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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Now you see what you have done Aldo??????? Again talking about balls….and what kind of balls. No cannon balls but moth balls, Nerve balls, ice balls,sphere balls…..what's next? I think I better prepare for work to see if there are any Balls are coming into my bus.
  2. Hi Aldo, Nice to see you dropping in. Sometimes you have to go to the dark side…... We will see where it ends. Maybe in the future a whole ship? who knows. Why do you have to start all over again about the "balls"…... You wake everyone up now, so I'm curious to see what they are saying….
  3. Morning Michael, Thanks It also in the Netherlands that there are people who take pictures of bus numbers. When I'm at a station, I always see someone with a camera who take pictures from a bus. I've been many times on a picture with an bus. Maybe because I'm that handsome????????? I have a colleague who travel all over Europe to sit and make pictures of busses. We have even a own bus site. It is in Dutch but they have a lot of pictures. Take a look at it and maybe you like it. http://www.busbrief.nl/Archief%20overzicht.htm
  4. Aldo, With the help of all your modelling friends, you can chew almost everything…. I'm a great example for that ! I have make my first scratch thing and it works Thanks to the support of others! I have faith in you ,that you can do it also.
  5. Robbyn, Confidence is good but still you have to do it….. I like that so much that I have taken away the quarter gallery again because it was not straight….. It's now a lot of repairs to do But not today. The temperature is rising till 30 degrees Celcius…... To hot to sit inside and I have to work tonight……. Augie, I have ordered a bus with really big doors! And we call that…don't walk beside your shoes….. And Robbyn and Daniel like that???????? Sherry, Thank you, There are more things that is calling my name but I'm not listening all the times to that When those 2 little vessels are finished, I have still the Aggy to do. So it takes a few years before I'm in to that. Randy, I think it's just the support of the other builders that let you do things that you normally don't do. And I don't walk with my head in the clouds. There is someone around me that let it not be happening…….
  6. That looks great Jason, A real improvement ! Nice fix And a amazing paint job…. You can not even see where the first knightheads where...
  7. @Mobbsie, Thank you very much teacher……. You see, I listen to you….( not always.. ) @ Kevin, Thanks and you are going to the dark side ? Witch project? If I can do it, you can do it for sure! @ Andy, Had it something with a space? I think I hear this song somewhere….. @ Frank, Thanks also. Sometimes you just have to take the jump! @ Ferit, We where laughing about your smiley. I'm almost see you standing aside the table and shouting at me But thank you very much!
  8. Adriaan, Maybe you have to look at it as the lights from a christmas tree…. One is broken and all do nothing... I have faith in you that you can fix it. Of course you can fix it!
  9. Hi David, See you can do it ! Be proud of your self! Very great job. That's exactly what i was meaning……You see, for all the problems, there is an answer….if you keep looking Great,great,great.
  10. I understand it Paul, It was just a question…... And indeed the size of the ship take you a few years when you have to wire it.
  11. Morning Guys ! This is a pleasant moment to see what's going on at the forum Worked just for 3 hours and before I can go back this afternoon for the second part of my shift, is nice to read this. Mark, I will do my best. Glued the other bottom of the quarter gallery. But it is solid metal ,so I hope that it stays where I put it…... Randy, Thanks ……. Are you calling this a little bump???? What are you calling then a big bump????? Thanks for the confidence in me…... Augie, They have said a lot of things about me but timid?????? First time that I hear this…... The rest from what you have writing, I have to translate it There are words I never hear of it. I understand Rome……... But thanks my friend Thanks Wayne, If we where normal, we don't do things like this…... Andy, With other words I'm ……... But you are right. Just take the jump and see where it ends….. Even with a 80 guns ship ! Popeye, I'm laughing all the time…... Even when the parts are falling from the ship. I walked away and one hour later I'll be doing it again.
  12. Hi Mark, I'll be waiting patiently for any answer……. Augie back in the bus? What's he doing there????? He didn't know that the engine is there? Or is that the reason…. The planking…..I know for sure that you can handle that and I'll be watching closely to see how it goes. Good luck with it!
  13. Hi Jason, I see that you also make your samson posts ( or timber heads ) But one question…..those at the front, are they not to big? Because mine are all the same size if you look at the picture at the San Ildefonso ( if you can find them ) ( picture 548 at page 37 ) For the rest it looks great!
  14. Hi Jim, I thought it was also for me beyond my capabilities…….but I have found out that you just have to do it. Not hesitating but go for it You have to make some things several times and then still it's not perfect. But walking is also not learned in one day…... When you want to do it, you can do it. Wow, listen to me now…...
  15. Hi Caroline, Solving problems is fun??????? Maybe it is when it works out….. Furniture for the cabins….I close all the cabins so I don't have to make furniture for them
  16. Hi Mick, Thanks for the visit…... And I'll do my best about the problem. Almost solved…... I have take a look at your tram and…..you can do a better paint job I think. You just said it your self…to lazy……so come on, get the bull by the horns and give it another layer of paint! It's pity to let it like this. I hope you don't mind saying this but the tram is to nice to let it go. When you start the Taxi, I will take a look also. And when the Endeavour is coming, I'll be sitting again first row! And I keep you at your promises, make it perfect….
  17. Hi Jack ( I just call you Jack is that's alright) I was thinking why I don't wrote what i have done. In the early days of internet ,there was a other forum that we called MSW 1 After a big crash at the beginning of this year, we have to start all over again with our builds. I can say that 99% of the builders have only the pictures left on the pc's We post them all back but no comments anymore. That was lost in cyberspace…... That's why you only saw the pictures and no comment what is done. But we have our memories and a great MSW 2.
  18. Thanks for the support Augie @ Randy, You are saying it just as it be. Like that metaphor….. @ Andy, It's all metal………. Even the bottom of quarter gallery's are solid metal. But that shape is to much to scratch. So I have to turn her on her side to see if I can glue it together. First I thought I'm calling a welder…..nah, that's to much. We will see where it ends….. It should be ending somewhere.
  19. It looks….how shall I call it……wiring ! I'll think at the end it looks great! When are the light going to burn? Weeks, months, years?
  20. Thats indeed a great job Ferit ! Looks wonderful…you need a higher room with those masts…...
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