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About LegoKing5522

  • Birthday 05/02/2007

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  • Location
    medina Ohio
  • Interests
    I am interested in learning how to build model ships.

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  1. currently I've stopped building because I don't want to make sales. is there a way I can like skip that part or make it easier?
  2. hi guys. sorry it's been a while since my last post. I've been really busy and haven't had much time to work on my model. I finally got around to finishing most of the rigging. and I am currently working on making sails. there is still more rigging to do when I finish the sails, but that's all the rigging before the sails go on. the change from black to the tan lines is a little weird so I did all the Latters black to make it look like it's on purpose. I kind of like the look it gives the model a little more detail, I think.
  3. nice job!!! that is unbelievable, looks so much like a regular model even though it's a card kit. love it!!
  4. I did not realize this was a paper model, it looks way to real for paper. just makes be even more amazed!
  5. hey guys, so i started the rigging about 4 days ago. I was putting off doing the rigging until I was very bored. rigging kind of intimidates me. anyway, here are some photos. it's not much yet.
  6. Here is an update on my masts. mostly completed. next comes rigging.... which looks like it may be a pain to do some of it. but ill persevere. though I did have a question, is it possible to bypass these and not do them? it was a really big slow pain to do what I did so far, so I was wondering if there's a faster way. also, I don't know how to make them all the same size either.
  7. hey gang it's been a while. I have been kind of busy lately, so I haven't had much time to do any work on the model. however, in the last week I've had a little time. here are some photos of the deck buildings finished and installed. I made a few mistakes in building but there not noticeable. on the other hand, I did accidentally use a mast dowel for the stand, luckily, I had some long dowels laying around that I sanded down to the right size. the mast is not glued in yet it's just there for show.
  8. okay, here is another update. I've been really busy the last few weeks, so I haven't gotten much done, but I am almost done with all the deck implements and buildings. this is my current build. then I had a question, on the next page of the instructions it shows how to build the lifeboats, but it says to use adessive tape to hold the sides to a frame, so you can pull the lifeboat off the frame. what type of adessive tape should I use? and what is a good brand?
  9. yes, I am enjoying building this model! i really enjoyed putting the hull together, Tho currently trying to build and paint the tiny deck buildings is kind of not fun. but it's something I can put my spare time into, and it's really cool to see all the pieces of wood come together into a beautiful ship. thanks again!
  10. Here is a quick update, I've slowly been putting together the deck pieces. These are only the few I've completed so far. there are a few metal pieces used in this model, the steering wheel is one, each I have to paint, the other ones (not shown) are going to be painted black, now I was thinking about putting a gloss coat on the black pieces, what do you guys think? is it going to make the pieces look better than just the plan black paint?
  11. i am sorry for the long delay, I've been kind of busy lately. any how I finished painting the hull. for the red I mixed navy blue and bright red together, there are about three coats of red on the hull. then two coats black, and like five coats of white. then to finish it I spraypainted a gloss coat over the hull. oh, also sorry about my terrible pictures I am not an expert with the camera lol.
  12. my next post may be delayed, I'm on the painting stage but need some paint. I have to get my mom to take me to hobby lobby for paint I don't know when she will take me, hopefully today, so I probably will have next post by next Monday hopefully.
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