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Patrick Haw

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Posts posted by Patrick Haw

  1. David,


    I hadn't noticed your companion way ladder was on backwards.  I just noticed mine was yesterday when I was rigging the hand rails. Mind you, once the ship's boats are on the skid beams hardly anything will be visible on the upper gun deck, so nobody is going to notice anyway! I think I'm going to rig seven guns on each side, but not sure if the two at each end just under the quarterdeck will be visible so I may end up just doing five a side like you.  I've made up the prototype of the first gun but ran out of the matte black spray paint I'm using for the barrels, so that's on hold and I'll just be doing gun carriages until Monday.  The ones that won't be visible will be completely bare-bones...carriage, wheels and barrel, the others will have all the ring bolts and rigging. Photos coming soon.



  2. Thank you David.  I completely missed it on Page 14 of the manual.  Silly me was looking on Page 15 under Upper Gun Deck 12 pounder long gun.  This manual will drive you to distraction. 


    I also completely missed the fact that my central companionway going down to the middle gun deck was installed backwards, going down from forward to aft instead of aft to forward.  Turned out to be an easy fix and the ladder came out very easily and popped right into the other end of the companionway opening, so no harm, no foul!



  3. Thanks Dan, Lawrence, Edwin and Sjors.  I really like how the outdoor pictures come out.  The natural light is so much better I think.  The ship is getting heavy though and pretty soon there'll be enough fiddly bits on it to make carrying it around a bit dodgy.  Mind you, plenty of others have posted their outdoor pics without breaking everything, so there's a way!



  4. A quick update on this week's progress.  The lower and middle deck gun ports are all lined.  Not a pleasant job, even though the blasa "shelves" inside the gun ports were a big help and absolutely necessary.  The gun port linings aren't perfect and wouldn't withstand scrutiny uner a magnifying glass, but I think I got the "set back" into the hull about right so everything should be alright when I get to putting the port lids on.







  5. Spencer,


    I think what you're seeing in your first picture is a signal cannon, just used for signalling and salutes, not for actual combat firing.




    I love the drawing but don't think the man would be piercing the powder cartidge and holding the slow match while the loader still has the rammer down the barrel and no ball in the cannon.  He's likely to be impaled on that rammer if the weapon goes off!



  6. Daniel,


    As always, fantastic detail work.  Your passion for getting things right shows through!  Attached picture shows one of Victory's guns secured and you can see how the falls of the side tackles are secured.  When at sea and not cleared for action the guns were very tightly secured to prevent them rolling around.  In your fantastic depiction of the guns, they are cleared for action with all tackles and breech ropes in place.  The train tackles were removed when the guns were secured.  Hope this helps.




  7. Wow Jerry, your stern fascia looks absolutely fantastic, really makes the whole model just "pop".  You must be very pleased with her and your progress.  Are you going to put the hinges on the ventilation ports below the stern? Wish I was still wearing shorts and t-shirts.  Been out in my garage worshop in a sweat shirt with a kerosene heater going.  Fall is well underway here in rainy Maryland.



  8. Hi Eric,


    This is a common problem and, as others have pointed out, it's mostly a matter of fairing the bulkheads.  I ran into the same issue as you can see from the attached pictures.  I never did manage to get the port side gun port pattern to lie absolutely flat as it curved around toward the bow, but found that once I'd done the first planking a lot of sanding and wood filler fixed the problem.  Once you have it smooth it's all going to be covered up ny the second planking and nobody but you will know how much wood filler is under there!









  9. Thanks everybody for your comments and compliments. If it wasn't for so many of your build logs and inspiration I wouldn't have a clue, so pat yourselves on the back.


    Grant, you're right, the band's don't exactly follow the lines of the gun ports. It's quite subtle, but the lines do vary in their relationship to the gun ports and the wales. Thanks for your comments and continuing support.



  10. Hello Eric,


    I just found your build log and it looks like you are off to a great start.  Plenty of Caldercraft Victory builders here to help you sort through problems you run into...and believe me there will be plenty!  I find I rely much more on other Victory builders' logs than I do on JoTiKa's instruction manual.


    Enjoy your build and welcom to the Victory builders' club!



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