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Everything posted by oakheart

  1. Here is my first attempt at making a pintle. I had some 0.8mm dia. copper wire which looks about the right size for the pin, amazingly when hammered flat it is also a good match for the straps. When I have completed it I will black it with Liver of Sulphur as advised by Allen @allanyed The parts are 'soft' soldered together with some good old lead based solder I have from years ago. When I have decided on the final shape of the rudder I will remake it to suit the profile. I am assuming the centre of the hinge should fall in the gap between the rudder and the sternpost? This is fun. Tim
  2. Thanks Adrian @Thunder so very like the example that Craig @iMustBeCrazy showed us. Tim
  3. Wow : Thanks for all the research, the first one looks like it could be an angled leading edge. The drawing / painting looks more like a bevel than rounded. I does look like a flat plank. As this is no longer a model of any real cutter, I may use artistic licence here. Personally I quite like the angled look, so I may just go with that. Tim
  4. Hi Gregory Thanks for that, it will certainly be enough for me to make mine. Oh dear I seem to have done it again, I was going to line the gun ports, now suddenly I making the rudder. Focus, focus, focus now I am here I will complete the rudder, pintles and gudgeons. Thanks for all the help, advice and likes Tim
  5. Ok next question. Just cut the rudder to shape but I can't find any reference on the drawings I have, to the rudder cross section or the cut away for the hinges ( name )? @Thunder what did you do? @allanyed are there any documents that give those dimensions? thanks Tim
  6. Thanks Allan @allanyed what an amazing amount of detail we can call on from that period. Interesting that the oar ports had their own lids Tim
  7. I have used these by Woodeedoo on my latest build, I they look good NOTE: being water based, they do raise the grain which can show any sanding marks, so you do need to be careful with the rougher grades of sandpaper https://woodeedoo.com/wood-stain.html?bottle_size=tester-10-ml looks to be about the same price? Tim
  8. That's what I thought, I will not be messing with this model to show it. But there would have been an awful lot of water sloshing about on deck without any kind of drain. Tim
  9. Welcome to MSW. I know that feeling well, I just say to myself, get on and finish it Tim
  10. Waterways fixed in place, cleaned up and added some detail to the stern I need a couple of bits of moulding to cover the ragged edges. next job could be lining then gun ports. As I no longer appear to be following Bills original here I am not going to add port lids, KISS I think it will look better without them. Question, can anyone tell me if there would have been scuppers on a cutter like this? Tim
  11. I like your solution, it saves cutting the rabbet which can be difficult to get right. Tim
  12. Ha, Ha..... that's why I keep dreaming of doing a ready made kit for my next build. As you say 3rd time lucky. Your persistence is inspirational. Tim
  13. I also needed to make the waterway, the drawing shows a moulding but I went for a simple triangular section 1x1mm. After cutting some 1x1mm square I made a simple sanding jig, the sides are at 45 degrees so that the section sits neatly in place ready to have half of it width sanded away leaving a triangular section. It gets very delicate, I managed to snap the first one I tried, then being much more gentle I managed to get two usable strips Now to glue them in place Tim
  14. Now I need to do the opposite side, the cap rail on the transom, then it's onto making and fitting the details. I will need to keep referring back to thunders @Thunder build for guidance. Chucks @Chuck Cheerful is also similar enough to be a great help here. Does anyone keep a list of what needs to be done next? Tim
  15. Very interesting, apart from being wider the new version looks better to my eye with the plank in the center instead of a gap. Thanks for pointing out Chucks @Chuck Cheerful blog, I have read that and several other builds by Chuck, he is a true master to follow. Now he is working in film he may not talk to us mere motals 🙂 I spent nearly 20 years working as a professional model maker, producing props and special fx for stills, TV and film, it's a really high octane business to be involved in. Tim
  16. Don't count on that. That looks good, persistence is everything. Craig, you are an example to us all. Tim
  17. I know that feeling 😞 Seeing the mockup I now understand how it will work, as you said "pictures and words" And It will work really well, I shall tuck away that idea for my next build...... Tim
  18. Would you leave it unplanked so you could see inside? Tim
  19. Got a good amount done today. Darkened the wale and added the rail under the gunports, don't know what it's called. made the quarter piece or fashion piece, I made it in two parts as the test I did did not bend well amazing how the photos highlight all of the bad parts as well as the good I am enjoying having got this far and it does not look too shabby, especially as this is only my second single plank on bulkhead scratch build. thanks for all of the likes and help / encouragement you have all given me. Tim
  20. Just love that detail, wish I could get consistent quality wood in UK Tim
  21. I can't resist playing, placed a few bits on deck just to start to get a feel for how it could look off for a snooze now Tim
  22. I knew I had seen it some other place as well, thanks @Gregory Tim
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