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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Go forward ... Preparing to finish outside bulwark content, listening unknown to me music of King Crimson ( not listed on album "At the court of Crimson King") , 8 missing outside sheaves more are done What next ? A ha !!! Success ... small small small Made of BBQ sticks. They are rounded, hard structure, and easy to mount in round drilled whole To notice something: Those water ports are not presented on C-plans (?) and in lifetime of CS they vary by number and places they are set. Facing this fact, I chose today look of CS, and their today position
  2. When they grow or live together, there is no problem. My present dog has 16 years and althrough all 16 years, there is always some cat in house. ( if not cat, then there are mouses , and literrary then Admiral lives on top of the roof - I am not kiddin, she lost her mind when see mouse, and jump to highest place she can reach, and dont want to go down until I catch/kill mouse including next safety hour ... this can last hours ... cat in house resolved this forever)
  3. 3-4 very strong reasons for "Yes" and 20-30 small and weak reasons for "No" including 5 semi-semi reasons for "not now" But ... only two months old ...
  4. Spend evening making more bolts I ll need ... And little box for bolts ... Obviously, still playing, thinking about .... when to mount boomkins ... did I made mistake today when didnt bye and bring home new dog old 2 months, who will reach 50-70kg when get adult age (Balkan shepard called sharplaninac) Modeling is full of hidden traps, if you chose wrong line of moves As in life
  5. I think: practice, practice, practice. And read tutorials ... Starting my CS I know nothing about iron soldering, but now I think I got some fine control on Cu wire, even I use Chinese junk Iron payed 3€. ( see http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/4679-the-kit-bashers-guide-to-the-galaxy/page-6#entry259400 ) You have to FEEL material you are working with, and practice is only medicine for that. Tutorials are great source to focus on esential parts : clean and sharp top of iron, flux use, temperature ... there are some great video tutorials on youtube also, and very helpfull to see HOW materials have to look and what happen with materials when you approach with heat I am planing to learn silver soldering too, also to try epoxy glueing ... And practice practice again
  6. Bob, something strange happened This morning I was sitting with cigarette and coffee, and a litlle pig suddenly fly in, screaming: " oh, he is so nervous, jumping from Niagara to Vic over CS and back, and again, talking something about Cony ... I must go back to help him to find himself, so BBQ must wait ..." and dissapeared with flash light and a pfuf ...
  7. Hey, Marc, if you are still interested, considering this is playing and improvisation, tutorial is on this link (I think there is a right place for such a playing) http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/4679-the-kit-bashers-guide-to-the-galaxy/#entry259400 "Stop playing around, Nenad, get serious and make some visible progres" She said to me I said, o.k. tomorrow, turned light of and left Her to wait for Bob's piggy to appear
  8. PAPERCLIPS, TELEPHONE WIRE, MULTI-HAIR WIRE AND TOOTHPICKS In mission to become "boomkin and chain" on Cutty Sark Here is goal So called "Boomkin and chain" on Campbell plans. In my scale, it has to be about 10mm long, has four rings up and two down, movable hinge and a chain to connect to bulwark eye So, let us begin 1. Material 2. Making a tool Main material is telephon cooper wire. Thin enough, and fitted on such little dimensions, hard enought But, how to make tool for making little rings ? Open paperclip, line it, and make this, considering dimensions you need Tight strenght this structure in table clamp, and cut as on picture You got perfect modeling pattern, and massproduction can start 3. Boomkin itself Following next pictures, make four little rings, taking care to keep wire tight all time Pull out wire with rings, turn wire backward, and make new two rings on proper places Pull out whole structure, align and fit it on anvil Soldering is neccessary to tight both parts and to give some mass, but it can be tricky on such a small piece. To avoid rings to stay clean and open, use toothpicks 4 Hinge - preliminary idea, it probably can be done better. Hinge is on toothpick top before soldering Soldering is neccessary, and a little correction with Dremell ... Mount boomkin in hinge, and fit hinge, and boomkin can move !!!! It is preliminary idea 5. Chain I think that on the market you can not find chain thick 0,2 mm ... Also I think that is imposible to make such a chain ... ot it haas no sense ... So, idea is to make something "TO LOOK AS THE CHAIN" And I remember cooper multiwired cable, and use cooper hairs as thin tread, and with torsion two hairs, I got this Eye is made earlier from telephony wire, as I show in my log Connect with "chain" boomkin and eye And after painting in blac acrylic with a little drop of gold acrylic Root of hinge and eye can be mounted in bullwark. Line of moves can be different, and I conected chain for demo purpose. Also, depending of patience, little chain can be made in different way ( some macrame technique, still has to be investigated) But, whole structure is so small, and there is unanswsered question, will all this ( movable hinge, chain structure) be visible at all ?
  9. Hothead come home for weekend, and I rather spend time with him than downstairs. So, tutorial will follow, and then also a way how to make four equial boomkins. For now: material used : telephony wire, one staple, and regular 220v wire 2,5mm with many thin hears inside. Real bashing work I promiss to wrote this before RRMartin finish Winds of winter
  10. I think Bob, situation is just reverse. I made my rudder, full of pride, and then I see yours, and I have to run in a mouse hole to hide and shame
  11. Simply Chinesse soldering magnifier 3x. 5€ price. Very usefull, considering my eyes and present problems to see clear little parts without. 50 year I use glasses to see far objects, and dioptry with years go down, so today I almost do not need them, but close up sight start ro be a problem. But I strongly refuse to have and to use another pair of glasses for close work, until I am able to read books abd written text without. And that chinese magnifier is good solution, also usefull to keep safe your eyes when you use Dremell to fit this little things
  12. You think, to make some mess? I do not need piggy for mess. I am here, and this is quite enough to produce mess... Yesterday I do not know what happened with hand tools ... each of them show very strong will to jump to floor. Some of them did it very successfuly, breaking nice thinny tops ... and little addings for Dremell were apsolute champions in jumping from table ... some kind of jumping championship was there ? Or this was wine ? But, BBQ is ready and waiting ...
  13. Thank you friends for likes and nice words It is morning, drinking moorning coffee, smoking morning ciggarets, watching and reading news in world, Serbia and MSW, still in pyjama, Admiral still sleeping, and thinking ... Somebody ought to forbide me to think, it can be dangerous ... As progressing in skills, looking backward, you can see many places thinking " that can be done better", madness catch you and you did better and you are happy and proud of your work, and after a while, again ... Hmm that can be done more better, ... And that is realy dangerous, you can bump in endless circle doing things better and better ... Same thing in my job ... Spend a lot of time to write complex prosecution or appelation act or contract, read it ... oh how clever was I ... after a while read again and redo it in more clever way ... and after a while .... But after 30 years of practice, I learned in my job where and when to stop. Do I need another 28 years of ship modeling to learn where to stop?
  14. Just learning to solder. Before I discover how to use iron, I thought solution is in silver soldering with mini torch. BuT now, I do not know any more
  15. Keep on with Napoleon XIV song you mentioned, followed with Imigrant song, Highway star and simillar, obviously good for working tempo ... Classic, ballads and radio dramas I listen last month during work are not good, and my work goes slow. Dont make this mistake. Amazing work in front, beside and after you, my friend, spiced with very clever and interesting words and thoughts
  16. More experimenting, better and better (Her Majesty told me: you are playing, stop playing and pay attention to me!!! I ignored Her ... ) And a little "problem" rised up: On CS, boomkins are movable, and when not in use, them are in position parallel with bulwark. In proces of makeing hinge, I did it well, but during soldering, solder do not want to listen to me, goes where it wants, inside hinge too, and stoned whole construction. So, considering, if boomkin is about 10mm long, hinge is about 1,5mm in diameter, all is painted black, and what is the point for so little boomkin to be movable, if I do not want my model to be of any competition where this is significant eventualy for some points. Who, except you friends, will be able to see this? Well, not movable And here is today results
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