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Posts posted by Isaiah

  1. I have assembled the main mast then gave both masts a coat of matte varnish.


    Both masts are pretty much identical except for height. I still have to add a few more blocks to the main mast before I can start rigging.


    One thing I would do differently is make my own solid wood mast heads, as the plywood ones tend to chip and aren’t as strong.


    I still haven’t installed the pin rail for the foremast, I will either make the pins or order them.












  2. I have assembled the foremast and is just sitting in place at the moment with no varnish.


    the construction was straight forward with not too much difficulty, I think I’ve done everything correct.


    I don’t know if you can see but the Topgallent mast is leaning back slightly on the lateral axis. As soon I assembled with glue and looked back to make sure it was square it was too late. The glue had already taken hold. I will have to remove it somehow.

    I also textured the mast to make it look less like a machined dowel, and more like an actual mast, since I used the lathe method of tapering and shaping.

    I will continue on and start the assembly of the main mast.






  3. I found these very interesting old videos on how they built a 1:1 replica of the Götheborg, a trading ship built by the company East Indiaman in Sweden.

    The Götheborg wrecked just outside of Götheborg harbour in 1745.


    Construction of the replica started in 1995 and the completion in 2003.


    I absolutely loved these videos so I thought I’d share with anyone who hasn’t seen them.

    part 1


    Part 2





    some additional info and history 




  4. Thanks for the info.

    I think they’re are paired, the manual says to just glue all the parts together before doing anything else. Also I’m referencing another colonial brig build by @Mike Hunt. He assembled the whole mast before fitting on to the ship.


    so I’m pretty certain they are pairs. I’m new to all these nautical terms and techniques so I don’t know a whole lot.

  5. Ok, I hope this is somewhat right.


    I tied it at the eye bolt on the end of the davit first, then I threaded it through the hole on the other end, through one of the holes on the block, back up through the hole and down into the second hole next to it, then I threaded it through the second hole on the block and finally back up and through the eyebolt on the part of the davit that sticks past the transom.


    I put cleats where you said (where the red circle is.) If I have verified that this is correct I will then wrap the remaining line around the cleat.



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