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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. What is happening ? On september 5th I posted about sudden death of friend/client. On september 7th, pass another client. Yesterday cancer takes third, after 20 years of friendship and working together Where is the end ? Days of extreme mixed joy and happines with sadness ...
  2. Princess graduated today, and we have doctor and enginier and two attorney at home. Fourth generation in my family finished university education. Drink fot everybody here !!!!
  3. Yeah ! Big step forward after 10 days of thinking how to And start of mounting hinges
  4. Very nice. As you are on deck. I like it. Think you have got right proportion of panels as on photos. Keep with good work
  5. 2 trip days somehow grow to 3, Admiral waited with some life-retirement insurance story, and plans how to celebrate kids diplomas with 100 people in two days in our house, in office waiting full inbox and desk with different jobs, another attorney strike in Belgrade begin ... I went downstairs to Her even this evening. This was tonight headache abd missfit try But when this peace felt apart I get idea what I have to do or not to do ... And must do something for better photos BTW, there is little difference between C-plans and present stage. In present stage this last hinge is horizontal, in C-plans - NOT And position of hinges toward waterline is slightly different too And what will be ? BTW 2 - this thing with photos on Google drive works very well even much better than I expect BTW 3 - soldering of this little pieces every time goes better and better
  6. Dissapointment ... from HTC ... their customer service confirmed indirectly -no way to take better pictures with this phone, and that is some kind of cheat comparing what they declare. Must find another way for pics to my log
  7. After working late in my hotel room, there is time to rest ... and how shipocholic rest ? .... I was watching some pictures of CS ... and thinking how it will be good to to have this pictures near me during work, without having laptop on workbench or near (I could not like laptop dusted or soldered or glued . Bindy, do you read this ?). Regular way to have printed b/w part of/pictures is presented downstairs in workroom as needed, but color photos are significant to have sometime. And idea comes In all home, we have unlimited home wireless internet ... and my cellphone is attached to home WiFi all time I am home, even I am in shipyard (use it as FM radio or mp3 player, and for photos, and for calls during work). With new android system 4.2.2., quadcore processor and with unlimited fast ( for Serbian conditions) internet, it become very elegant and feasible to have all my pictures uploaded on Google Drive, and it is easy to review, even to download particular one I need in very short time And here is another usefull but booring job in front of me - to upload all of them - whole collection I gathered, all bit more than 100 MB
  8. All four hinges finished and ready for mounting when I return from bussines trip on monday and thursday. BTW new camera on new phone (HTC desire 310) has 5 MP as old one (HTC wildfire), but HAD NO autofocus (!?!?!? @#$(%$#$), so I do not know (still) how to make bright and clear macro pictures (jet). Little disapointment, but it is impossible to know before you try camera after bying
  9. Not working this days, mainly 3 reasons: 1. Ants 2. My good friend and client passed away 3. New smartphone occupies my attention two last days
  10. Denis, there is no story behind. On my bussines travels to factory in Paracin, inside factory I noticed this wonderfull dirty but happy dog who live inside factory as everybody's pet, and couldnt resist to picture it. Everybody give him food and play with, and try to imagine rummors " Attorney from capitol city come here and stole our dog" so I did not pick him. But I was close ... Thx for your like
  11. You have got just right look an feeling from deck. If you compare with photos from Her deck - this is it !
  12. Thanks Captain for doing my job ro edit post Idea came when I was in attic where I keep bussines archive, sorting and reducing amount of unneccesary paper in folders with old cases finished 10-20 years ago. Many empthy folders appear, some of them ruined by time, and as this is extremly booooring job, while doing this with half of brain, another half was thinking about many silly things ... saw this metal rail in ruined folder ... test streight and elasticity by fingers ... and ...why not?
  13. Looking your work, a question arise: Is there something you did not know or not able to make ? I do not think so
  14. Mistakes are stuborn things, in ship modeling and in a life itself. You can put them under carpet, ignore them, do not see them, mask them, and be sure when you do not expect, you will hear their call or see them whispering: "Here I am" And there is your call to fix them or to live with them PS: it seems that ending of hard working day put me in a poetry way. Sorry for turning out of the road/subject Topgalant rail cost me tone of nervs, but I was in better (?) situation than you considering my deck walls ( bulwarks) dropped preety thick, and railing was easier (more surface for glue) with other putty acrobats I made In your case, your under railing is nice, gently and fragile, so what do you think about to call Harry Poter to help YOU CAN DO IT, BOB And I am unpatient to see rails on place
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