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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. He-loo, Luca Patina question ... hmmm ...I don't know jet ... waiting to reach mast stage, and then to look at Her carefully and see what she need (artistic approach)
  2. Thank you Denis, you are so kind. Yes, mistakes are there, and I just decide to ignore them, because them are impossible to correct. I think if I wanna describe every one of them in single post, that will take next 10 pages of log. I just have no nerve to start over after year and a half Never mind, we are going forward
  3. Hello John, welcome to main deck. I am very glad and thankful you like my mess fight with mistakes. I like it too (more or less.... sometimes more, sometimes less )
  4. Wow, Marc. Amazing story for us who live far away from sea
  5. Hothead come home over weekend, and no work on CS. He has modelling on his study ... houses, not ships ... maybe when he grow old ... of course, he can not live without full set of X-acto scalpel you can not find in Serbia, laser cutting, fastest mobile internet I can find for him, and ... a new laptop with strong graphic card to run newest version of Arhicad, 3dStudiomax, Autocad etc etc etc ... he had to be born somewhere on east in palace of some oil magnate ... or in happy garage where software is born ... Hey, boy, cool a bit, I am not millionaire ... slow down ...
  6. I like it. And do not see anything wrong. Do not hate Macro. It can be very usefull, even it turn you angry. As a car. As a PC. As a ... I do not dare to say if I want to live ...
  7. Take care my friend. There is a good receipt from alternative medicine I could send you (hot brandy) if you wish Natural domestic selfmade Serbian brandy of plum (Shljivovica) is esential if you can find it. You are brand new in next 24h en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slivovitz When I was in Army, realy hard Fly get me down with 41,5℃ body temperature, and I didnt know who I am and where I am. And, as in every army, there was smuggled alchocol Shljivovica, friend made this medicine, and I was brand new in the morning. From that time, there is always Shlhivovica in my home, even I do not drink it (rather good wine or beer or little whiskey with many of ice) for "medical" purpose Or just a hot tea therapy - min 2-3 lit every day. Yes, you will go often ... but it helps a lot
  8. Hey Marc ! That is one of question I have to deal with ... but first I have to investigate and learn about whole anchor usage and mechanism ... it seems there is a lot of something I (for now) have no idea what is it for ... but there is no need to rush. It is said: There can not be sunrise before morning. And morning is much clever than evening
  9. Second billboard was made, both billboards thined and shaped, and now it is a quite different story Them are equial, at same position and symetrical, and I am happy. Even She asked "what did you put on me?" I answered "wait and see" and left Her confused in shipyard in her dark and closed shelf
  10. Thank you for your interest, sailor12... And here She is From distance with weak camera, She seems to look as decent model
  11. Thank you Peter ... I am just collecting ideas about display case design. Still far of that stage, and MSW is so great and free time in day is so short
  12. These ports are also called "12 little beasts" torturing you on both sides of bulwark until you cover them all with "doors" on hinges If you are interested, there are on youtube some clips of sail ships on storm, to see what and how this works when deck is full if sea
  13. Soldering ... nightmare ... until realise you have to listen what is told in soldering tutorials on net. Top of soldering iron ALWAYS clean, sharp and little soldered, soldering wire with proper amount of Pb, use cleaning paste, and practice. And right temperature on iron. When you once succeed to solder something to something, practice two days more to learn to feel material. After that everything is easy
  14. It seems you will have fun with width of rails on back deck, also with position of round hole ... I have no doubt you will resolve this. Weathering cooper plates - good idea. You can apply different techniques ( there is topic about on MSW) or just play with thin layer of acrylic mat warnish with a drop of acrylic color You will very soon reach the point to ask yourself - ok, this is how kit author want Her to look. And how do I want Her to look ? All wooden ? In Her Greenwich color? Bright and shine or weathered? Simplified or with all possible details? Then real fun starts Keep on good work
  15. Just a idea ... maybe to put in separate log " how to build display case" ... I ll be interested
  16. Thank you Mark, it is fast answer, I was thinking so, but was not sure about Hmmmm... Watching photos, I think I have to thin billboard ... looks so much massive ...
  17. I just dropped ... and hardly need that ladder for my roof climbing, it seems they are right scale Btw, it seems that some photos from begining of log went somewhere in cyberspace? Or it is just my stuppid smarrt phone
  18. Thank you, dear friends for likes and support. Your likes and comments give a lot of steam to my engine Next - billboards BTW , can anybody tell me what is their purpose on sail ship? This is goal Opening question - what material to use ? Them are iron made. I decided to use wood because I do not have (?) tools for precise metal/alum cutting Rails had to be thinned a bit, and first billboard sit well on its position Preliminary painting and a little touch of very thinned black with little drop of gold to get a little "metallic" shine
  19. My new tools ... I am not dentist and HATE visiting him, but his tools ... diferent story
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