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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Hey, Marc For now, my plan is to set ALL the rope lines and ALL the sails. From reason that I am not quite familiar with nautical terms and names in english, and that for mist of them there is not synonime and/or translation in Serbian, there is a looooong way in front of me to study learn research, and most imoortant - to understand all rigging elements and their function. Maybe somewhere in that process I'll change my mind, maybe not. Probably not. We'll see, when I face with thickness of lines and material for sails toward my ideas and thoughts how it have to look
  2. Just yesterday we all (Princess, Hothead and me) had nice conversation about listening, and more important - hearing our clients/pacients. I shared my life/job three decades long experience, and it seems that they accept and consider this life lesson. We'll see today and another days. I think all of us can remember our own starts and first job steps, when after finishing school, wr start working, learned SOMETHING and think after some time that we know EVERYTHING but we still know NOTHING! Just want to protect them from rough and hard unwanted lessons which life and older much experienced co-workers can give to young, still yellow, starters, still flying between clouds, as I have got 32 years ago making my first serious contract in building industry ... God, that was a lesson ... two months after I didn't know where was my head and where was my back !!! Maybe I am wrong. Maybe is bettet to stop trying to protect them, and to let them go through the wall with head Who knows ...
  3. Thanks Denis. As I wrote, and as I was afraid of, home "entertainment" starts. In my life, last 30 years, in situations when I had no enough money, I have made a lot of home furniture (kitchen, bed room, beds fod kids etc etc, and so I have a lot of design and carpenter experience. But ... When you have stubborn architect in home, everything runs complicated and with a lot of philosophy ... On the other side, I must let him to spread his wings ant to allow him to show and implement his creativity and knowledge ... Two persistence and stubborn, "I know all" and "I know better" folks in same bag and on same project ... huh ... First result ... Different day rhythm ... Both on summer vacation, I rise up about 07h, start with homework at 09, ready for project and carpenter works at 11-12h ... He works over night, rise at 14-15h ready for work at 16-17, just at the time when I usually work in home yard. When evening falls, instead to do my model, I join architect to catch a few hours together until my regular reading books and sleeping time comes(23-24h), and , so, my work on my CS is collateral damage of rearranging my office I made my wishes in SketchUp, and Hothead imported it in his arch. programs, and rearranged it on another way, having explanations for all ... continuous fight of ideas character and temperament ...
  4. Hello Harry and wellcome. Thank you for nice words. I have seen your work and I like it. But I can not find your Flying Cloud log! Would you be so kind to sent me link?
  5. Marc I do not know about Captain, but master had problems during cleaning with two flies who entered in shipyard on unknown way in spite of protective nets on all windows. The rest of story is well known for all of us ... they stand steady usually on most sensitive parts of model where I can not kill them without killing my model, or at the same moment I start painting, they alight on my hand or arm or alight on my shiny bald head, just when I try to be still and stoned doing precise painting job, balancing above model and holding at the end long thin brush, seeping under main rail, painting surfaces and wires, trying not to paint anything around, all under magnifier ...
  6. Maybe, Marc, may be. Or we just enjoy in challenge? Anyhow, a bit mad or not, after week with 35°C in shade, we all like two rainy days with max temperature of 20°C. Hothead is home on his summer vacation, with many plans for me ...??? I have to put him gently on his home place to understand that I am a master of my life ... still Cleaning continues, one side done
  7. Nice work Marc.I have a question: Why do you decide to furle sails? Maybe I miss something in your log Nenad
  8. That were my thoughts also, Piet, until I concluded that weathering is art by itself, and I have great opportunity to ruin all model trying to weather it Her fate is to be covered under sails and under glass box with (maybe) some led lighting , so by nature of this statement, nobody can approach less than 1m seeing Her. So, this is rather question of my actual idiotic pedant state of mind than anything else
  9. Thank you for your very nice words, gentleman! Interesting ... there are days when you have only 3-4 hours of full activity, but you are deadly tired as you pulled mountine whole day ( yesterday ). And at the very next day, as today, when I had two outside meetings, one divorse trial, all on 35°C with 95% hummidity from 08 to 15h, coming home and cooking dinner, working after in homeyard fighting with wild ... everything! ... almost 3 hours, and after that I spent two hours in shipyard cleaning desk and tools and making some order... I just have no explanation for that changeable status of body energy. It is possible that it different battery status comes with milleage (years you collect running from day to day) Anyhow, I rested from Hotheads drill, and it was time to come back to shipyard and to continue with my work As I wrote, I cleaned main deck from dust and pieces of ... who knows what ... and started with color repairing on inner bulwarks As you can see on next picture, looking from distance, it sems as nothing has to be done. But, looking carefully, particulary with magnifier, there are damaged places, dirty places and undesired traces and dot remains from rail color And this make me very nervous, so I started with first 3 fields with white acrylic Slow, very slow and fragile work under main rail, with the thinest brush I have, taking care not to paint something arround I do not want to paint.
  10. Try to play with acrylic paints and sanding paper. You can be amased with results
  11. Thx Patrick At least, I retutned to shipyard and finished all dech dead-eyes lines Next is cleaning, color repairs and color corrections of inner bulwark space on main deck
  12. Thanks Denis Model arrived in Novi Sad without damage, Model was valuated with 8,6 grade ( rating from 6 to 10) and meet requirement for Hothead to be called for next stage of exam
  13. Finally in office in front of my PC, and I can answer to posts regularly ( pretty clumsy doing it on smartphone) At first, thank you all Gentleman for nice comments and supporting words Patrick Typical situation with non-typical participants ... Carl like father - like son, you are correct. There is one old traditional sayings : "acorn does not fall far from the tree" His future job is close connected with investors. In Serbia, last two decades, you can get a architect project job ( and any other job) ONLY if you are high positioned in political party which won last elections. No mater what you know and did you know anything at all. It stinks. It means - NOT HERE !!!!! If you want to keep your integrity and personality. To late for me, but not for Hothead and Princess Gerhard Yes, Princess faced with Her first empty weekend in last 10 years ... going to swimming pool ... what a discovery !!!! Never late. Better now than never Mark I accept your suggestion about posting in "what have you ..." I know that Mark. Even they will be 70 years old, and I will have 100 years, they will always be children Yes, I plan to live very very long And have to drive his model in my car to Novi Sad, there is no other way, without damage Denis War of temperaments, stubborn and "I know everything" on both sides. But it is all OK, regular kind of my family life. My, and my late Admiral "family and child rising politic" was - enable them to express them-self in any way, even to fight with us. And talk with them in every single moment when they want to, even in endless stupid conversation, this was the only way to make their strong self-confident personality and to make them life fighters. And I think that we succeed in that 99% I joke him that he will be good shipmodeler when he grows up one day ;D Piet Thank you for your nice words and wishes, my friend.
  14. All "glass" on place ( every passage, central gathering area, restorant roof ...) glasses visualy conect all modules of elementary school in one object Model is almost finished. Boy who had to do laser cutting, forgot to put on machine table with gym roof and 50 decorative trees ... I hope he wil do it tomorrow
  15. Step forward. Details Only allowed material is card panels and Iuvidur 1mm thick Wood of any kind is not allowed
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