and dirty' build I do, to check final designs. I do mean quick, as this time last week, it wasn't even planked! With that in mind, please note that I have literally threw the bits together on this without too much clean up. All this is for is to check all laser cut designs, to make sure all fit as they should - and if they don't, they are removed, a new part cut and re applied. I have included a lot more ordnance than she ever carried, but if I just included a couple of 4 pounders and a couple of x 6 pounders, I am sure that wouldn't go down so well. So what I have done and will include is a choice. There will be 12 x 18 pounder carronades, 8 x 6 pounder long guns and 4 x 4 pounders. I have gone with a mainly carronade armament, plus a pair of 6 and 4 pounder cannon - but the modeller can change this if they so wish. I will also include a 3d printed 20 foot cutter hull and the laser cut floors, thwarts and oars to go with it. I have included a couple of pics showing its size in relation to Sphinx and Speedy - the latter looks very tubby when sat next to the very sleek schooner!
  15. The first 5 Indy kits complete in boxes, all they wait for is plans, manual and box label.
  16. This thread just updates you guys on what I am up to, there are separate threads/build logs by Jim Hatch which concentrate on each of the new kits.
  17. Today I received the fittings and more fragile laser cut sheet box. This fits within the main box, protecting the parts further when in transit, as the main MDF hull parts are very heavy.
  18. You are a man after my heart! All the frigates you mention in your opening post are the same as the ones I want to develop!
  19. Yes, it is the same frigate that captured the Spanish 'Treasure Fleet' in 1804, resulting in the Mercedes blowing up.
  20. I sincerely hope so! lol Cruiser is 100 foot along the deck, Grecian is 95 foot, so not a lot in it. I suspect the price will be around the same as Speedy.
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