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    Sjors reacted to Henke in HMS Agamemnon by Henke - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    This week I have been working with the upper gun deck guns. Starboard side is now finished (guns on lower and upper gun deck).


    Best regards
  2. Like
    Sjors got a reaction from PeterB010 in HMS Victory by Sjors - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    Thanks to Charter 33 ( Graham ) and Mort Stoll I have finished the gun ports.
    I think it is just fine.
    Bit more work then i thought but that's no problem.
    I have painted them and also placed the planking on the inner bulwark and painted it also.
    How Robert get that so smooth is for me a miracle.
    And because there is another deck on it you don't see a thing!

  3. Like
    Sjors got a reaction from BenD in HMS Victory by Sjors - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    Thanks to Charter 33 ( Graham ) and Mort Stoll I have finished the gun ports.
    I think it is just fine.
    Bit more work then i thought but that's no problem.
    I have painted them and also placed the planking on the inner bulwark and painted it also.
    How Robert get that so smooth is for me a miracle.
    And because there is another deck on it you don't see a thing!

  4. Like
    Sjors got a reaction from BobG in HMS Victory by Sjors - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    Thanks to Charter 33 ( Graham ) and Mort Stoll I have finished the gun ports.
    I think it is just fine.
    Bit more work then i thought but that's no problem.
    I have painted them and also placed the planking on the inner bulwark and painted it also.
    How Robert get that so smooth is for me a miracle.
    And because there is another deck on it you don't see a thing!

  5. Like
    Sjors reacted to Robert29 in HMS Victory 1805 by Robert29 - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1:72   
    Thank you Allan,
    Yes, I will be adding the anchor lift davit on the launch.  I have it ready but I haven't glued it in place, in the below photo it is only dry fitted. I will also be placing the respective anchors (supplied in brass with the kit) on each boat.  As a matter of fact  even the windlass, I haven't glued in place yet.  The anchors I still have to blacken and since I also intend to add a few more items (such as barrels) I thought better not glue anything for the moment.

    If 'the strips on the launch hull' you are referring to the hull planks overlapping  each other (clinker type planking), I am not sure if any of the boats were constructed with this type of planking.  I just went along as indicated on the kit manual.  To be honest I tried to look for details of the boats but found very little.
    As for the ears, I haven't seen them on any HMS Victory boat images I managed to find on the internet.
    At this point there might be some details which I could have added, but it is too late to add now.  But if you have any details of the boats of which I am still in time to add and within my capability I would be much obliged if you can furnish me with them.
    Thanks again.
  6. Like
    Sjors got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in HM Brig-Sloop Flirt 1782 by Sjors - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - Scale 1:64   
    Last update.
    She is finished!
    It was a fun build and I enjoy it every minute.
    Time to do some rigging at another model 🙂
    The last picture is her final place where she is gonna stay.

  7. Like
    Sjors got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in HMS Victory by Sjors - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    On 27 september we are crossing  the border if Covid 19 allowed us.
    We go for a few days to Bollendorf, close to Trier.
    And on thursday the plan is to go to Monchau.
    We keep in touch.
    I wanted to see your Victory IRL
  8. Like
    Sjors reacted to Henke in HMS Agamemnon by Henke - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    First thanks for thoughtful comments Bruce, GrandpaPhil and Sjors. It helps.
    And now two pictures of this week's efforts.


  9. Like
    Sjors got a reaction from PeterB010 in HMS Victory by Sjors - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    I have to remove the dust from the build log......
    First palnking done.
    Use filler band then sand everything till she is smooth as possible.
    Now I have a good layer for the second planking.

  10. Like
    Sjors got a reaction from Heinz6672 in HMS Victory by Sjors - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    On 27 september we are crossing  the border if Covid 19 allowed us.
    We go for a few days to Bollendorf, close to Trier.
    And on thursday the plan is to go to Monchau.
    We keep in touch.
    I wanted to see your Victory IRL
  11. Like
    Sjors reacted to Heinz6672 in HMS Victory by Sjors - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    Well, then get in touch if you ever jump over the border :). You are invited!
  12. Like
    Sjors got a reaction from Henke in HMS Agamemnon by Henke - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Sorry to read the news.
    I hope that things goes a little normal now for you and the family.
    I almost see my own Aggy 🙂
    Great job.
  13. Like
    Sjors reacted to Charter33 in HMS Victory by Charter33 - Caldercraft - Scale 1:72   
    Hi Folks,
    To continue the story with the miss-aligned inner gun ports …….
    The first step was to work out how much needed to be removed from each port. To do this a length of square bar was threaded through a pair of gun ports.

    The gap between the bottom of the bar and the bottom of the outer gun port was then measured. It ranged from 0.5mm to 3mm, averaging around 2mm for the majority.

    This measurement was then marked onto the pattern and the ply sliced with a scalpel.

    A ‘sabre’ saw with a reverse toothed blade (cutting on the pull stroke) was used to cut the ends.

    The final step was to cut and glue a strip of scrap ply into place. Not pretty, but job done and work can now progress with the lining.

  14. Like
    Sjors reacted to Charter33 in HMS Victory by Charter33 - Caldercraft - Scale 1:72   
    Hi folks,
    I set myself two short term goals a couple of weeks ago;  to get this build log up to date by editing and uploading previous material, and to finish planking the upper gun deck including tree nailing.  It was a close thing but both of these objectives were achieved. 


    The planking and tree nails have now been refined to a smooth finish with a scraper and given the first of several coats of mat varnish.
    These photographs show the second planking of the hull.  



    Unfortunately I omitted to photograph this work as it progressed.  I decided to go the route of using short planks (127mm / 5”) as opposed to longer lengths and found this easier, gluing them in place (CA glue) and shaping the profile of any planks as required. Any minor gaps and imperfections were dealt with using a little wood filler. The hull has now been sanded to a good finish although I am expecting to have to give it a final going over once it’s been primed with grey primer once the wales have been completed.
    There’s plenty to do in between adding coats of varnish on the deck. Cannon barrels and carriages need assembling, plus preparing the various different styles of plank for each of the wales ( jigs made but not yet tested). This will keep me busy until the final coat of deck varnish has dried.
    Not until this is done can I tackle the problem of the miss-aligned inner gun port patterns. Note to self – read the excellent build logs produced by others more carefully!  When I fitted the inner patterns they were carefully aligned horizontally. The patterns slipped so nicely into the spaces in the bulkheads, with the top edge level with the outer pattern that I assumed all was well ……WRONG!  

    As these photos show, the inner patterns need to be dropped by almost 3mm before they can be lined. My plan is to cut out the excess from the bottom edge and then graft a new piece into the top. This will be easier than pulling the whole pattern out and re-fitting it, and the final planking will hide the evidence!
    Cheers for now,
  15. Like
    Sjors reacted to mort stoll in HMS Victory by Sjors - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    When I dry fitted my bulworks they were not the proper height. I had to trim the lower edge of my inner bulwork in order for the guns to be properly aligned.  I believe I had to trim 3-4 mm from the lower edge.
  16. Like
    Sjors reacted to Charter33 in HMS Victory by Sjors - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    Hi Sjors,
    I had exactly the same problem with my build. If you do a search for my build log you will see how I overcame it.
    You'll find that it's a minor glitch, easily fixed and not visible once the planking is finished. 
    Enjoying your build - keep up the great work!
  17. Like
    Sjors reacted to Charter33 in HMS Victory by Sjors - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    .... sorry - forgot to add that it's in the #15 post.....
  18. Like
    Sjors got a reaction from PeterB010 in HMS Victory by Sjors - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    Hello to all you young ones 🙂
    I have a problem !
    Maybe I did something wrong but I can not find what.
    I wanted to putt in the sills.
    The gun ports are not in line!
    These are the gun ports just above the deck.
    De inner bull wark template is placed correct ( I think )
    The first picture you can see that the inner bull wark is to high.
    When I take some material away it looks better.
    At picture 3 you can see what I mean with that the gun port is to high.
    But when I place the carriage I see that the wheels are for the half above the gun port.
    When you take a look ( picture 4) to the inner bull wark you see that it goes upwarts in an angle en not level.
    I know...strange.
    Is there any solution?
    Who can help me with it.
    I all ready remove all the sills.

  19. Like
    Sjors reacted to Heinz6672 in HMS Victory by Sjors - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    Hello Sjors, 
    difficult to tell what you did wrong. I also had very big problems placing the cannon gates in the right places. 
    For the top row, I thought about what could happen in advance. The worst would be if the cannon gates were cut too deep. Then I would have had to file away the wheels of the cannons if they stand too high. If the cannon gates are too high, it doesn't look nice either. It was therefore clear to me that I first had to plank the deck and then use a cannon to determine the correct height of the cannon gates. I only trust on myself and what I see and not on a drawing or a prefabricated part in the construction kit.
    Then I inserted the frames in the gates and attached the second planking outside in the last step.
    What has you to do now? Same as what I wrote above! Align the cannon gates with the height of the cannon and move the gates to the right position. Unfortunately, you have to redo part of your planking. This is annoying, but the result will be worth it.
    Many greetings
  20. Like
    Sjors got a reaction from popeye the sailor in HMS Beagle by mobbsie - OcCre - Scale 1/60   
    I know Mobbsie that OcCre has e few things that is not ok.
    That’s why i change to Caldecraft again.
    I’m spoiled with the Aggy.
    But you make a fine job out of it.
    You don’t reed your PM’s????.??
    I send you 3 messages……..
  21. Like
    Sjors got a reaction from popeye the sailor in HMS Beagle by mobbsie - OcCre - Scale 1/60   
    I see your usual skills 😃
    Do you like the OcCre kits?
  22. Like
    Sjors got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in Nuestra Señora del Pilar by Anja & Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - Scale 1:46   
    Thanks for the likes and everyone who is visiting from time to time.
    Ratlines are done!
    I can not see any ratline for a while now.....
    I don't count them but there are a lot.
    Pictures are a little bit bad because she is to big to get het in one shot....

  23. Like
    Sjors got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in Nuestra Señora del Pilar by Anja & Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - Scale 1:46   
    First of all....the best wishes for the new year and stay healthy!
    A small update.
    Did some rigging at the bowsprit and make the stays and crowfeet.
    Also make the shrouds at the fore mast.
    Next thing......ratlines.......

  24. Laugh
    Sjors reacted to Glenn-UK in HMS Sphinx 1775 by James H - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64   
    I'm about a week behind you🤣
    Looks amazing 
  25. Like
    Sjors got a reaction from PeterB010 in HMS Victory by Sjors - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    The gallery's are on it.
    They are more difficult then I thought but they are on now.
    And I like it how it looks.
    I also get started the double planking.
    Just a small part because of the sils.
    Some are flush and other are a little inside the second planking.
    The manuel is telling me that I have to go downwards with the second planking but I go upwards.
    First I will make all the gunport sills and the inner bull wark.
    When that is finished I will go down.
    Don't ask me why I do it his way but for me it feels a little better.
    And I follow Heinz his way of building......
    Enough talking.

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