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    marktiedens reacted to NAZGÛL in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    Here is where I'm at with the masts:
    First I scratched the front parts for the bowsprit.
    Then I started with the first märs and it's is almost finished. As I will add skanskläder later on the sides of it will not be visiable. Therefore I focused on the top and bottom sides. 
    I don't have the skills to scratch the whole thing and decided to use the main round part is from the kit.First thing I did was to weather and add planks to its top and bottom to make it look more realistic. 
    I only used two of the kits rings to get it closer to the original proportionwise, otherwise it would far to tall. 
    As I have some spareparts from earlier I could double the number of parts that hold the rings. I had to remake the taller ones. Also added short scratched details.
    All parts where painted with washes before and after assembly and also some drybrushing.
    All in all this is made up from 66 parts and I will add a couple of details more and skanskläder and even if it's beyond the kit verion, it's still simplified compaired to the original, so indeed they are quite complicated constructions.




  2. Like
    marktiedens reacted to NAZGÛL in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    Small update of the work on the masts: I finally found reference of the mizzen masthead so I redid it, the BB is incorrect in the plans (if I'm not missreading it totally).
    Also did the the other parts on the mast heads and now I'm planning for the bowsprit details. The BB original parts are not to bad, but it's easy to make better ones and make them close to the one on the real ship.

    As you can see I got the ropes and I toned it down slightlly. I learned from the Fred Hocker that they found no evidence of heavy tarring on her ropes, but of a light tarring.
  3. Like
    marktiedens reacted to Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Build log part 33

    here the Messenger cable (dummy Black) goes round the front Posts in the bow



    continuing with the functional gunport lids, here the last one on starboard

  4. Like
    marktiedens reacted to Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Galley stove , continued....

    painted, cooking side

    spit roast side

    brass parts fitted



    stove heaved into ist place

    view through portside gunport

    Oh, oh, there is not going to be much place for the cook....
    Build log part 32 to follow...
  5. Like
    marktiedens got a reaction from Dubz in Vasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Sergal - scale 1:60   
    A small update - finished the lower shroud ratlines on the starboard side.I like to give them a slight natural looking droop.


  6. Like
    marktiedens reacted to newbuilder101 in San Felipe by newbuilder101 (Sherry) – Scale 1:96   
    Another small update.....
    New additions include the vertical strips of wood on the hull mid-ship. I'm not sure of the name or function of these timbers, but I'm wondering if they could be for protection of the hull when the lowering of the ship's boats? 
    Also added are more ornamentation pieces, such as the eagles and the piece at the top of the gallery door.
    Now to make these same pieces for the port side.



  7. Like
    marktiedens reacted to Drazen in De Zeven Provinciën 1665 by Dražen - Scale 1:45   
    Today I finished them all and will next start planking. Here are some photos how it does look like.
    Controlling the line with slightly adjusting the nails appeared to be an efficient technique.

  8. Like
    marktiedens reacted to Spiderpig in HMS Prince 1670 by Spiderpig - FINISHED - Constructo - Scale 1:61   
    Rigging is well and truly on the way to being complete now. I have altered the rigging on the Prince, compared to the plans.


    You can see the fore mast sails have been curved with the addition of some blocks and line. The main mast sails are left flat. The plans indicate to leave them with a flat profile. I haven't actually completed rigging up the main mast sails as yet, but just wanted to show the difference between a curved profile, and the flat one.

    I also went ahead and built up my display base. I altered the original one with my own design.

    The kit comes with these 2 pedestal blocks to mount the completed model onto. I felt that given the sheer size and weight of the model these 2 blocks wouldn't be a good enough support to display her. So I crafted my own.

    Using the frames that the plywood bulkheads came in, I simply cut out the outer shell of 2 of the frames. One about mid way from stern and one about mid way from the bow.

    Once they were cut out, shaped to size, glued onto the base I then covered up the horrible plywood with left over Mahogany strips that were spare from the hull. I added some red felt to protect the hull of the ship. The base itself was made out of MDF board with a veneer on the top. I added some strips to the edges, along with a length of Ramin and Walnut to give it a nicer finish. Finished it off with 2 coats of Satin varnish.
    I also have a name plate on the way. It came from Cornwall Models, through the Amati parts section. although you can't actually buy the kit anymore, parts are still available from some suppliers.
    Thanks for watching 
  9. Like
    marktiedens reacted to Spiderpig in HMS Prince 1670 by Spiderpig - FINISHED - Constructo - Scale 1:61   
    Ok so as promised here are the ratlines. I'm am so happy with results of changing my masts to Walnut. Looks much more realistic.




    And I found a solution to the angle of the upper sections of ratlines at the foremast, and main mast. Seen as my birds nests were circular I could only fix these two masts. Mizzen, and bowspirit masts had to remain as they were, due to the nests being too small.
    I simply drilled new holes as far to the outer edge of the nest as I could to create more of an angle on the shroud rigging.

    Sorry about the darkness of the photos. It was late in the evening and my lighting wasn't that great for photography. Perhaps I should do a study course on photography to create better photos. I have seen some great shots on another post of a Victory scaled 1:600. It was so cute! Fits in the palm of your hand! The builder superimposed his model on an ocean backdrop. Looked great!
    Photoshop or something similar will be able to create that right?
    Anyway I'm getting off topic. 
    Cheers for watching
  10. Like
    marktiedens reacted to fmodajr in Wasa by fmodajr - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    I did not use the kit ladder assemblies, but made my own (hopefully more to scale!)
    Ladders are made from walnut.

    Ladder to lower deck

    Assembled ladders

  11. Like
    marktiedens reacted to fmodajr in Wasa by fmodajr - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Now I turned my attention to the pin rails.
    Notched out the wood to fit the railing posts.

    Added belay pin holes

    Mounted over the cannon

  12. Like
    marktiedens reacted to ZyXuz in HMS Unicorn by ZyXuz - Corel - Scale 1:75   
    Belfry Making
    I've lost track of my updates since some photos of mine are missing... =.= So, I'll just upload part by part. Up till now, I've basically done the forecastle fittings including the catheads.  

    Anyway, this is how I make my belfry. I used the beech woods for the bits that came with the kit and 2mm x 5mm walnut strip for the rail. To produce the bits, I mill them with a reverse milling bit to create the head, and then cut them into half.


    I really don't like the color of the beech wood, but since I'm gonna paint them any wood will do.


    For the crown on the belfry, I cut the original one into 5mm width.

    The rail..

    For the headstock, I used the 6mm x 5mm walnut strip which is the same as the cat head, and sand it manually to the shape.


    Well.. it was taller, because I forgot to add the width of the rail in.. So, I trimmed them down another 4mm.
    And I added a copper piece on the head stock.

    Install the bell and Done.

    This is an older photo actually.. compared to my previous post, you can actually see I had added a one more strip at the concave area. 
    Thanks for viewing
  13. Like
    marktiedens reacted to Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Build log part 29
    Now starting with fitting out forecastle beneath and on top of that deck

    Fitting the first two Posts that also take up the bowsprit counterplate

    the gundeck is cut away, wide under the forecastle deck as well..., to allow view from above to lower decks

    tried to gain standhight for the Crew here as well (as good as possible)

    Access to the forecastle deck shall be over the hatch-opening on starboard deck side (per Stair, the deckbeam shall be cut away at that Position. The stair shall fit nicely in between the first two gun tackles

    the two masterboards fitted in place

    view underneath...

    deck openings for gratings, stovechimney

    the planking of the deck will be done later on
    Build log part 30 to follow....
  14. Like
    marktiedens reacted to Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Build log part 28
    here are some changes to the lower section to the Stern Appeal...
    (initiative born by fellow members)

    this was the look before...

    and here before...

    and here after the change


    Close ups are always risky, but I trust it`s OK to Show...


    the combinattion of partially cut away portside planking and actual outside bulwark decor above.
    That Stringer on portside just above the wales will have to take on the chainplate fastening bolts later on
    Build log part 29 to follow....

  15. Like
    marktiedens reacted to Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Build log part 27

    starboard side first metal Support bracket for step platform

    second bracket mounted and brought to alignment

    platform fit test and weight testing

    check out guns placed underneath and ladder inbetween (to be shortend accordingly)
    Still Need to do the same experience on port side

    Arrangement of chainpump crank handle and bearing supports

    view through quarter badge window. Unfortunately the first and the last two links of the Girlande broke off and unfindable got lost somewhere...

    I first wanted to decorate the cabins with furniture, but I think I`ll leave it as is (less is more)
    Build log part 28 to follow...
  16. Like
    marktiedens reacted to Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    build log part 26

    the forecastle underdeck will be next

    Shows what share is cut away of the poop deck

    here view into bottom cargo deck with shot locker, lower well area, storage rooms and staircases, and middle deck with upper well area, pantry and staircase.

    Forward decks with Crew quarters, staircases. Righthand the sailroom on the middle deck

    aft Portion with officers quarters. Masters cabin starboard behind the middle deck stairs, an rum barrel

    the guns under the poopdeck will Need to be rigged before the deck gets mounted


    shall use figures with 26 mm height (26 x 64 = 1664 mm ) considering the average actual sailors height with 165 cm that seems OK
    The upper bulwark / Stern angle brackets are only preliminary, they shall be replaced later


    Build log part 27 to follow...
  17. Like
    marktiedens reacted to Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Build log part 25
    Fitting out of the aft two bulkheads, that will allow a later look into through the half cut away poopdeck from above

    the first mast channel Support brackets are still missing


    here the doors for the gundeck aft bulkhead, and the great cabin bulkhead. Because I started the starboard bulwark inner planking in oak, here again oak is used

    double doors to the great cabin. The doorpanels are of ply Color framed with Mahagoni

    rear side view. Here I`ll leave the Mahagoni Framework for the double doors away, and the brass knobs are only handles

    this bulkhead with the two double doors is the aft end of the gun deck, here in raw process...
  18. Like
    marktiedens reacted to newbuilder101 in San Felipe by newbuilder101 (Sherry) – Scale 1:96   
    Finally a bit of an update!
    First photo shows some shaped pieces at the bow. In my eagerness to finish and install these and the fancy trim overlay, I forgot to take pictures and these pieces are virtually hidden now!

    Next up were the catheads and trim, made from basswood square stock.

    I used copper sheet to cut strips and fashion the brackets that hold the catheads down.



    Everything is assembled.

    Then installed on the model. I used copper wire to simulate bolts.

    Here's a bow shot with catheads installed and bow braces and trim pieces.

    This picture shows the copper brackets blackened with liver of sulphur. I used EdT's method of soaking them in acetone first, to clean and remove any coating that may have been present. Then I dipped a small paint brush in dilute liver of sulphur and applied to the brackets in situ, followed by a water rinse - it worked like a charm!

    Just a slightly different angle.

    That's it for now.
  19. Like
    marktiedens reacted to NAZGÛL in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    Hey all, done some work on the masts.
    I think I'm starting to get the way they are constructed. First reshaping and fitting them to see that I got them ok: 

    The mainmast and the bowsprit on the real ship was made from several parts and I wanted mine to look like they are too: 

    Some mild washes to try and get it to look realistic. I will do more work on their finish later on.

  20. Like
    marktiedens reacted to NMBROOK in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    I have now fitted all the upper gunport cills.These have been faired off flush inside and out.The counter side timber has also been fitted,but the lower hull is still to shape at a later date.There is quite a bit of difference between kit and builders model in this area.Franklin states in his book that the stern balcony actually has a grated deck.The carvings below the balcony act as knees to support this deck and to a lesser extent the stern structure.This is not easily visible in pictures but after enlarging the NMM pics as much as possible it became clear how this construction worked.
    This is a far as I am taking this side for now,work will commence on the port side.There a still some small round gunports to create for the poopdeck,but I am not confident to the actual finished level of this deck at the moment so they will be added a little later.
    Kind Regards

  21. Like
    marktiedens reacted to Ulises Victoria in Royal Louis 1780 by Ulises Victoria - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1/90 - French 126-gun ship   
    demonborger. I finally understood what they mean. They say do not plank the area between frames 6 to 12, but they fail to specify that this area will be planked later once you plank the hull and use the tips of those frames to build the bulwarks. Those tips will be cut then and then you proceed with the planking of this area, covering the broken frames. This however seems like it will be harder later to do an even planking job. You need to match two opposing ends. What I am doing is planking the whole false deck, and leave to later just the area near the edges of the frames that will be cut. I feel this will make a better and easier planking job.



  22. Like
    marktiedens reacted to JanV in Wasa 1628 by JanV - Corel - scale 1:75 - Vasa   
    Started with the rigging of the canons

    for the finalization I will make a dummy setup to rig the canons further
  23. Like
    marktiedens got a reaction from edmay in Vasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Sergal - scale 1:60   
    A small update - finished the lower shroud ratlines on the starboard side.I like to give them a slight natural looking droop.


  24. Like
    marktiedens got a reaction from edmay in Wasa by fmodajr - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    I juat took some semi-gloss black acrylic paint & thinned it about 5 to 1 with acrylic thinner & painted the cannons with it 5 or 6 times.It didn`t darken them all that much but it made the details stand out better.Seemed to give them a sort of antiqued look.Yours may already look similar.You might try experimenting with different ratios of thinner - if using acrylics you can always wash it off before it dries if you don`t like it.

  25. Like
    marktiedens got a reaction from cristikc in Vasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Sergal - scale 1:60   
    A small update - finished the lower shroud ratlines on the starboard side.I like to give them a slight natural looking droop.


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