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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Thanks Denis, Mark and Carl. When started I have no idea what I am entering to. If I knew, probably scale would be larger
  2. Wellcome to MSW, Smaug. There are many technics for lettering. I suggest you to visit some build logs, and chose what you like, and then ask autor how he did it. Not every lettering method corespodent with every model. See you arround! And open your build log! We are waiting!
  3. Stage 4. Thickness of dead eyes and another, a bit darker, layer of acrylic Lesson learned - when I picked up piece of 3mm veneer for laser cutting of dead-eyes, I did not sanded and smoothed surface. Entering in microcosms on this scale, I realized that particular dead eye look dirty. Add to that a bit greater thickness than it has to be, and not parallel surface with wire, little sanding resolved situation To understand what I am talking about, here is picture before And after Followed with little color correction to get "older" look And to get point where I am going, I finished two of them, with white acrylic on ring, and with mat CA varnish I think that specific look and color of CS dead eyes must be involved Considering their dimensions and fact that there will be 3+3 white rope lines around and through, it is sure, unnecessary work, but very nice playing for me I enjoyed very much
  4. Memories back more than 30 years ago when I have made this model Very nice work!
  5. Old Latin saying: "errare humanum est", which mean, in free translation from Latin - characteristics of human is making mistakes But I have no doubt that you will resolve this, and continue with brilliant work
  6. Hahahaha Jud ! It is not a work board, it is just a junk piece of material I grabbed to fix wire temporary on it, with some unsuccessful attempt to carving. Thanks for nice words, my friend. If I just can rewind time, and to keep my today patience and ... hmm... if I can dare to call it ..skils ... when I started this project ... Huh, all generals are smart, and smarter - after battle !!!! A "little" boring, my friend. (36+14) x 3 = 150 holes. Laser cutting did not drill all holes all the way through material, so I have to manually drill and adjust every each hole on every 4mm and 3mm deadeye. Later, after mounting, it would be a huge problem, if I do not do it now Many beers still in front of me, Mark. Holes, painting brown with white ring around over Cu wire to get proper look of CS deck dead eyes, and then playing with CA and wire parts to fix them well to the rails and to the the deck. I just can not dare to imagine how it could look when some line pull out dea deye from deck/rail in the middle of rigging ... In the next post, hidden deep in my log, is shown main idea what I want to do http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/2501-cutty-sark-by-nenad/page-122#entry340954
  7. I earned my evening beer Stage two done 36+14 dead eyes fine tuned and glued
  8. Show on TV? Why? Here is Denis's show, and we enjoy watching! I have no doubt Denis. It will be brilliant, as always
  9. Thanks Carl. Making those little beats, and thinking about rigging, it seems that all the chances are, that it will be ... a walk on torture. But this lunatic likes challenges !!!! "...The lunatic is on the grass The lunatic is on the grass Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs Got to keep the loonies on the path The lunatic is in the hall The lunatics are in my hall The paper holds their folded faces to the floor And every day the paper boy brings more ..." "Brain Damage" - Pink Floyd
  10. 36 pieces 4mm dia, and 7 of 14 3mm dia Stage 1 almost done. Follows: fixing with CA dots, fine tuning holes, fine trimming exceed of soldering material, painting. Then follows making of holders, painting of holders, and mounting on rail Still a lot of job to be done
  11. When you prepare yourself with knowledge and data, you can spend on Kalemegdan whole day ... and another day ... and day after, and there is no way to see it at all You are wellcome, Carl ! Without history, there is no well understanding of today. Considering you are relative close in comparison with other MSW members, if you decide to come to Belgrade, I can be your travel guide to some interesting places, if you will be interested On the other side, in my life I had been in France, Germany, Romania, Greece, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, and of course, in all former Yugoslavia republics, but had never been in Vienna, even it is only 650 km distance. And Vienna is ... just ... Vienna, one of the most famous and most nicest town in world with long and interesting history. Prague and Vienna are in plan for future. Also Spain, Albania, Poland, Northern countries ... Life is too short ... Works continues ... still 25 dead-eyes to be made ... slowly, slowly, slowly
  12. Hey Carl Cannon I pictured seems a bit heavy for me too, but in crowd of visitors I can not find museum curator to ask him about origin and specifications of this cannon Yes, there were some ghosts around, particular I was visiting, so called "Roman`s pit (fountain)", deep under ground level Built in XVIII century by Austrians during occupation, and there is no connection (?) with Old Romans There are several spooky stories about this location, even Alfred Hitchook at year 1964. was interestred in it as location for making movies Also there was something in the air during visit "Shaikh Mustafa's tomb" (mausoleum) which was built in 1783 and was part of the Tekke (Islamic places of worship in which the dervishes gathered) Kalemegdan fortress is extraordinary place with almost 1500 years of known history, full of historic and another stories. Complex of fortress is now park and historic area spread on 53 hectare (130.963 acre) If anybody is interested, there is a nice article on Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgrade_Fortress Also on Google earth you can find photos and get a idea how it looks I can talk and write hours and hours about what I have seen and about history of Belgrade, but it will exceeding the frames of this forum, so I must stop
  13. Very good reason not to be in workshop tonight In the frame of Europian "long night museum", tonight was 13th Belgrade's Museum night on 70 locations spreaded in downtown. I never missed this event, wonderfull ambience and feeling on streets, that evening full of very nice people, and with many interesting places and things to see. Six hours of walking and visiting Kalemegdan (Belgrade fortres), museums and exibitions. There is no way to see it all, so I created my own route, with resting places in Belgrafe's pubs or between ice-cream shops ( huh ... Blak chocolate with Rochero ferrer ice cream, nuts over ...) Found something interesting in Millitary museum to show here, from XIX century, unknow war ship drown in Danube
  14. Modelet's Myrphy law: if particular piece is more smaller and more complicated, be sure that there are much more than a several of them
  15. Just about I was thinking when I said I have problem. Let's make some dead eyes until I re-think
  16. Mass production of 4mm dia dead eyes started In the back is little jig I made for easier manipulation with telephony Cu wire. 4mm dia BBQ strip and toothpick
  17. Thanks Denis. All, including cannon is cemented with CA ... which means that I have problem with cannon Enlarging "original" pdf Campbell plans 10-15%, I have got unwanted effect: thickness of every single line also enlarged 10-15% ! It means that some details are not clear any more, also, lines on drawings are 1 to 2mm thick, which directly lead to size mistakes. With detailing I want and I did, particulary on deck houses, there was no other way for me to catch what is going on, and what I have to do. Probably there is another way, but I was not smart enough
  18. Even I am not from English measuring territory, my plans are I feel totally lost in space when see something like this To much mathematics to calculate how particular part has to be in millimeters in all it`s dimensions It was more easy to re-scale plans which I have as *.pdf file to my scale as precise it can be, and then, at zoom level 100% use ruler or Adobe tools to measure what I need.
  19. “...Sobbing, Sam took another step..." This time, without "sobbing" C-plans analyze finished, all drawn elements incorporated in my sketch Now, harder part - photos, all of them - researching, spotting, recognition and locating eventually missing deck content. All my photos are organized in several folders: DECKS with subfolders ​FORE DECK MAIN DECK AFT DECK ​MASTING AND RIGGING (for now without sub folders ) OUTSIDE with subfolders ​BOW BOARDSIDE STERN Problem is in fact that, even main content of singular photo matches it`s containing sub folder, it is quite sure that in background or in corner of some photo you can notice and find something interesting somewhere, so all photos have to be carefully seen. Particulary Lou`s set of photos Addendum Now is 21:45 PM, and all the images are viewed, all hekping plans I have are also researched, and my drawing sketch had minor update Couple of remarks On some pictures you can find buckets here and there. On some pictures, anchor chain enters chain pipe, on some it is packed next to fore hatch. It is sure I can not find all eye-bolts and similar parts on main deck, but rigging will show if anything miss. Also, spare masts and yards are presented in different combinations. On some pictures, can be found big ventilation pipe next to fore deck. Also hatch covers are changing their look. There can be found to more davits: One pair at fore deck - anchor davits, which are not presented now on CS. Also one davit can be found for board side stairs, I assume that it is movable, but I will not make it, because I decided to make variant with full sails, when board stairs are not in function So, I printed my sketch drawings in 1:1 scale on 9 sheets of A4 format, ready to be put together and hanged on door surface in shipyard before my working bench If somebody is interested, I`d be glad to share and can send him my email my AI or pdf files with sketch of main deck contents Let`s go to shipyard
  20. It wouldn't help. From my birth I wear glasses for far distances ( 1,75 and 2,5 dioptry), and see very well at close. Getting old, my dioptry fall down (0,75 1,25), so I do not need glasses at home and in office. So, there is cheep PRC 3x magnifier, and I just ordered professional,for cosmetic/electronic shops 5x magnifier with led light. And here are working ants somewhere in my shipyard, waiting their time
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