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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Hi Mark, I have some great advice but…….everybody is thinking that the bottom is not good. That's not it…it's the top The bottom fits perfectly! So, decision is made…..totally scratch . I make a new one from plywood. I think that's the best. Maybe this afternoon I'm gonna start with it. I had my medical examination today and the Doctor is saying that I had the health of a man of 25 years old…so from now on, I'm not 56 years old anymore but 25
  2. Morning Andy, I still don't know what I shall do. Scratch a new one or extend the transom…... Maybe I try first to put on a little wood on the transom and see how that goes. If that is not working I can still go for scratch. I have still a few days before I decided what to do. But thank you for your opinion.
  3. Hi Robbyn, Thank you also, but when I do that what you are suggest I have to cut the legs of the transom. It's metal so I don't do that. Ferit, Thanks also, If it was wood, it was no problem but it is metal. So I think I take a piece of plywood and make the shape of the transom. Then glue it on top of the transom to get the good hight. Painted it and I hope at the end ,you don't see a thing about it. But first I have to see if the gallery's are fitted. When that is done, I know how many wood I need. But again, thank you all for thinking with me. This story goes further…...
  4. Hi Jason, Thanks,that is also a option. I will be all right when I know what to do…. @ Popeye, Thanks for the thinking but that's no option. There is coming also a balustrade on that little deck and you don't see the doors in the back anymore. Everything comes to low. But thanks anyway!
  5. Thanks Augie and Chris for your response. @ Augie, You have the same thought as me. That it was not a mistake I made. I fit the bulwark good, theer was only one way to do it. I was also thinking about making a new one from plywood…... @ Chris, Yes, this is a metal part…… I will see how the stern gallery's fits and when that's good maybe I can laminate the top of the transom to the railing…... But that's just a thought….. I will see if there is more comment coming. But thanks again both of you for your advise and thinking with me.
  6. This is what I have. And this is the only thing that I have….because there are no pictures where you can see how to place it. Not at the drawings or the internet.
  7. Morning mister patient Augie! I'm just home from work and I hope you sleep well…... Here is my problem. As you can see in the pictures the stern thing that is attach to the stern is not correct…. It should be covering those cabins what you can see behind it on top. I want to lower it but then the deck in the middle is not correct anymore and also the windows are out of range…... I hope you can still follow it? I don't…. Or I make a big mistake somewhere or they give me a wrong stern thing ( don't know how to call it ) But what solution can I use? Any idea's????????
  8. Mark, Can i go low with you????????? Shaz, I want to take a picture and I'll do that tomorrow but…... Yes, I have a problem! I shall take a picture from it and maybe someone knows an answer……. I can tell it here but a picture make more sense And now it is time to go for a little sleep because my alarm bell goes of at…..4.30 am…..brrrrrr
  9. That's nice that you do that but when you write that in English some else can also have the benefit of it.
  10. Jasseji? Can you please post a translation in English? So we can all read what you are writing…….
  11. Thank you all for liking the re-paint job! I'm also happy for Mobbsie because the Spanish ship is transfer to a British ship! That's wat he wants ! And Mark,I don't know what is going on here…. I miss read Andy, It should be Nuts instead of peanuts…... I had a little fever yesterday so I think that's the course…... I only see doctors around me Sorry that i have to say it but I'm lost now at the moment. This make no sense anymore to me. So I just give it up and go back to the daily routine……. The decoration at the stern is in place but I need to paint a few damages before I take a picture of it . Then all the hinges are on the gun port lids and I can attach them also to the hull. That takes some time so please be patient on me before I can post some pictures….
  12. Thank you Adriaan for blaming me! Forgive me that English is not my native langue…... I'm al ready happy that I can write something understandable….. At least, I think so……..
  13. Hi Slawek, Welcome back. It's indeed a long time ago. But your work looks fabulous again! Great job.
  14. I know what you mean……. Last week I send them away from my doorstep…... They had a straightjacket with them and where asking for a clowns person. I say, nope, not in this house but they tell me that they received a call from a MSW member. I told them that i never hear of such MSW thing!
  15. No worries about them. I have to go on friday to those man in a white coat Every three year I have to get a health examination, without it, I may not drive a bus with passengers. They forget to make a appointment for me…... They are just in time, my old paper expired on 18 of June. If I get not that examination ,then I have plenty of time for building So Andy, please (don't) give them a call……..
  16. I'm glad Andy, that you are saying that I'm delusional….. If somebody else was saying that ,I have to believe him or her….
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