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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Two hours alone at home, and I was inspired to try some experiments. Question about "boomkin and chain" bothered me a while. When to make, when to mount, and HOW to hell to make it not longer than 1 cm with four rings at upper side and two on down side, to be movable .... Last couple of days while making bolts idea come, and I decided to try to make it Main actor in next photos are boomkin and chain, not ropes, not dead eye, them all are there onli for test purpose It seems to be ok one day, when I get little more skills And patience If somebody is interested I ll be glad to write little tutorial "how to". Sure, if somebody have anither idea how to make this in easier way, I ll be very thankfull
  2. Suggestion for side project: Hunting of runaway pig ... investigate way how to use beer can without can ... How to escape Admiral's ideas when she saw you do not progress....
  3. Yes, you can!!! And be carefull, this is a path to the dark side ... That things just happenes to everybody. Too much focus and concentration to singular point, and we lose wide screen/stage I can not remember how much paints I swiped from table, how much CA stoned , how much paint brush I forgot to wash, how much little parts just dissapear, how many times I squeze bullwarks too strong trying to fix something in hull or on rudder... Only medicine is - patience with good focud. But we are live man, aren't we?
  4. In yard ? I agree Thank you for your kind words Marc. One eye in bolts, another in your carving masterpeace Still in dilemma what to follow - C-plans, Lou's pictures or present stage. Maybe to summarize all of them and to overload model with bolts ? Another
  5. Wow, looks goooood !!!!! In my thoughts carving was one of options, but I have zero experience in carving, and I am scarry to try this direct on stern. Not brave as you 30-35...years ago working on Santa Maria, I had problem with thiny bullwarks, and made mixture od alabaster cast and wood glue which hardened as stone after 24 hours Still dont know, considering my miniature madness this days, and reality working in scale .... what is possible and what has sense to be made, even to try. Maybe clay ? Maybe card? I faced with problem - once when succed to make something miniature, you want ALL to be precise in every corner and every surface ... pure madness. Frontier must be set, but where ? If you cross frontire, you are only lossing your time Keep on good and inspirative work, my friend
  6. Give it a try, with more eyes watching and asking, and with your sharing dilemmas, you can learn fast Why not?
  7. After finishing chaos in homeyard, after lunch and little napping, take glass of good white wine, and go down to Her. First I had to remove ALL hairs of cat I found on table ;@#$@@#!$$( Obviosly he had a cleaning party under my collection of beats I made yesterday... I do not intend to write turorial how to make this, because I learned this on MSW, and this would not be honest So, first 18 are mounted Not to forget, Mark, there are also seeded on decks !!!! Here is result of tonight work. I intend to paint all of them in black acrylic And to mention something for members of CS fleet. Position of those pieces are slightly different on C-plans, on Lou's pictures, and on pictures I collected and have got (thanks Matt again!) And another notice for Bob and other with fragille bulwarks ... another method have to be applied, if somebody is crazy enough as me to make this details. It is more than easy to drill allthrough bullwark, and to make ugly hole inside, and problem how to fix it. My massive and thick bullwarks take this nice and easy
  8. Hello Steven, and very hot wellcome to the Cutty Sark fleet. As you progress, you will find your skills grow, and one day you will find that "I can never do that" on unknown way transformed to "Hey, I just did it !" Just a lot of thinking and a lot of patience, and a lot of love and joy Waiting for your progress Nenad
  9. Just be patiente, and try different tips and tutorials... and one day you ll find that ... it simply works!
  10. I am amased !!! And you are quilty by charge leading me to devil road to try to make something simillar on my CS and Her four boats
  11. Just like that, Mark. 12 waterports, more than 50 stanchions, not to mention all deadeyes blocks, coopering and planking plates ... But, it is said: "You asked for it, now swim !!!" Attorney strike is not over, some of our demands are accepted, but there is full set of lies, demagogy, cheating and media spin made by goverment, so we continue with paralise of court system. Media are censured, and under silent and hidden goverment pressure not to spoke about our demands (!?!?!) or worst - auto censured, and this time basic human rights issues are in first plan. Right of every man to chosse if he want to make contract by his own or right of every man to chosse if he wanrs to engage legal help. Not to be forced to engage ONLY and ONLY notary closed to political party of Minister, and to be forced to pay 3x more than to attorney - and the worst - not to pay to budget account - to pay to notary personaly (!?!?!) and by that way indirectly to the political party of Minister Something like that was not seen in history of democratic society. Even in dictatorship or in hard comunism I can write a novel, but here is no place for this (except some notes here and there from time to time)
  12. In Belgrade, in this time of year, weather have to be 0-5℃ with "maybe" snow Last week (and next rwo as forecast said) we have spring time Today temperature was 20℃ and I spent all day (until sunset at 16h) in yard fighting with chaos that left after cutting trees couple days ago. I turned heating system about 19:00 only half of hour, only because Admiral asked for And evening is mine ( and Her Majesty's) I analyzed next move: little "rings" which are "seeded" here there and everywhere around outside bulwark and on the upper part of hull, and concluded next: In my scale, them all have to be between 0,5 and 1 mm Them all had "ring" function and ring shape - to catch something on them: chain, rope, or eye/block pa rt etc etc All of them have their names and basicly different construction and function and look ... but ... at my scale, this is not possible (for me) to follow and to reproduce accurate - those little ants are less than 1mm in diameter !!!! Mission impossible So, simpliwfying time ! I decided that all of them will be the same, as smaller as I am able to make, and after little experimenting, factory starts Them all will be black acrylic covered, and them will be cuted to proper lenght before mounting Material used: telephon cooper wire 30 pieces made in two hours, no one dissapear on desk!?!?
  13. This post is designed as a personal reminder, what of little sensitive and simillar parts not to forget to make and mount later, considering that some parts ( such as cats, bumpkins etc) can be easily damaged if I make them now Bumpkins ( with chains) Cats Anchors Rudder chains Fragile fences on fore and aft deck
  14. Mark, beside goes some chemistry (and magic), and there is something in taste, too
  15. dolcefooda.blogspot.com/2014/02/warm-slivovitz-aka-shumadian-tea.html?m=1 Just found good receipt for all who is interested Not to forget, little magic and mythology is neccessary !!!!!
  16. In my country is said : "Third time, God helps too" But it seems that Mark will leave God in peace
  17. Hey, John It is better to dip me in Shumadia tea. On photos above is only preliminary painting. Experimenting on rudder, I found interesting method to give "metalic" look of desired piece (little drop of gold acrylic). For now, when I finish (one day) all outside fittings, idea is to make final outside hull painting, with applying "metallic touch to all metal parts, including sheaves. Weathering of model is subject of continuous background thinking process, and for now it seems that final decision will be made when finish all decks houses pumps, and all other what belong there, before starting with masts But, brain multitasking can lead us to strange streets ... our brains are not dual/quad etc etc-core ... thinking to try to find "brain cleaner" to speed up my low memory ... Probably "wet" version ...
  18. "Shumadia tea" is also very good in strong winter when you come home deep frozen ... and after working in the yard removing fallen snow (in my case, after cleaning entrance to garage and 80m of street - to the next corner in picture below -if I have to go somewhere with car) Today, sheaves are mounted. A couple of times I losed them on table, and lose much time to find them ... great fun ... AAAAAAAA!!!! There are eight more sheaves inside bulwarks!!! And those beats have to be much precise ( no color to cover mistakes) Ha, idea !!! When somebody want to see my model, at first I'll give him Shumadia tea Devil, devil
  19. Thank you Bruno. It is supprise for me too, considering I am a baby builder comparing to real masters on MSW
  20. Fortunately, on MSW is enough space for us mortals, who make our builds for own satisfaction, and who enjoy in creativity
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