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Patrick Haw

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Posts posted by Patrick Haw

  1. Hello Steve,


    I just came across your fantastic build and your skill and attention to the smallest details are amazing!  One thing I love about looking through other peoples' builds is seeing their workbenches and tools and saying to myself...I've got that!  I've got one of those!  I need to get one of those!  Makes me think I may be on the right track!


    Look forward to following your build!





  2. Well it's been about four years since I have touched Victory and she's been wrapped up safely in bubble wrap and plastic the whole time.  I suffered some medical setbacks requiring a few surgeries and afterwards just couldn't seem to get my Victory mo-jo going again and followed a few other pursuits.    For some reason, recently I've been glancing over at the bubble wrapped bundle on the shelf and the unused tools, paints and assorted parts still sitting in the box...and feeling the build desire well...build.


    I took the wrappings off her today, and damn, I'm much further along than I remembered...and she's beautiful!  It will take me a while to get the shipyard back together the way I want it and then I can get back to work on her.  I'm jazzed but also a little intimidated by all the skills and lessons I have to re-learn.  Thank goodness I have my fellow Victory builders and their wonderful logs to fall back on!


    More to follow!




    Patrick (I'm baaaaaack!)



  3. Hi Sjors. 


    The pintles and gudgeons (rudder hinges) were made of bronze on the actual ship, but can hardly be seen on the model as they're covered by the rudder straps.  The rudder straps and bolts were made of copper or a copper alloy.  When they originally began coppering ships' hulls they used iron straps and quickly found that the iron would corrode and rust very quickly due to the galvanic reaction between copper and iron immersed in sea water, so they stopped using any iron fittings below the waterline.


    And if that explanation is too scientific, I painted the rudder straps copper because it said to do so in the instruction manual!





  4. Catching up on your build Sjors.  Fantastic job on the coppering.  As far as putting the plates on vertically on the rudder post it will hardly show when the rudder is attached, so it shouldn't matter.  On the actual rudder for my Victory I wrapped the plates horizontally around the aft end of the rudder, wasn't too difficult.  Keep up the great work.




  5. Hello Glenn,


    Just catching up on build logs and you're coming along like a house on fire.  Well done.  Good too see you're on to doing the carronades now.  I just completed and rigged mine and posted a couple of pics in my log.  As for do-overs, if it weren't for them I could have built 3 Victories by now!  But the joy is in getting it right.


    Nice work!



  6. Not a huge amount of progress, but working away on the quarterdeck furnishings.  Carronades installed and rigged, poop deck ladders, railing and buckets installed (bucket handles not rigged yet), cannons under the poop ladders installed and rigged. Touch up painting needed!  I keep going to everyone's logs for instruction and inspiration - Thank you!







  7. Thanks Glenn, David, Sjors and John for you kind words.


    David, no reaction at all between the old finish on the copper and the new paint...so far.  They're both oil-based products so should be compatible.


    As I mentioned previously, I'm waiting on more balusters so I can complete the poop deck stairs, also waiting on extra belaying pins for the mizzen topsail sheet bits...where did they go?  I think Cornwall Model Boats is having someone row them over here.  I ordered some other bits and pieces from them to justify the shipping cost, but it's been so long I can't remember what I ordered, so it should be a nice surprise when the package gets here.


    Working in installing the brass rails now.  My eyes must be getting old, the three different profiles all look the same to me, but I finally got them sorted out I think.



  8. I wasn't happy with the way my coppering was looking after wear and tear.  When I first finished the copper I polished it up then hit it with two coats of satin finish clear lacquer.  But the color looked uneven, dirty in places, some discoloration from glue in others.  So today I turned to ship over, masked and taped above the water line and sprayed on two fine coats of copper paint.  I don't know if anyone else has done this, but I'm happy with the result.  All the plates retained their edges and the rivets are clearly visible, and the color is consistent and clean.






  9. Well, it's been forever since I posted any progress, but I have been plugging away on Victory slowly but surely.  Let's see, what have I been doing?  Figurehead is done and on, catheads were completed but I knocked them off so many times turning this monster around on the work bench that I've set them aside for now. The model now sits on a lazy susan/turntable on a separate table for ease of turning.  Channels and chain plates are done.  Side entry ports and steps are done.  Stern and quarter galleries are finished except for black highlights between the windows which I still need to put on. Rudder is coppered and on.  Poop deck is just about done except I need more ballusters to complete the poop ladders and am waiting for them.  So here's some pictures.  More to come.








  10. This is the last post of the missing pictures.  All 31 of them are now back here on my log.  Apologies to those who'd already seen them and moved on, but I hope they are helpful to anyone who was unable to see them before.  Although I haven't posted anything new lately, I am about finished with the bow, have installed the poop deck and am closing in on finishing the quarter galleries and stern fascia.  Will take some pics and post soon...promise!













  11. Hello Peter and Sjors.


    I haven't posted anything for ages, but am making progress on Victory and will post new pictures soon.  In the meantime I checked and there are 31 pictures in my log that have fone missing.  So I will start to repost them.  Just the pictures I'm afraid, not explanation of what's going on, but I hipe whoever is interested will be able to slot them into where they went missing from and make some sense of it.  This will take a few posts.








  12. Grant,


    There was a discussion on Dafi's log a while back regarding the entry ports and if I recall correctly the conclusion was that a wooden barricade, or two half barricades, were fitted over the entry port openings from the inside of the middle gun deck when the ship was at sea.  Dafi has some pictures of his ideas on it in his log.


    Best wishes,



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