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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Exelent job. Just exelent. It is pitty I can hit only one like Are in your plans davits for anchors?
  2. It sounds logical, Denis. Or not. Everything is possible. Maybe somebody knows So, back to coops ... Final solution: I decided to use old ones, and to make new fronts for them. This time, considering that front panel dimensions are only 21x6 mm, all was made from 0,5 mm thick strips of thined veneer, some putty, and with additional shrinking depth of panels. Also, there is no room for two rigging eyes, so I decided to put only one with outside dia 1mm. I can not make it smaller, and think there is no point at this scale. Still I think that rigging of coops will be nice detail, even with only one eye My earlier mistake is "divided" visualy Really, there will be a whole construction with three boats near here, mast with yard, and I don't believe anybody will see what was going on there Except my MSW friends
  3. Very nice work with fine, and, I dare to say, brave soldering with soldering points so close Z-train ? A new hobby sticks it`s face ? Oh, boy, you`ll never stop. And you`ll definitely need bigger house- apartment And the way to extend your day to min 72h
  4. Thanks Marc. I am satisfied with ladders (almost) but not with lockers Thanks Piet. My attempt to "distribute" mistake didn`t pass well. Height of aft deck is too big to keep proportions at all. So, something in the complete look just has to be sacrificed. My thoughts go in direction to keep horizontal proportion in mutual distances between ladders coops and mast, and obviously, there will be more white space above coops/lockers comparing to photos of Her aft deck ( e.g. famous pictures with Her Majesty on board). But, what to do ? It just must be done on this way. Thanks Patrick for nice words I saw on some CS kit models more than over sized particular details (cabins, ladders, etc etc), but I do not like this, and I will continue to try to make in scale and keep proportions as much as I can do close to actual That is the question Marc ! Accommodation ladder is very very nice detail for model, and I was seriously considering this detail. Unfortunately, you once have to chose - sails or Accommodation ladder. I chose sails. Idea to put them somewhere still stands in my head. But - where ? I ask myself often - where it stands during sailing? I agree with Jim Lad and Denis. It is very little possible that it stands ON deck beside bulwarks or deck houses. Considering there is place for spare wood for masts or yards ( C-plans) and many other stuff, and sailors had to have clear passing from side to side of deck and whole sheep. Also I do not think that this structure was located under deck during sailing. Look at it`s dimensions and proportions, and to me it not seems as LEGO - it looks as, obviously, a solid, one part issue. It could occupied significant amount of space under deck which is more necessary for cargo. Also, davits can not reach this space, and I think it can be complicated to use yards as davits to eventually pull out Accommodation ladder from cargo space So, where ? I think that on the roof between boats is just right place for usual use of boats (or) in harbor. According to Wiki - CS was at dry dock from 1954. 60 long years, and it is possible that personnel who took care of Her faced with problems as "damn, what to do with this ? We always sleeping stumble by this unnecessary thing!" and in one moment in this 60 year period somebody just decided to remove it. Considering to RMG, C-plans were drawn in 1950`s by Campbell & Sons from reproductions and people’s recollections of the now lost original drawings, which mean BEFORE or near a time She was stranded. And Accommodation ladder appears on plans, with remark that front anchor davits were also used for Accommodation ladder, which indicates that place for it may be also on a roof of fore house ? But, no mention where it stands during sailing Interesting is that in Conservation plans made before fire (2004), there is not any single note about Accommodation ladder. I just can not imagine that reconstruction team forgot to consider this element, and believe that probably during reconstruction period after fire, reconstruction stuff and personnel also though on mentioned way (" what to do with this ? Better nothing. Ignore") Of course, there is always presented question, same with all old and long-living buildings and structures - In which period to return to make replica ? That are just my thoughts
  5. Thank you for your nice comment, Denis. As you said, I am looking for something ... A way to divide and spread mistake, with idea to mask it as much as it can be done So, stairs ... have to look and to be more fragile. This time I used doubled veneer Ok, so good so far. Let them be colored Nice So, let we see them on place Yes, yes, yes And to see how it looks with chicken coops ... No,no,no Obviously I made coops for GMO turkeys, a big ones .... Hmm It seems that I will use first coops I have made
  6. Looking good so far. Bowsprit connection to fore deck ... be carefull! A lot of small forces from rope lines join there. I think simple qlueing will not be enough Keep on with good work
  7. Stairs - attempt No 1 Min double, Marc I have non enough experience, and just I have to feel material how react in this small scale. And there are mistakes, of course
  8. Don't wory, you'll get there. Btw, nice temperature to cheeck your air-condition. If there is any at the North
  9. Sail Lockers - done First frames from 1x1 mm strip Then bars from 0,5 mm thinn veneer Painted And on place Next - stairs
  10. Marc, this is temporary home for piggy, until Bob ask it back . Good value for trade .... New attempt Old ones ar at backward On place under aft deck Better And now entertainment ... Front panel with the opening, which has to be thick less than 1mm No idea how ... I tried something with veneer ... Did not work, too fragile So, some tests applied with 1x1 mm square moulding Yes, this is a way. Strong enough to be sanded
  11. Marc, Bob`s runaway piggy was captured and in safe place under fore deck long time ago, until Bob come back and ask for it, when he need it Chicken will be boring without piggy on deck ... But ... chicken can be used for a specific way of weathering the deck, as SawdustDave discovered
  12. I have to say something Rest in peace, dear MSW friend George (GLakie). I"ll miss you and your comments a lot http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/13935-rip-george-lakie-glakie/#entry431485 Sad, very sad
  13. I started making Sail Lockers, and I was very happy because I find a way how to make them from veneer, and (I thought) first phase is done And ... Devil again mixed his fingers When I placed lockers on their possition, I realized that my wrong measuring and loss experience hit me in plexus again Obviously, my aft deck is placed higher above main deck than it has to be, and width of deck is also a bit larger than on C-plans So ... nice test, nothing more I had to recalculate lockers dimension and to enlarge them a bit, with idea to try to keep their look and to visualy hide mistake as much it is possible Hmm
  14. In preparation for Sail Lockers and for Stairs to aft deck Notes are on Serbian, for me not to forget pair of eyes Lenght is different drawn in C-plans
  15. Hello Carl For now, to me was more important in this stage of build, to determine places for masts and their appr. diameter, to make condition for moving forward with main deck issues. Definitive decision will folow when masts come on line. I thought it is easier with less chance for damage to drill now 7mm holes, and to eventualy enlarge them for 1-2 mm later. Anyway, experience in filling fore and aft deck with sensitive parts learned me first to make them all, and to glue them when all is done. So, just before glueing is right time for another testing of mast dia, because it is possible that full main deck gives different feeling and look of masts dia 9mm maybe even 10mm. Particulary when four life boats land to roofs of cabins Thank you for your interest
  16. Thanks Piet. 1mm ... who cares ... just a half of your Shooner length
  17. Going forward While I was detrmining the right places for mast's holes, I faced with wrong bulwark lines, and it was quite horror to place them on longitudinal axe of deck. But, holes are finaly drilled to 7mm dia Measuring, I faced with my another mistake I didn't think about earlier. Devil always comes when you do not expect him Wall under aft deck and stairs Let's see where it has to be You can notice that wall is almost under moulding In my case, deep inside... So, I had to make and add some kind of "false wall" Reparation starts ... This is neccessary step before making aft-deck stairs and boxes near them Big mistake, but adding new wall was pretty easy. Some putty, painting and sanding left, and it will be ok
  18. I agree about MS, but I was lazy and impatient to wait for Adobe Illustrator to open, having in mind that those are just test pieces, and there is max 1% of deviation (MS + not so much precise gluing with self-adhesive tape) is seems not so significant. sure I calculated width of rectangle ( dia x 3,14...). Wooden pieces will be fitted to 100% of chosen scale when them comes to line It is not LED light ... he he ... it is only flash from my phone and bad photo I made. I forgot to mention - test pieces are made from regular copy-printer 80g paper I use in office At evening I`ll make some shots of those test masts on Her Majesty. All this is for purpose - locate and drill holes for masts - to determine diameter of holes ... Evening ... Ok, not still .. let`s say evening comes ,, 5mm 7mm 8mm 9mm I think 5mm and 9 mm lost race Then 7 mm or 8 mm for now, I have answer to my question - diameter of hole to be drilled in deck - let it be 7mm
  19. Stil a kid inside me - don`t tell my clients ... Entering office, instead to start working on complex interest calculation and financial expert findings, I made testing pieces from card ( Microsoft is quilty - MSWord possibility to draw rectangles in precise dimensions, rest is familiar O = dia x Pi ...)
  20. Game of shades ... also game of colours I'll try tomorrow new test with white card masts
  21. I know that Carl. That was just a visual test, and I am not quite sure that camera get right impresion I was looking for and what I catched with my eyes
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