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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Analyzing further, I realised that I am right in front of the door of possible future failure Zone. Boomkins, cats ... these elements stand out of hull surface and they are very exposed to accidental damage due to negligence. It comes a bit early I expected. That means, and seems like, that ... huh ... I have to be extremly carefull from now until finish Or boomkins and cats have to be extremly strong Hmmm
  2. This is also some kind of personal check list not to forget something to make. I tried in "classic" way, but lost myself soon couple of times, particulary by missknown names of parts and missunderstand of nautical terms. So I use method from my office suitable for complex comparative analyses of law matter. I am very familiar with MSWord tables, drawing tools and insert pictures issue ... so it was tehnicaly easy, but takes almost whole afternoon Now it is 95% clear what have to be done. In my scale, there are some really small almost invisible parts, but according to C-plans, SOMETHING IS ATTACHED TO !!! And naturaly, next question is, as ussual - HOW TO. And there is also new thing to think about where I am not in shipyard
  3. Try the thinest paintbrush you can find and magnifier. Then go forward slow and precise as you can. Results will be above you expect. First test color - will it cover Alu. Nice work my friend.
  4. As I wrote above, little research was done - including C-plans, Lou`s, Matt`s and mine photos Subject - outside content on bulwarks For purpose of research, and to accurately mark position of any part, I had to divide model to sections A,B,C and D, and to separate each in three different color horizontal "layers" Document is made in *.doc (4,25 MB) and in *.pdf ( less than 1 MB) format, and I ll try to attach it. If attaching do not succeed, and if anybody is interested to improve or to correct this material, I ll be glad to send him by private e-mail Here is in *.pdf ANALIZA.pdf And here is material look There are visible another deviations between C-plans, old and new photos. some parts are missing, some are added ...
  5. Bob look at this tutorial - how to make nails with little heads, it can be useful
  6. Thx Denis. I remember 1993 and the greatest hyperinflation ever ... my place (Umka) is on river Sava, and couple of us take a boat early in the morning, go on other bank to "borrow" a couple of m3 of wood to heat our homes ... kids were 2 and 4 years old, and me and admiral earn monthly about 100€ sum. And that were among highest monthly income, we both worked in bank ... that were really hard times ... Now, this little kid of 2 years, tomorrow start with master study in Novi Sad 80 km from home, and we are preparing him and us for this situation. It is much easier because He is 23 now, not 18-19, but ... one little bird spread wings to fly from nest ... Can not work on CS this days ... somebody must calm him, then calm admiral, then calm him again, and to act strength ...
  7. Root of idea with this ad hoc tool is somewhere in my childhood and experiments I made with microscope toy I had, discovering new usage of its parts ... creative-destructive approach ... No work on Her this weekend - last (?) garden works, car washing, grass cutting, lunch and evening with relatives, usual family stuff ... planing one day trip to Novi Sad town 80km from Belgrade for tomorrow ... and thinking that time comes for research again small outside bullwark parts through plans and pictures
  8. And appetite grows ... paint or not in bronze hinges and rivets on outside waterports ? On CS they are black covered. But in dark old bronze, them can be a little more visible in contrast to black surface them layed Hmmmmm
  9. Two patient hours full of fight with thin and little devils, and it is done, step by step. Ring is made of wood, little "thing" above from cooper foil. All painted in my version of bronze color With Einhell tool I made half-rings from 1mm thin veneer Glued with CA. It is still too thick and too wide After glue gets dry, thinning process starts When visualy get look as on CS ( ok, near as ) black painting all. Cooper thing made me pretty nervous, expressing his own will, but at the end I win And then I made my "bronze" color mixing black gold and orange acrylic And final look
  10. Not to much ? Light speed comparing to my build Great work you are doing here
  11. FB friend of mine, Roland Vlahovic, who is a world champion in modellship this year Bulgaria ( Naviga 2014), his tip for structural connection is - a small pegs of CA on the top of nail before nailing. Add to that my personal experience that still should be prepared (drilled) hole through the hinge and the copper and the wood slightly smaller diameter than that of a nail. I hope it helps Nenad
  12. I'm not ... As a result of the flood, the market does not have the dried coal for citizen (I use it for heating in the winter - natural gas is expensive - doubled price than coal). Three weeks ago I spoke to the supplier and found a nice perspective - no dried coal ... Two days ago he suddenly called me and said that he has for me two tone, now, or who knows when ... Of course, I told him - drove immediately .. . So, yesterday all day I loaded those two tone from the street in front of house where they were dumped to the basement. I ended up with a big muscle inflammation, and there was no way to get down to the workshop ... even to watch TV ... which does not mean that I did not follow what was going on MSW ... Kids and Admiral were watching something on TV, I was there napping, talking, lurking from Cell on MSW, FB, Google, Wiki and other places, hardly waiting time to befall the bed ... Oh yes, there was a brandy in glass ... and Princess pancakes ... and good time with family ... Today is plan to try to finish rudder circle and little "hinge" above, and to continue with make up
  13. Some riveting on gudgeons? Very nice work. Think forward how to mount them. It is not easy ! CA might be messy option, and some tests how cooper and accetone live together may be usefull. Also in such a scale Alu gudgeons are too hard to stay in place you need them. Do not worry about color difference. Some kind if monkey live whole their life with red back
  14. Continuing make up of white rails and edge of coopering surface and shapeing "root" of rudder preparing for "circle". Noting interesting to picture. Still thinking about material for "circle" Veneer, plastic, card, wire, alu-can, cooper, ... or something I could find somewhere around in home
  15. Thank you friend. Now it begin to show - my earlier though - sum of little mistakes and inaccurates gives unique look and individuality of every single model. And there is realy great pleasure when you have some idea of final look, but have no idea how to materialize that idea, and when at the end, you succed to get 95% of your imagined apperiance. My idea about cooper look and feel was just what I get there. Maybe not accurate, sure not made in usual way and precise enough, but when I watch Her from distance - this is it! And all of old "hunting hull lines problems" I had are forgoten
  16. Thanks Denis, I am rwly glad to see that there is somebody else who likes my work exept me
  17. Dont forget NOT to test bulwark strenght when She is turned on head
  18. Fifth week of attorney strike. Presidents of Europian and World attorney associaton asked for meeting with Goverment President and Minister of justice, and their demand is just ignored by Serbian authority !?!?!?!? And that IS NOT news for controled media? New Sadam rise up ?
  19. Hiden truth in beer can rised up and tell you message you need to know. Coincidence? A sign ? Conspirative message from runaway pig? Hmmmm
  20. Waiting for putty under/above rudder to dry, make up continues Before And after precise painting And today profile look (and feel)
  21. And watch carefully this pictures Those small notches on rudder and on stern provide possibility to make distance from rudder to stern to be narrow enough, when you start to mount hinges. I did not success to do this correctly, because I was inpatient too much, and this are really microscopic moves in such a scale. What is your plan for hinges ?
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