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Posts posted by ddp

  1. cut the brass rod flush to the top of the platform then get a solid plastic rod so just fits into the brass rod. taper the plastic rod to the right shape by carving, scraping with a knife blade or use a hand drill/drill press with the plastic rod partly inserted into the chuck to use as a lathe.

    your picture time frame appears to be around 1974 or earlier because of the mast behind the island which not there in 1975 as replaced with a dome but has the twin 3" gun mounts in those time periods.

  2. take a look at this link https://www.navsource.org/archives/02/020667.jpg as can just see the 2 bomb elevators.

    "The "Big E" had her island modified during her July-October 1943 refit. Note new platforms on both the navigation and flag bridges, for better visibility, and Mk.37 dual purpose director (with Mk.4 radar antenna) in place of her former Mk.33. Photo taken on March 20, 1944 from one of her own planes."


  3. so you are talking about the orange circled objects on the left & the yellow circled objects on the right, correct? can you post a close-up shot of the area you think are "vents" as i think they are the 2 bomb elevators?

    on the 2nd picture, is the yellow circled objects the "vents" you are talking about & do you have the orange circled objects in pe or plastic as those appear to be the ends of the crash barriers?


    Sheet 6 Flight Deck - cropped.jpg

  4. 9 wires would be from almost at the stern to the midships elevator according to the sheet 6 flight deck plans.

    that is CV-14 USS Ticonderoga, an Essex class aircraft carrier, the successors to the previous Yorktown class that your model was part of. https://www.navsource.org/archives/02/14.htm

    i have 6 sets of Booklet of General Plans of the angled deck Essex class saved on my computer

    the plane guard was most likely a destroyer from 1 of about 5  different classes.

  5. how many arresting wires come with the pe kit? here is a cropped picture of the flight deck with the red showing the arresting cable locations, the blue for the locations of the arresting cable pulleys & deck edge tabs the pulleys partly sit on then the green for some of the riser locations. 

    would not be Enterprise's sisters as both CV-5 Yorktown & CV-8 Hornet were sunk in 1942 & the Hellcats came out in 43 so he must of been on one of the Essex class carriers that started entering service in 1943.

    arresting wires.jpg

  6. not your fault the model & pe instructions appear to be crappy. there is a saying, "if in doubt, ask" before you make a mistake & we'll see if we can get the answer(s) so that you can continue building. 

    those line are crash barriers not arresting cables from midships elevator to alongside the island as i just checked the Booklet of General Plans of the Enterprise, 1944/45 Saratoga & 1946 Bunker Hill as the other plans of the fleet carriers i have are angle decks from 1955 to 1968.

    your arresting cables stop before the midships elevator.

    you have windows photo viewer as is part of windows which is what i use.

  7. did you look at sheet 6 flight deck of the plans i linked before as your wires are in the wrong places? do you see what looks like little dashes parallel  to the centerline as there is supposed to be wire risers that the arresting cable lay on so that the cables are just above the flight deck to help the plane's hook catch the cable to stop the plane when landing.

    Sheet 6 Flight Deck.jpg

  8. take a look at this.

    "In talking with Keith Bender (look for a build review of this model from Keith in early '24!) he noted that the rudders are molded too far apart.  To quote Keith, "In reality, the rudders are 20' apart and the shafts are 26.26' feet apart.  The manufacturer has molded the rudders 25 scale feet apart, and the shafts 32.66 scale feet apart".   Keith followed up that statement by saying "I'm leaving them as is, because most people won't know or notice the difference". "



    sheer & body plan.jpg

  9. by cutting along the top of the bulges where it joins the hull then pushing the bulges tops thru that hull slice to narrow the top(ledge) of the bulges. there is video(s) on the net about that. depending on the thickness of the plastic that forms the bulges & how much the tops(ledge) has to be narrowed to the proper width, i would shave/scrape/sand the sides of the bulges near the top of them to the proper width. but that is me as that is what i do.

    BB-35 USS Texas Booklet of General Plans (1944) https://archive.org/details/bb35bogp1944v4/mode/2up

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