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Everything posted by oakheart

  1. Thanks Craig @iMustBeCrazy. I have now added another cutter, based on advice you gave earlier I have made a new cutting jig and got tiny saw to go with it. Then from the drawings we discussed before I made a kit of parts. when glued together they make V3 of the companionway. With a bit of gentle sanding it will look okay. Not sure if I will add a hole and a ladder so I can show it open. Tim
  2. Hi Chris On topic question ( I hope ), I recently ordered and received your excellent figure for 'Hornblower', I would like to remove the base so I can fit him to the deck of a ship. Can I just Dremel it off, not sure how the plastic will respond? Tim
  3. Ha - that looks a really good resource, is there an index for what's on them ? Thanks toni @tlevine Sorry Chris @chris watton I have hijacked your thread. Tim
  4. Is that U.S. or us ? I would like to read the article but not yet a member. I should get round to joining here in the U.K. Tim
  5. Where does time go? I keep getting diverted - Family, friends, house and garden all need attention the garden has woken up and keeps needing care. Then in the post I got the cutter from Vanguard Models ( thanks Chris ) @chris watton that I ordered to go on the deck of 'Speedy' if you remember the painting of cutter 'Kite' that I posted had a pair of boats, I will just have this one on 'Speedy' This is very much WIP, any comments welcome. Practicing my painting technique. Not sure if colour would sit well with the rest of the model. I have lightened the pearwood parts with a pale wash. The Lieutenant is waiting to be coloured in next, so I will need a lot of practice. Tim
  6. Welcome Gaz You will learn loads from the amazingly helpful crew here, if you get stuck just ask. Tim
  7. I'm sure a lot of us would like to know what those things are. As you say we are all learning Tim
  8. I have downloaded and will digest over the next couple of days. Initial view looks good. I assume they printout on A4 paper? Tim
  9. Thanks for the great explanation, off I go to cut some parts. I will get back to the build eventually. but things keep diverting me, I am contemplating building a mini table saw, I have all of the parts to do it apart from a saw blade. Ali plate, bearings, motor, arbour etc. Not sure how useful it would be. I have a small bandsaw on which I can rip wood close to finished size and then thickness sand on my nice new sander. Tim
  10. Thanks for that Craig @iMustBeCrazy. I have a really old and worn ali. mitre box which is no longer accurate. I have just purchased a new razor saw to replace the very old and now blunt saw that came with the mitre box. Looks like I need to make a cutting guide like you have. The new saw is pull saw which I like a lot better than the old push one, so I guess the cutting guide will need to be the other way round, in fact thinking about it, it should work either way round. The one downside of the pull saw will be that I will not be able to see how deep I have cut. I need to think of a way round that now, Tim
  11. Question for Craig @iMustBeCrazy ( or anyone ) how do you get the half lap joints so neat? I have really been struggling with this tiny wood working. I need to learn some new tricks. Old seaDog Tim
  12. That is very neat. Something for me to aim for. For those who have not seen Craig's @iMustBeCrazy Lapwing build log get over there and take a look Tim
  13. Looking good so far................ Nicely done, I think it looks good open, but you could make working hinges so you don't have to decide. I can't decide which wood to use on mine. Tim
  14. This gets even more intriguing , glad I haven't started cutting anymore wood I still don't understand having the stairs at right angles to the doors, the access is difficult enough anyway. I hope you have written this all up on your Lapwing build log! Tim
  15. The motor I have used is 2,000 rpm the pulleys are the same size so that gives 2k at the drum, which is 50mm ( 2~) dia. I have 120 grit paper on the drum and it's pretty smooth, could hand sand with a finer grit to get it better. I very pleased with the mini machine, making it was almost as enjoyable as ship building. I have added all the safety features. Tim
  16. Not much has happened on the cutter over the last few days. I spent the time building a thickness sander out of the drum from a 3" hand planer on which the motor had burned out, I happened to have a motor from an old belt sander, some Ali. plate some bearings and a lot of inspiration from Jim Byrnes. All I had to purchase was a GT2 belt. Everything else was scattered around the workshop, I get called a hoarder, but hey they did come in useful. It works, so now I need to add a dust collection hood and a belt guard and off I go. Tim
  17. Aren't we all. 🙂 I will go and take a look at that post, thank Gregory @Gregory Tim
  18. Thanks gregory @Gregory that looks really good what wood is that? Great detail, I like the ring handles they must have been fiddly to make. Is that at 1:64? Tim
  19. I know I just did that as well the range of hinge styles was incredible, as you say, just pick one that suits. Yours does look as if it would serve the purpose. Tim
  20. Next question has to be, what about the hinges, lot of kits show rather crude blacksmith made style. Which I copied in my V1. Looking at the models we have been discussing, they all look much more sophisticated more like cabinet hinges of the time, which I guess would be brass or bronze. druxey @druxey said " In the 18th century 'T' style hinges were most often used." https://modelshipworld.com/topic/2919-door-hinges/ but we are 20 plus years on from that. Tim
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